Did you catch TBN last night 10.23


Well-Known Member
It was AWWWWWWWWWWWesome. I guess since we have a soap thread I can talk about TBN

Bishop Eddie Long was the host and his guest was great. I especially liked Bishop Ellis from the Bahamas. He repented last night for having too many services on Sunday which was causing him to miss the moves of God. He was ministering about getting in the midst of the Glory of God. He was truly refreshing.

He also had Samuel Chand on the show I think that's his name this man was FULLLLLLLLLLLL of wisdom.

Did anyone else see this episode of TBN?
It was AWWWWWWWWWWWesome. I guess since we have a soap thread I can talk about TBN

Bishop Eddie Long was the host and his guest was great. I especially liked Bishop Ellis from the Bahamas. He repented last night for having too many services on Sunday which was causing him to miss the moves of God. He was ministering about getting in the midst of the Glory of God. He was truly refreshing.

He also had Samuel Chand on the show I think that's his name this man was FULLLLLLLLLLLL of wisdom.

Did anyone else see this episode of TBN?

No, sorry...I don't get TBN.

Sounds like you really had a good time watching it.