Did life become harder or easier when you began your walk in the Lord?

In the beginning it was hard because of the lies being fed to me, but if you constantly stay in the word, things do get better. Like what other posters said before, it's only a test to see if you are really dedicated to your faith, like Job and he reaped the benefits in the end. I feel more at peace now than before.
This thread is so encouraging to me. I'm in the beginning of my walk and it's kinda tough. I'm basically starting from scratch building a new foundation while tearing down my old, weak, partly washed away foundation. There are many times when I just want to turn back and run full speed to where I came from. It doesn't help that I'm not one to endure or finish anything that I started. I also over-think alot of things always asking how (how did I get here?) and why (why is this happening?). I know that I just need to let it go and trust God but I guess it's all part of the process. But through it all, somehow (God is an on-time God) I'm determined to stay in this walk. I thank God immensely for placing me and my family in the wonderful church that I belong to with wonderful pastors. As tough as it is sometimes, I'm learning to enjoy this journey. God is an awesome God. Grace and peace to all.
I have been a believer since childhood.

But I must say that life has been
harder in many ways since deciding to step it up a notch.

I have been tested and my eyes opened to the ways of the world so much since I decided to really live for Jesus and begin focusing more on the word and depending on Him. Since we've been tithing, I have been battling with principalities/forces trying to steer me from my journey.

It is as if Satan wasn't messing with me in my happy little comfort zone, but now...whooo.
Okay it seems like once life got a lil easier.....I gotta a lil comfortable :look: so I'm finding myself in places that I already visited re-learning old lessons that I thought I had mastered. I've realized that I lost sight of who was really in control and now I'm going thru the process all over again. Not fun :nono:...but I'm ready to be back with him and stop doubting him.
My current lesson: When God has laid out his plan/purpose for you, don't second guess it but just trust that the Creator knows what he's doing. It's painful to do it your own way.
My life is not complete without God. I wasn't raised in the church either but I joined a Bible club when I was small and grew into the Lord from there. As time went on and being young and foolish I backslided. Let me tell you my life was not the same after that and it took me years of rebellion and hitting rock bottom one year to realize the Lord was calling me back to him and that he was telling me: "You can't do anything without me".
I renewed my relationship with my Lord about a year and a half ago. It changed my marriage, my relationship with my children, family, and friends. I found a new life and a wonderful permanent church home. The Lord gave me my life back and I am so grateful.
Our Lord presents us with challenges but he is with us on that journey every day. The devil is always busy: he is the author of confusion and lies and will try to weaken your walk with the Lord to get you on his side. Satan's side is death, loss, sadness, and misery. God gives us the tool : the Bible to read and grow in strength everyday. We get closer to him in prayer. He is our Father-the giver of life. He does not want us to throw in the towel when things get tough we want us to hang in there because through him is "victory".
Don't worry about the friends you may lose along the way or the family that drifts away. God may only want certain people in your life for a season and he will show you who the "dead branches" are and remove them too. He will give you the "roots" the friends and family who will stick by you and be a comfort. But no matter what the Lord is the best friend you will ever have and he will be your true strength and comfort through all the trials and triublations, triumphs and victories you will ever have.:yawn:
My life is not complete without God. I wasn't raised in the church either but I joined a Bible club when I was small and grew into the Lord from there. As time went on and being young and foolish I backslided. Let me tell you my life was not the same after that and it took me years of rebellion and hitting rock bottom one year to realize the Lord was calling me back to him and that he was telling me: "You can't do anything without me".
I renewed my relationship with my Lord about a year and a half ago. It changed my marriage, my relationship with my children, family, and friends. I found a new life and a wonderful permanent church home. The Lord gave me my life back and I am so grateful.
Our Lord presents us with challenges but he is with us on that journey every day. The devil is always busy: he is the author of confusion and lies and will try to weaken your walk with the Lord to get you on his side. Satan's side is death, loss, sadness, and misery. God gives us the tool : the Bible to read and grow in strength everyday. We get closer to him in prayer. He is our Father-the giver of life. He does not want us to throw in the towel when things get tough we want us to hang in there because through him is "victory".
Don't worry about the friends you may lose along the way or the family that drifts away. God may only want certain people in your life for a season and he will show you who the "dead branches" are and remove them too. He will give you the "roots" the friends and family who will stick by you and be a comfort. But no matter what the Lord is the best friend you will ever have and he will be your true strength and comfort through all the trials and triublations, triumphs and victories you will ever have.:yawn:
Thank you for your testimony. It's very inspiring.:yep:
Seriously dedicating my life to the Lord ushered in the most trying/painful time in life that I have ever experienced.
I would say both. My social/dating life has gone down the ski slope, depending upon how I look at it. I don't have as many friends as I used to, nor is my phone ringing off the hook like it used to, but I look at it as a filtering process. I prayed once that everyone who is not positive and real in my life be removed from me, and that has happened!

My professional life has had ups and downs, but I can honestly say that I don't get so stressed out and depressed about it like I used to. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God". I can honestly say that this verse calms me down so much about life.
Yes and no. At first it seemed harder to me but as I grow and learn I find that it is my choice how I respond to life's challenges. What my mindset is. I control that. In the beginning it is said we have a different kind of grace from God. Picture those baby trees with the sticks and strings stuck in the ground for support. As we grow in our faith we get a different kind of grace. We should be able to go through some things and not 'throw in the towel'. How silly would it look to pass by that same tree 50 years later and see a huge trunk with those same supports attached? It may not be that things got easier rather that I have been equipped by God to handle them quickly and efficiently whereas before I didn't know what to do. Each of us even as Christians can choose how deep/ far we want our relationship to go w/God after that initial salvation encounter. I choose to march to the beat of a different drum and not take an easier route. Not b/c I'm prideful. Nor b/c I'm a 'glutton for punishment'. It is b/c I've found something so wonderful, so worth sharing, I'm afraid I can't help myself! I want others to experience things like joy vs happiness, wealth vs riches, wisdom vs knowledge. 'Tis all. ;)

Matt 7:13-14
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

The Road Less Traveled
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference

...Robert Frost
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Wow what a great question. I found that I have a purpose a goal. so it makes me happier and I have something to look forward to so I am so excited about that but yes things are harder in terms of not getting angry about everything that seems to fall on you at once. Knowing that Satan is coming after me with everything and what I learned is that I need to get prepared. I am learning so much and so much of it is makes me sad. I know a lot of people are turned off by my beliefs and I understand some of it. I know that many people in the church that I once thought were all that are no different then anyone else and so I determine that no matter what is thrown at me I will be faithful. Which requires I keep the bible with me always and I pray constantly. I am grateful that God desires me to be with him so I count it all Joy whatever I have to go through to spend forever with the Lord and experience all that he has promised me its worth it. Whatever happens its worth. it. I encourage anyone that reads this nothing on this earth is worth keeping nothing its all burned up anyway.
This is a great thread.. I too feel the same way as it seems harder but agree with everyone that its bc you are more aware of God..I am having the same struggles and thank God for you starting this thread..
For me personally, "Life" made more sense. I became aware that I had more capabilities and strength for the challenges of Life, than I had before I was 'Saved'.

I had more hope and faith in what I was living for. I still had struggles and even more struggles came into my life, but I wasn't 'afraid' like I was before. I dunno, it's just that, I began communicating with God in a relationship that I had begun with Him and He was always there, even when I didn't feel like He was, He was still always there.

What made me so aware of Him was that every single time I opened up His 'Word', God always spoke to me, directly about the situations I was in. He always gave me a word to stand upon.

I remember reading about King David, and I noticed that David would always ask God, what he should do; and God always answered him. I began doing the same thing, asking God, 'Lord what shall I do?", and as soon as I'd open the Bible, there God was with a scripture which fit into each situation.

Were things easier for me?

I'd have to say yes they were, because without my relationship with the Lord, I never had the answers, and God has proven to me, that no matter what He has promised me, that He will never forsake me, God has never lied to me.

The 'challenges' were still hard and I was always looking forward to each one to end, for better is the 'end' of a thing, than the beginning and duration of it.

However, each promise, that God blessed me with, each word of His reasurance that He was in control and that my prayers were heard by Him, each promise which never failed to give me comfort, I have always seen them come to pass, just as He promised me in Psalm 89, Psalm 16, Psalm 3, Psalm 23, Isaiah 7, 27, 50, 58, 61, 43, Nahum 1, Malachi 3, Ecclesiates 3 and 5, Song of Solomon, Esther 1, Ephesians 6, Revelation..... Proverbs 23, Luke 19, Luke 16, Acts 4, I Timothy 1, Galatians 4, James 1, Philipians 2, Romans 8, Hebrews 6 and 10, Job 5, Genesis 11, Genesis 49, Luke 1,

This word became my frequent prayer from ... Job 34:32,

Father in the name of Jesus....

"That which I see, not teach thou me,: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more".

There's no end...to what my Father God has 'taught' me and what I have still yet to learn; He has helped me to learn from my sins, my mistakes, my foolishness, many things which I have learned to do no more.

Praise the name of Jesus -- Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him. :Rose:
For me personally, life with the Lord has been more pressing. However, in my past I would give up. Now that I do walk with the Lord. I just look up. I can say my life is different and a lot of people tell me. I sound so much stronger in my talk. When situations come.
This is a really edifying thread :yep:

I don't think the struggles are more or worst since I've been saved; it' more that I'm better prepared to deal with life and I feel more protected. I'm also more aware of spiritual attacks that come in the form of people and situations and they only make my faith and Christian walk stronger. The attacks are challenging but if life were easier, I'd be worried...that just means I'm not a threat to the Kingdom of Darkness (IOW, they don't see Jesus)

Life hasn't changed...but I have have, becuase of my commitment to serve God.
