Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

Drank my usual 32oz bottle of DE today. I think this is my second week on it and it has worked wonders with my bowel movements, a couple of times a day some days now. It's a keeper, even if just for this one reason. I have been sleeping very soundly as well and the pain I've been having in my wrist from tendonitis is now gone. I love these side benefits - a lot!!!

I'm an insomniac so this sounds lovely.:yep:
When I first got my DE in the mail and mixed a tsp with water, I couldn't take it...too chalky and resembled milk too much for me (I hate drinking milk). So, I mix it most mornings with a juice (apple, grape, orange), whatever kind I have on hand. I use a juice glass (about 6 oz, short, and round) and add one heaping tsp. I ordered a 1lb bag (think of a gallon-sized Ziploc bag full to within 1" of the rim) some weeks ago, and that is going to last me a long time.

I mix it in and drink with my breakfast. It has certainly helped in the energy dept., and also with skin clearing and colon health. I slack off come mornings b/c I forget to drink it (and I try not to take any later than 4pm b/c I will have too much energy before bed). But, most weeks I'm taking it 4-5 times per week. I want to make sure I stay on task and take it daily so that I can have even-keeled results.

So far, I have tried to put other family members on this, but you know how old-school, traditional black folks can be (scared to try new foods and new anything, for that matter). I think it could help fam with diabetes, psoriasis, high BP, etc, but now I have to get them to actually try it. Wish me luck on that one! lol
I wanna take this after I have my baby but researching now doesn't hurt, lol. Losing weight and hair growth?! Perfect!!! But 4 those taking it, how does it taste/feel? Does it dissolve completely like salt or is it gritty? Does it taste nasty in plain water? Does a juice really cover the taste? I love supplements but the thing that makes me inconsistent with them is the fact that a lot of them are not very appetizing so it's hard to stick to. Is it tolerable or do you have to pinch your nose every time you take it? :perplexed

It has no taste. You do feel a little chalky/gritty residue in your mouth when drinking it but still no taste. I can't speak on taking it with juice because I always put my tbsp in 32 oz of water & drink it that way.

I do not have to pinch my nose at all to take this. I drink mine at night. I've been taking mine for about a week now & so far it has made me really regular. Whereas I was only going once a day before, now I'm going several times per day.

So far I think it's a keeper.:yep:
Ok, so mine arrived this morning. I poured a heaping teaspoon into my cup of water here at work. The taste isn't bad at all. I'm hoping it makes me a bit more regular and helps w/ candida maybe. When I read it's good for cleansing your insides and making folks more regular that def made me want to purchase it. I'm still a wee bit scared about injesting it and it killing insects :look: ... I'm going to put some in the crevices of my apt this wknd.
OK.. I am only on day two. I've already had two BM's. Woohooo! That's great for me because I usually go every couple of days.

I take mine with juice. Maybe I should try the water the next time or maybe even milk.

I will also try it at night.

I'm trying to get DH to try it in hopes of helping him with his cholesterol and HBP. He said, nope... I'm not using anything that you use to kill bugs. :lachen:

I gave him a lot of youtube sites and other sites as well as written literature to read. He just called me and asked how much to mix. :yep:

I will have you know that I took my normal 1 tbsp of DE last night mixed in water and a little milk and I woke up with NO appetite, what-so-ever. I finally ate after a couple hours (that was around 9am) because I know that is best for the metabolism. So... (looks at clock) that was 9 HOURS AGO and I'm still not hungry!! DE has made me one of those people that's going to have to have to set an alarm to remember to eat. :thud:

Operation "sexy by summer" in full effect. I'll be able to eat exactly what I need to, when I need to because I don't have ANY cravings! :look: well... except for my DE :lick:

co-signing, i have had a smoothie all day and not hungry!!
its 5PM here now..
Im drinking a lot of water though.

Also, I went to sleep at 11pm and woke up at 4am so refreshed and awake!!

I love D.E :yay: :superbanana:
:dance7:I'm so happy for you Sheba!!!:clap::clap::D

We should start a weightloss DE group called "sexy by summer" or SXS!!! DE def has amazing appetite suppression. I've lost six pounds in two weeks because I never remember to eat and I've only been craving fruit and veg. Also, I've completely gone off strachy carbs and sweets since taking it.
I take my tbsp of DE blended in my morning fruit and green smoothies and I only need to eat one small meal for dinner. This is the easiest weightloss I've ever experienced!

ETA: Just make sure you don't forget to drink enough water. I forgot one day last week and got a terrible migraine. DE is very dehydrating.

congrats with your weight loss too :yay:

i get terrible headache's if i do not drink atleast half a gallon of water, i wake up with such a dry throat!!!

i will be happy to join the challenge. :yep:
I would have to agree on the appetite suppressing...I took it at night for the last couple of nights (forgot to take in the morning) and in the morning the only reason I am reminded to eat something is because I am taking other vitamins...and when I ate something I couldn't eat it all up like I normally do- just felt full....
I wanna take this after I have my baby but researching now doesn't hurt, lol. Losing weight and hair growth?! Perfect!!! But 4 those taking it, how does it taste/feel? Does it dissolve completely like salt or is it gritty? Does it taste nasty in plain water? Does a juice really cover the taste? I love supplements but the thing that makes me inconsistent with them is the fact that a lot of them are not very appetizing so it's hard to stick to. Is it tolerable or do you have to pinch your nose every time you take it? :perplexed

No smell, No taste..

It is fine in water, If you do not stir it properly you will have a chalky residue. But I love chalk!! :lol:
Ok...so I have been taking it for about 8 days now. I have only been taking a heaping teaspoon per day. On, like day two, I took two heaping teaspoons and ended up with a headache so I backed the dosage back down.

I haven't noticed anything...except being EXTRA sleepy....other than that....I'm not noticing anything in the way of elimination...no detoxing....no nothing. I wonder if it's working? I ordered from www.morethanalive.com. They sell the perma guard.

I guess it's time for me to increase the dosage huh?
Ok...so I have been taking it for about 8 days now. I have only been taking a heaping teaspoon per day. On, like day two, I took two heaping teaspoons and ended up with a headache so I backed the dosage back down.

I haven't noticed anything...except being EXTRA sleepy....other than that....I'm not noticing anything in the way of elimination...no detoxing....no nothing. I wonder if it's working? I ordered from www.morethanalive.com. They sell the perma guard.

I guess it's time for me to increase the dosage huh?

DE makes me super sleepy also! And the first time I took DE I got a headache because I didn't drink enough water that day. Try increasing the dosage to a heaping Tablespoon, taking it right before bed (you'll sleep great because it makes you sleepy) and make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
I having been taking DE for two weeks now. I started out with two heaping tbsp, now I jus do one in the morning. This is so that I can take my vitamins at night. I have noticed that the whites of my eyes are clearer, whiter. My face seems to be clearing up. But that may be the new face products. IDK. I know that I am not drinking enough water, because some things are harder to get rid of...if you know what I mean. But I am going to continue to take this. I want to see other changes.

Hi Sheba1 :wave:
DE makes me super sleepy also! And the first time I took DE I got a headache because I didn't drink enough water that day. Try increasing the dosage to a heaping Tablespoon, taking it right before bed (you'll sleep great because it makes you sleepy) and make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.

I having been taking DE for two weeks now. I started out with two heaping tbsp, now I jus do one in the morning. This is so that I can take my vitamins at night. I have noticed that the whites of my eyes are clearer, whiter. My face seems to be clearing up. But that may be the new face products. IDK. I know that I am not drinking enough water, because some things are harder to get rid of...if you know what I mean. But I am going to continue to take this. I want to see other changes.

Hi Sheba1 :wave:

I KNOW that is my issue...I am finding IT harder to drink water like I normally do...like I have to force it or something...going through what Cutenss mentioned above...

My skin has been doing better lately - I just started using the Cetaphil/Baking Soda (Thanks Sheba!!!) last week...

I will give my parents a call this weekend to check on them - I sent them some about a week and half ago for their joints, hypertension, etc.

I am also not "mucusing" (is that a word??) anymore...it was two days where my nose was just running for no reason (no cold - don't have sinus) and I was little mucusy (another made up word) in the private areas...(TMI)
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Well I know that I am gonna have to step it up. Because when I don't, it also gives me terrible lingering headaches :sad:
I KNOW that is my issue...I am finding IT harder to drink water like I normally do...like I have to force it or something...going through what Cutenss mentioned above...

My skin has been doing better lately - I just started using the Cetaphil/Baking Soda (Thanks Sheba!!!) last week...

I will give my parents a call this weekend to check on them - I sent them some about a week and half ago for their joints, hypertension, etc.

I am also not "mucusing" (is that a word??) anymore...it was two days where my nose was just running for no reason (no cold - don't have sinus) and I was little mucusy (another made up word) in the private areas...(TMI)

lol @ mucusy, mines as completely stopped to (the vaginal discharge/runny nose/and mucus from throat) so now the D.E is getting to work!!

need to drink more water, my head is beginning to ache:ohwell:
I having been taking DE for two weeks now. I started out with two heaping tbsp, now I jus do one in the morning. This is so that I can take my vitamins at night. I have noticed that the whites of my eyes are clearer, whiter. My face seems to be clearing up. But that may be the new face products. IDK. I know that I am not drinking enough water, because some things are harder to get rid of...if you know what I mean. But I am going to continue to take this. I want to see other changes.

Hi Sheba1 :wave:

Hi Cutenss!! :grin: Good to see you here, friend!

I KNOW that is my issue...I am finding IT harder to drink water like I normally do...like I have to force it or something...going through what Cutenss mentioned above...

My skin has been doing better lately - I just started using the Cetaphil/Baking Soda (Thanks Sheba!!!) last week...

I will give my parents a call this weekend to check on them - I sent them some about a week and half ago for their joints, hypertension, etc.

I am also not "mucusing" (is that a word??) anymore...it was two days where my nose was just running for no reason (no cold - don't have sinus) and I was little mucusy (another made up word) in the private areas...(TMI)

Sqzbly, I'm so glad the Cetaphil/Baking Soda is working for you! I'm going to try mixing my cetaphil with DE the next time I scrub and see what that does for me. I feel the silica may be an added benefit. I'll keep you posted!
Sqzbly, I'm so glad the Cetaphil/Baking Soda is working for you! I'm going to try mixing my cetaphil with DE the next time I scrub and see what that does for me. I feel the silica may be an added benefit. I'll keep you posted!

I have been thinking that same thing after I read about it...I just keep forgetting to try it...I think it said to let it sit on your face for a few minutes as well...
I've been taking Fossil Shell Flour for several months now and I never had that adjustment period. I never felt sick or tired and I started out with a 2 heaping tablespoons. It wakes me right up, better than coffee and I feel very healthy. Concurrently, I take MSM and I have no idea about whether it "grows" hair more quickly. But my health is better.
Ok I am on day 3 of DE and I have noticed (1) I have been sleeping more sound at
night (2) I am having more BM's (3)my joints are not hurting like they normally do so it will be interesting to see the long term but so far so good !
Me too ^^. I'm on day three and feeling great. I have noticed an increase in BM's. Also, I started taking DE at night because I would be sleepy during the day. I did notice that I really didn't have an appetite today. I made myself eat a slice of pizza for lunch and had a small dinner which I didn't even finish.

I just had my DE mixed with warm water (yuck at the chalkiness). I also followed it up with a cup of blueberry white tea. :lick:
I ordered some DE a while back but its taking forever to get to me. So I bought some hair vitamins with Silica to take in the mean time. *sigh* I can't wait to try the real stuff though.
Just sharing this as a heads up. I hope it's okay to copy. I copied these posts from the longhaircommunity. They had a thread about DE. And this is just a heads up. I'm not downing the party but want everyone informed


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Default Re: 1/2" growth per month to 1/2" in 4 days!!!
Fractalsofhair: "alexas-1/2 inch in 4 days is a little under 4 inches a month....1/2 inch in 4 days does seem high, but I'm guessing the OP got more like... 1/4 or a little bit over and measured oddly..."

hi, i'm the OP and i never, never, EVER said that i get 1/2" every 4 days; i said i got a growth spurt of 1/2" in 4 days after using Shapley's MTG.

i also never attributed this growth spurt to DE; i merely mentioned that i had also been taking biotin and DE for some time. but this thread has taken on a life of its own and become all about DE rather than Shapley's or biotin. which is fine! the fact alone that DE has done away with jojo's asthma makes it possible for me to bear all the implications that i'm a liar and don't know how to use a measuring tape, but it seems quite a few other people have benefited from finding out about DE--from sleeping better to getting rid of cockroaches! i am very glad if any information i have shared has had a positive impact on a few lives!

and, gorram it...i DO know how to use a measuring tape!
River, honey? He's putting the hair away now.
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Default Re: 1/2" growth per month to 1/2" in 4 days!!!
I have been taking DE for about 4 wks. now. I got 1/2" of growth in a 4 days also but not any more that I can tell. BUT it has helped with the shedding - it has gone down a LOT.

Also it has helped with constipation that I have had for a long time. I don't have to take anything for that any more.
I am taking 1 tab. of DE in the morning & at night.
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Default Re: 1/2" growth per month to 1/2" in 4 days!!!
PirateJenny, I didn't realize your OP was more about Shapley's MTG! That's funny! All this time I thought it was all about DE.

I read "Cat Woman's" post about DE over on hennaforhair.com. It is very concerning to me. Her husband had to take ibuprophen for an injury, and apparently the DE had stripped the mucous from his stomach, so the ibuprophen caused severe gastritis/intense pain that caused him to go to the hospital in an ambulance, stay there for a multi-day visit, and he is still off work. THe pain was very intense and long lasting for him. Wow. This is not good at all. I think I might switch to a low dose of that liquid silica (the bad tasting one)...I don't know....


From what I can tell piratejenny23 talks about two separate growth spurts in her OP. The first one was 1/2 inch in one week, Oct 2-9. She does attributes that to DE and molasses. Quote:
A couple of weeks ago I started taking diatomaceous earth, about 1 tablespoon per day, and my hair grew 1/2" in a week (Oct 2 to Oct 9). Oh and I started taking a spoonful or two of molasses every day around this time too.

Her thread subject line "1/2" growth per month to 1/2" in 4 days!!!" references the growth spurt caused by the MTG, which occurred between Oct 9 to 13. But she includes links to info on DE in her post. She goes back and forth in the same post talking about MTG and DE so its easy to see that a reader might get confused as to the focus of her post. But in the end she clearly stated that she got 1/2 inch in one week from DE and molasses. That's good enough for me.

Her post and the entire thread can be found here:

^^^Whatever works go for it. I was just going by her post that she did not attribute growth to DE. I assumed she was clearing up any confusion with that post. Either way. I just wanted everyone to be up to date. I hope everyone gets what they're looking forr and I look forward to hopefully hearing good posts about results from those trying DE>
^^^Whatever works go for it. I was just going by her post that she did not attribute growth to DE. I assumed she was clearing up any confusion with that post. Either way. I just wanted everyone to be up to date. I hope everyone gets what they're looking forr and I look forward to hopefully hearing good posts about results from those trying DE>

You're right LD, she even states that she did not mean for the thread to be about DE at all, that the thread took on a life of it's own.

Glad for the results many are getting, it's a very informative thread. :yep:
Can someone put on the first page all the places it can be ordered from. I ordered some a couple months back and it did not work. It did nothing. Im thinking I got a bad batch. Can you guys tell me what brands/sites are giving you all results?

Can someone put on the first page all the places it can be ordered from. I ordered some a couple months back and it did not work. It did nothing. Im thinking I got a bad batch. Can you guys tell me what brands/sites are giving you all results?


The OP is on hiatus so we would not be able to put it on the first page...

morethanalive.com - where I got mine
ebay - buyer named Valchemy

Maybe others will chime in as to where they are purchasing it from
You're right LD, she even states that she did not mean for the thread to be about DE at all, that the thread took on a life of it's own.

Glad for the results many are getting, it's a very informative thread. :yep:

I read that whole LHC thread initially and I guessed I assumed that everyone read that the her growth was attributed to MTG as she indicated.

Guys even though we sometimes take information as GOLD on here- we have got to take some responsibility - you have got do your own research - especially when something is ingested. I ran this by my physician and my sister (nurse) as I was looking at all of the other health benefits and at the time wanted to give it to my parents. My doctor is even trying this as he could see the logic in it working and he will let me know in a month of what his thoughts are....

My hair is growing fine before trying this and I know that I don't ever see new growth until about 5-6 into my relaxer so it was a welcome surprise to see some waves - especially since I relax bone straight...

Now - on to drinking mine with some grape juice....
Still taking DE. Digestive health has improved, albeit slowly. Still an improvement.
Haven't stretched my hair to see if any growth.
Skin has definitely improved. Got compliments on it.
Nails looks great. That is usually the first thing to improve.
Sleep has definitely improved. On the nights I take it before bed, I need less sleep and the sleep I get is more sound.