Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

I've started taking it again and plan to be consistent with it this time. For those that experienced being tired, approximately how long did that last? I'm not tired to the point of feeling like I'm going to fall out, but more like a feeling of lounging all day like I've been up all night if that makes any sense. I've only been taking it for about three days, I take a heaping tablespoon.

Would take it before bed. I cant take it during the day for that reason.

I am a few days in. No lbs lost, but I have more energy and it's curbed my appetite.

I take a tbsp in the AM in green tea and then I sip on DE water in my 24 oz water bottle daily. I'd like to incorporate it in other ways, just can't see how yet.

But so far so good.
For those taking Diatomaceous for a while did the "cleansing" come before the "renewed" skin? I'm probably being too anxious to see or feel anything so I thought I'd asked to hush me up!
I took it consistently back in April for about 3 weeks for a trip and really saw changes in my appetite and lost almost 15 lbs. Since July....I'lll say I take it maybe 10% of the time, but when I do...same thing. The only reason I am not consistent is because I feel like I have to choose before my "take on an empty stomach vitamins" that I take first thing which actually does help my skin and hair or the DE that I take first thing. I can't seem to find any info about the time between DE and taking vitamins. I also realized later in the game that I need to make sure I take my probiotics. So maybe I'll report some hair, skin and even sleep changes...but for now...I'm going back to taking it because it help me manage my sugar/carb cravings and when I took my green smoothies about an hour later, I felt fuller longer. I felt energized after them.
I am going do the water-soak method starting tonite. If I do take some of the powder down, it will be less than 1/2 tsp.

I'm thinking I'll take my vitamins/MSM in the morning with breakfast and DE water around 8 pm. Hopefully I will sleep the whole night thru instead of waking 2 hours before the alarm and back sleepy when it's time to get up. :mad:
I started taking DE about 4 months ago for the "elimination" properties, which it did a good job of. 3 months ago, I was dealing with the knots at the end of my hair and trying to decide if I should cut it. It was then I realized that my hair had grown almost more than an inch that month. That's when I realized that the silica content was growing my hair faster. I consumed it more regularly because I liked the taste of the water with DE in it, so I'm back on it regularly. This stuff is great!
Hey Ladies, I found this thread because I was looking for consuming clay for its nutritional/detox benefits. I just read the Clay Cure. I was initially interested in a bentonite clay because of its adsorbtion/absorption ability but after reading this thread I'm going to pick up some DE.
I have already started consuming bentonite clay and doing clay baths after reading the book(only 2 days ago :)). Haven't noticed anything but increased fatigue and BM's. Plan on reporting back.
I've been taking it for I guess a week and a half now. I teaspoon in the morning with my Oj and vitamins and at night with my Oj and vitamins. Since my gag reflex won't let me tolerate it in plain water.


* Slept like a baby
* Curbs appetite
* Lost maybbbbeee 3 or 4 lbs,, But hey,,, I'll take what I can get.
* Skin is glowing
* Joints not AS achey anymore,, still achey tho.

Haven't noticed any hair or nail benefits yet. I will keep using ftill the 10lb bag is gone. I got the food grade organic bag from Ace hardward for like 11.99
Platinum. I've been taking it since the last couple days in December. My cycle was only three days long and crampless. If that is the only benefit I receive, then I am just fine w/that. :lol:
I have been slipping some into my tea for a week or so. Nothing big to report just yet, but I am sleeping better and able to keep my food cravings in check
i just ordered some. this is my second go round with DE. the first time i tried it, it made me constipated (tmi sorry) so i gave up. Im going to up my water intake and start with smaller doses this time =)