Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

With regard to a couple of your responses...my water intake is still limited..(tryin' tho')

The color of mine is off white and is chalky - but the texture is the same as flour - so you batch seems legit

Mine is like flour too. So...on your water intake, how much do you drink per day?

Should the DE be pure white?
My skin feels a lot "firmer" It could be all the exercises I am doing too?

The Many Benefits of Silica:

• Silica can hinder the effects of coronary disease by fortifying blood vessels.
• Silica aids in the repair and maintenance of vital lung tissues and defending them from pollution.
• Silica decreases swelling due to its positive effects on the lymphatic system.
• Silica assists in the prevention of kidney stones and heal infection of the urinary tract. It is a natural diuretic, which can encourage excretion by 30%.
• The presence of adequate Silica in the intestines will diminish inflammation of the intestinal tract. It can cause disinfection in the case of stomach and intestinal catarrh and ulcers. Silica can avert or clear up diarrhea and its opposite, constipation.
• Silica can assist in normalizing hemorrhoidal tissues, while lessening lower back pain.
• Silica works as a supportive treatment for inflammation of the middle ear.
• Silica may normalize circulation and regulate high blood pressure.
• Silica can assist diabetes by encouraging synthesis of elastase (an enzyme) inhibitor by the pancreas.
• Silica improves mobility by improving the elasticity of the joints.
• Silica may hinder the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatism.
• Silica may stimulate cell metabolism and division.
• Silica delays the aging process.
• Silica beautifies hair with luster, elasticity and vigor.
• By taking part in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, Silica regenerates skin and the vascular walls.

• Silica may assist in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by inhibiting the body from absorbing aluminum and may flush our aluminum from the tissues.

All of us need Silica, regardless of our age. It is as important to provide the body dietary sources of Silica early in life as it is during the aging process when Silica levels in tissue usually drop off steeply. Silica has an exact absolute influence on absorption of all minerals that the body requires to maintain health. It adds to the quality of life!

Thanks for posting BlaqueAngel,
Now do you think the silica in DE is enough or should we take the supplement in addition to?
I know some multi vits. make me hungry. Maybe it's absorbing into your system better since taking the DE? :scratchchJust a thought.

:yep: ah! Multi vits can give you an appetite? Wow. That would explain it because I started the multi and DE pretty much on the same day. (maybe a day apart) .
Originally Posted by Jozze
I'm in the UK so I ordered mine over here but my Mom, who's in the US too, ordered hers from earthworks.com and she's having great results as well.

Since you're not gaining DE benefits I'd like to know a few things so maybe we can get it working it's mojo for you too:grin::

How much are you taking everyday? Nearly 2 tbsps (it's like one heaping tbsp and then a half a tbsp)
How much water are you drinking? (:look:) erm...probably 20 oz a day. (ducking the stones and tomatoes) Does the water in my tea count? Add 16 more oz!
Are you taking it in a smoothie/shake or just in water? Just water with maybe 3 oz of juice or something to make it less boring.
What time in the day (morning or before bed) are you taking it? Been taking it at bedtime for the past 7 days or so. Prior to that, it was in the morning (got too sleepy that way)
And a real important question:What colour is the DE you're taking? My DE is a cream/ivory powder and is very chalky.
If it's off white or grey it is not pure DE. So you wouldn't get the best results.

Well, it would certainly fit under off-white. What color is it supposed to be?

Thanks Jozze. Answers in blue!

Well Hun, I think you need to first cut down on the amount of DE you're taking because you're not drinking enough water everyday to flush it through your system. I'd even recommend that you stop taking DE for a few days and increase your water (60-80oz everyday) and fiber intake during that time. That way we get your BMs moving better and empty out the old DE that's most likely built up in your colon causing gas and constipation. Once your bowels are moving and the gas has subsided then try a low dosage of DE (1/2 tbsp) in OJ on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. When I've taken this way, I've had a BM within two hours everytime! Then eat something.
Another good way of taking DE is mixed in a bowls of oats and fruit. I have a bm within an hour when I take it this way and it really kills my appetite because the oats fill me up as well.
I don't know what to tell you about the sleepiness, I get burst of energy when taking mine but different bodies react differently to things. HTHs:D

BTW -The colour of my DE is pure white but I've read that off white and ivory are acceptable DE colours as long as it's not grey you're good.:lachen:
Well Hun, I think you need to first cut down on the amount of DE you're taking because you're not drinking enough water everyday to flush it through your system. I'd even recommend that you stop taking DE for a few days and increase your water (60-80oz everyday) and fiber intake during that time. That way we get your BMs moving better and empty out the old DE that's most likely built up in your colon causing gas and constipation. Once your bowels are moving and the gas has subsided then try a low dosage of DE (1/2 tbsp) in OJ on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. When I've taken this way, I've had a BM within two hours everytime! Then eat something. Another good way of taking DE is mixed in a bowls of oats and fruit. I have a bm within an hour when I take it this way and it really kills my appetite because the oats fill me up as well.
I don't know what to tell you about the sleepiness, I get burst of energy when taking mine but different bodies react differently to things. HTHs:D

BTW -The colour of my DE is pure white but I've read that off white and ivory are acceptable DE colours as long as it's not grey you're good.:lachen:


wow. Thank you so much. The thought of DE being built up in my system is scary. I'm starting today.
Well Hun, I think you need to first cut down on the amount of DE you're taking because you're not drinking enough water everyday to flush it through your system. I'd even recommend that you stop taking DE for a few days and increase your water (60-80oz everyday) and fiber intake during that time. That way we get your BMs moving better and empty out the old DE that's most likely built up in your colon causing gas and constipation. Once your bowels are moving and the gas has subsided then try a low dosage of DE (1/2 tbsp) in OJ on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. When I've taken this way, I've had a BM within two hours everytime! Then eat something.
Another good way of taking DE is mixed in a bowls of oats and fruit. I have a bm within an hour when I take it this way and it really kills my appetite because the oats fill me up as well.
I don't know what to tell you about the sleepiness, I get burst of energy when taking mine but different bodies react differently to things. HTHs:D

BTW -The colour of my DE is pure white but I've read that off white and ivory are acceptable DE colours as long as it's not grey you're good.:lachen:

Wow it never occurred to me that it could build up...Thanks for all of this info Jozze!
Maybe that's what happened to me today. I actually barfed up my dosage. I took it as usual in tea, but when I drank some water afterwards, I got that watery mouth thing going, and it came up. About an hour later, I drank some more water and it came up again...from the deep. So my whole dosage is gone for the day. I do know I need to get rid of some "stuff". I drank a cup of Smooth Move tea last nite, but didn't get a fulfilling "outflow" from it, even though I am getting rid of stuff multiple times per day.

So I'm gonna lay off until I fully purge. I haven't been eating the best, but what to do? DH came home with lamb chops and oxtails, and I already had a pack of porterhouse steaks in the refrig. Now I need to cook and grill this stuff before I need to throw it out. So that's more not-so-good food I gotta eat. :lick: :ohwell:

I did eat some cottage cheese with pineapple today, twice, and it has stayed down. I feel fine, I'm just scared to drink water. I'll be glad when the psyllium and bentonite gets here. I'll keep ya'll posted.
For those taking it w/ vitamins -Won't DE wash away vitamins?

...I think thats why some are taking it before bed, especially if they're taking alot of vitamins. Its a detox.

The consultant that has been using it and selling it for 20 years says to take it atleast 30 minutes before vitamins :)
Ladies, I want to cry :cry: My dads sugar level has gone down 6 points now..
I should start keeping track of the dates.
He was on 6 injections a day and also the diabetes tablets.
Now the nurses are telling him if it keeps up, He can get off his meds soon!!!! :yay:
He has more energy and his stomach is looking small.

Thank the lord, Thank D.E :yay: I'm so excited...Thank you all who made me make the decision to put my family on D.E :yay: :superbanana: :yay:
Ladies, I want to cry :cry: My dads sugar level has gone down 6 points now..
I should start keeping track of the dates.
He was on 6 injections a day and also the diabetes tablets.
Now the nurses are telling him if it keeps up, He can get off his meds soon!!!! :yay:
He has more energy and his stomach is looking small.

Thank the lord, Thank D.E :yay: I'm so excited...Thank you all who made me make the decision to put my family on D.E :yay: :superbanana: :yay:

This is great news BA!!! My grandad has just been in hospital as he had a stroke, he also has diabetes. I wonder if this woul benefit him. What did your Dad say when you first told him about it?

I just got mine in the post finally, I don't know how I am supposed to take it as it doesn't say on the bottle for human dosage
This is great news BA!!! My grandad has just been in hospital as he had a stroke, he also has diabetes. I wonder if this woul benefit him. What did your Dad say when you first told him about it?

I just got mine in the post finally, I don't know how I am supposed to take it as it doesn't say on the bottle for human dosage

My dad is quite open minded, so he is willing to try natrural alternatives.

We take a tablespoon at night *( I have started taking a teaspoon at lunch too :))

Sorry to here about your Grand dad. in my opinion yes.it will help him :)
Ladies, I want to cry :cry: My dads sugar level has gone down 6 points now..
I should start keeping track of the dates.
He was on 6 injections a day and also the diabetes tablets.
Now the nurses are telling him if it keeps up, He can get off his meds soon!!!! :yay:
He has more energy and his stomach is looking small.

Thank the lord, Thank D.E :yay: I'm so excited...Thank you all who made me make the decision to put my family on D.E :yay: :superbanana: :yay:

That is wonderful!!!!!!! My dad has type 2 Diabetes and he supposed to be going to the doctor soon - I pray that he has the same results....
My DE just arrived today, hurrah! I've been lurking in this thread reading all of your amazing results. BA your dad's results are really inspiring. I can't wait to start.

I'm in the UK and I bought my DE from here:

It is pure white and chalky. Thing is, they have in a squeeze type-bottle and when I try to measure out a spoonful it blows the DE in a puff.

Is this dangerous?! I read that should try not to breathe it in.....

I've tried and I can't get the DE out without making it puff. Stupid design!!

Could someone let me know if I should just throw this out and buy from another company?
Raw eggs?:shocked: I know that DE is suppose to take away the worms and parasites but perhaps you have a worm or parasite in your body from the raw eggs that is making you crave more food?

:perplexed PLEASE Drink Your Way to Waistlength ladies...chime in. I guess I need to check that thread and research whether they are experiencing increased appetites as well.
I'm on Day 3 of taking 1 tablespoon of DE in 32oz cup of water. I'm not sure if its too early to claim benefits, but I woke up at 5am this morning. I usually get up at 7/7:30. I wasnt tired or anything. I do have a lot of gas, but not sure if thats due to the any of the supplemnents or vitamins I take (particularly Maca). I haven't been taking it long but I think thats the culprit.
I sent some to my mother who had a really bad work related accident that resulted in her wrist being shattered. She's a nurse and fell on it (long story). It was a bad break. So bad that it took 2 surgeries to correct and she's still having problems with it.

Anyway...she started taking DE about 2 days ago and noted pain in her wrist but she always had pain. That's not what I wanted to hear because the reason I told her to take it was to hopefully help her in the healing process. Maybe this is part of the process?

She did tell me that she had alot of energy though.

I see that my hair is growing but my 4a texture in the front is coming in curlier...not wavy at all. I'll see if it's true once I hit the 5-6 month mark (i'm currently 2 months post).
Raw eggs?:shocked: I know that DE is suppose to take away the worms and parasites but perhaps you have a worm or parasite in your body from the raw eggs that is making you crave more food?

lol, i used to love drinking raw eggs too. (the waistlength shake)
i'm now a vegan. so use whey protein..but that shake with the raw egg is good! :yep:
just like egg nog-which is also raw eggs :)
My DE just arrived today, hurrah! I've been lurking in this thread reading all of your amazing results. BA your dad's results are really inspiring. I can't wait to start.

I'm in the UK and I bought my DE from here:

It is pure white and chalky. Thing is, they have in a squeeze type-bottle and when I try to measure out a spoonful it blows the DE in a puff.

Is this dangerous?! I read that should try not to breathe it in.....

I've tried and I can't get the DE out without making it puff. Stupid design!!

Could someone let me know if I should just throw this out and buy from another company?

no, don't throw it out. can you cut open the bottle and pour it in a zip loc bag?

i know i've been buzzing all day since i spoke to my dads nurse. he has had diabetes since before i was born,. i just hope it goes away!!
My DE just arrived today, hurrah! I've been lurking in this thread reading all of your amazing results. BA your dad's results are really inspiring. I can't wait to start.

I'm in the UK and I bought my DE from here:

It is pure white and chalky. Thing is, they have in a squeeze type-bottle and when I try to measure out a spoonful it blows the DE in a puff.

Is this dangerous?! I read that should try not to breathe it in.....

I've tried and I can't get the DE out without making it puff. Stupid design!!

Could someone let me know if I should just throw this out and buy from another company?

I got mine from the same place.. I may go outside with a mask and transfer to something more suibtable or complain to company. I don't have money to waste lol
:perplexed PLEASE Drink Your Way to Waistlength ladies...chime in. I guess I need to check that thread and research whether they are experiencing increased appetites as well.

I did have bouts of hunger in the first couple of weeks of the egg cocktail shake. i think a lot of ladies did, i will do a quick search for you. by the third week my appetite was surpressed and i was full for hours after drinking my yummy shake. :lick:
I did have bouts of hunger in the first couple of weeks of the egg cocktail shake. i think a lot of ladies did, i will do a quick search for you. by the third week my appetite was surpressed and i was full for hours after drinking my yummy shake. :lick:

:yay: Thank you so much Blaque. :huggle:
I'm on Day 3 of taking 1 tablespoon of DE in 32oz cup of water. I'm not sure if its too early to claim benefits, but I woke up at 5am this morning. I usually get up at 7/7:30. I wasnt tired or anything. I do have a lot of gas, but not sure if thats due to the any of the supplemnents or vitamins I take (particularly Maca). I haven't been taking it long but I think thats the culprit.

I believe this is all a result of DE. I wake up at 3 and or 5am since I started taking DE. Plus I along with others have expeerienced the gas. :look:

I sent some to my mother who had a really bad work related accident that resulted in her wrist being shattered. She's a nurse and fell on it (long story). It was a bad break. So bad that it took 2 surgeries to correct and she's still having problems with it.

Anyway...she started taking DE about 2 days ago and noted pain in her wrist but she always had pain. That's not what I wanted to hear because the reason I told her to take it was to hopefully help her in the healing process. Maybe this is part of the process?

She did tell me that she had alot of energy though.

I see that my hair is growing but my 4a texture in the front is coming in curlier...not wavy at all. I'll see if it's true once I hit the 5-6 month mark (i'm currently 2 months post).

I've had knee pain for some years now. But when I started DE it didn't leave immediately. It was almost if it was a bit more noticeable. However, today my knees are pain free. So please encourage your Mom to stick with it! :yep:
I got mine from the same place.. I may go outside with a mask and transfer to something more suibtable or complain to company. I don't have money to waste lol

no, don't throw it out. can you cut open the bottle and pour it in a zip loc bag?

Success! I used a knife and very carefully lifted up and removed the cap that makes it come out as puff of powder.

Tickled you could do this too. This way I can put the main cap on and still use the container in came it. It will be easy to pour into a tablespoon now.

I don't know how much I took today but it was probably less than a teaspoon. Still I won't take anymore until tomorrow. This seems to be potent stuff and I don't want to play around!

I still can't believe that they used a bottle designed like that with contents you're supposed to breathe in!
I'm curious does it make you sleepy or give you energy? I don't want to start tonight if it's gonna keep me up, but I don't want to be drowsy during the day.:look: