Did something a little unorthodox last night

Was it oil sheen or old fashioned hair spray? Like the kind that gets hard? My hair dresser uses a little Mizani oil sheen on each section before he flat irons it and it comes out nice and smooth. Only a little bit though. I can't tell when I touch my hair afterwards that it's in there.

No, its good ol hairspray. She only used a little bit and she waited until each section was dry before she flat ironed it. My hair didn't feel stiff or anything.
Keisha, this is what I did with the thermasmooth. I thought thats what you were supposed to do (my old stylist used to use keracare silk n seal in the spray version this way so I thought the thermasmooth spray was similar)...it turned out really well u just cant use too much of the spray stuff. I would spritz each section only 1 spray, comb thru, and flat iron. It made it very silky and shiny.

So you only use the thermasmooth spray on your roots? I know I probabaly won't get the Thermasmooth by Thanksgiving (thanks hot pepper :drunk:) so I gotta try the Garnier trick. I hope it comes out good!
wondering if this can be done with texlaxed hair - anything to combat humidity and the dreaded frizz!!!
Yes! I knew it wasn't just me! Once after flat ironing my hair I used hair spray instead of oil sheen by mistake. My hair stayed straight in the middle of the summer until I decided to wash it again!

I only use this method when I'm going out to a special occasion and I know it will be washed out soon.
This is funny -- I've done this before. I would hate when I got ready to go out, that if I made a mistake or got alittle heavy handed the hairspray could ruin the sleekness of my hair and cause it to revert alittle. SO - I use a de-humidifying hairspray and would spray it in a "cloud" and allow it to dry before I flat ironed my hair -- it held the style and there was no reversion. You have to be careful to make sure it's dry though so you don't get the *sizzle* I'll have to try the spraying it on my fingers first trick !
I think someone mention this but it also work well with (lottabody mixed with water) and IC heat protector. I rollerset my hair with the lottabody mixture and after drying I flat iron my roots on low with the ic heat protector. I then oil my scalp with essential oils and wrap. This style last a week if I don't exercise to much.:grin: