DH surprised me with a water softener!


Well-Known Member
We talked about it a few times and he was on board but I was buying. His hair is already soft, he explained. :ohwell: So, I'd planned to do it next month. I'd gotten all the estimates, decided on a vendor (Lowes), and just needed to schedule an installation date. Well, I've been out of town the last few days on a business trip. He didn't mention anything about a water softener when I talked to him. Anyway, I pulled up in the driveway and there's a whole bunch of copper pipe (that wasn't there before) and a 4 foot tall water softener already loaded with salt! I'm off to get testers. I used the last one on the fish. The installer said the hot water wouldn't soften immediately because it's in the hot water heater already, but I'm still so excited!
Lucky you. Heck I love your dh now:lachen: . Please keep us updated on how it affects your hair and skin. I heard you see a major difference. I am going to have to look into one eventually.
Isn't he a sweety. :rosebud: He's also really bad at keeping secrets so this just floored me. Anyway, I have an updated. I found some test strips near the fish. I must have replaced them and forgot.


The 3rd from the right is the softness test. The top one is the hot water. According to the strip it is "hard." It used to be "very hard" so something must be happening already. The bottom strip is the cold water. The green color indicates the water is in the "very soft" range. :yay: The installer was right on the money! I'm gonna take a long hot bath and see if I can't empty that water heater tonight. :)

ETA: I live in a seriously hard water area. The fact that the cold water is already "very soft" is amazing.
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wonderful! :) i guess he sees how your hair is coming along and probably be like... mmm...? maybe i could help her by getting a water softer plus since u already had wanted one! :):D wonderful! best of luck keep us posted about it
Well it was definitely worth purchasing then! lol @ taking a long bath to empty the water heater :lol: ....happy hairwashing!
Thanks ya'll. My dead sea salts just arrived too. This water heater don't stand a chance.

I dunno Breezy, I think your DH doing your touch-up and doing it right still ranks higher on the sweetness scale. :lol: We'll get there... maybe... :look:
sareca said:
Thanks ya'll. My dead sea salts just arrived too. This water heater don't stand a chance.

I dunno Breezy, I think your DH doing your touch-up and doing it right still ranks higher on the sweetness scale. :lol: We'll get there... maybe... :look:

Sareca....I remember you talking about this before. Down in Texas the water is very hard. I am glad you finally got the water softner. After you empy that tank and wash your hair again, you will be thinking about your vacation where you discovered the feel of soft water. I am happy for you. I know you hair is going to be very happy too. giggles.

What are you doing with your dead sea salt? Making a scrub?
sareca said:
We talked about it a few times and he was on board but I was buying. His hair is already soft, he explained. :ohwell: So, I'd planned to do it next month. I'd gotten all the estimates, decided on a vendor (Lowes), and just needed to schedule an installation date. Well, I've been out of town the last few days on a business trip. He didn't mention anything about a water softener when I talked to him. Anyway, I pulled up in the driveway and there's a whole bunch of copper pipe (that wasn't there before) and a 4 foot tall water softener already loaded with salt! I'm off to get testers. I used the last one on the fish. The installer said the hot water wouldn't soften immediately because it's in the hot water heater already, but I'm still so excited!

Ok, I've only been on here for about 6 weeks...what does "DH" stands for...I'm assuming it has to do with Husbands~
Letitia said:

Sareca....I remember you talking about this before. Down in Texas the water is very hard. I am glad you finally got the water softner. After you empy that tank and wash your hair again, you will be thinking about your vacation where you discovered the feel of soft water. I am happy for you. I know you hair is going to be very happy too. giggles.

My favorite joke is about Texas water having more calcium than milk. :lachen: It's funny that you mentioned my honeymoon. I am secretly hoping my hair will feel as good as it did on my honeymoon in Aruba. I noticed the difference the first time I washed it there. After about 5 days it was an incredible difference. I'd be thrilled to get half of that kind of response from my hair at home. :yep:

Letitia said:
What are you doing with your dead sea salt? Making a scrub?

I just sprinkle about 1/2 c of salt in my bath water. They say to soothes sore muscles. I do the same thing with epsom salt when I don't have the dead sea salts. My knees are aching from the trip.
MrsHouston said:
Ok, I've only been on here for about 6 weeks...what does "DH" stands for...I'm assuming it has to do with Husbands~

Darling husband or damn husband depending on what he's done. :wink2:
Your husband is such a sweetheart! :grin:

I miss soft water...that's what I grew up with. My hair grew like mad until I moved to Texas. :mad:
Stupid hard water state!

Sareca, I know you're gonna want to start washing your hurr everyday with that soft water...:lachen:Enjoy!
WomanlyCharm said:
Your husband is such a sweetheart! :grin:

I miss soft water...that's what I grew up with. My hair grew like mad until I moved to Texas. :mad:
Stupid hard water state!

Sareca, I know you're gonna want to start washing your hurr everyday with that soft water...:lachen:Enjoy!

I guess I never noticed we had bad water in Texas until I moved to North Carolina...so what I'm still TEXAS Proud:D
WomanlyCharm said:
Your husband is such a sweetheart! :grin:

I miss soft water...that's what I grew up with. My hair grew like mad until I moved to Texas. :mad:
Stupid hard water state!

Sareca, I know you're gonna want to start washing your hurr everyday with that soft water...:lachen:Enjoy!
Yeah!! Stupid hard water state!:mad:
MrsHouston said:
I guess I never noticed we had bad water in Texas until I moved to North Carolina...so what I'm still TEXAS Proud:D

Displaced Texan nod in agreement.

Sareca...Lol about the Milk. I have never heard of that one before.
So the water softener has been installed for 48 hours. Even after my bath the hot water still test as "hard." But after the tub was full (of both hot and cold water) it measured "soft." So I guess if you take "hard" water and "very soft" water and mix 'em you get "soft" water. Turns out I don't need to be worried about the water in the hot water heater after all. :ohwell: I took a couple of braids down and my hair feels only slightly different, but the big deal is I didn't need lotion when I got out of the bath. Typically I need shea or cocoa butter so my skin doesn't alligator up later in the day. :mad: I didn't use anything and my skin is still moist. :yay: I can't wait to do the laundry.
Sareca, can you school us 'slow' folks? What is a water softner? Its a 'gadget' that softens the water, but what is it like a filter or some sort? Or a water tank/reservoir? And how does the salt tie into this whole thang? You said you hubby had salt in it? And about how much does one of these thangs cost? And what benefits do you hope to see from your hair? TIA
Mizani_Mrs said:
Sareca, can you school us 'slow' folks? What is a water softner? Its a 'gadget' that softens the water, but what is it like a filter or some sort? Or a water tank/reservoir? And how does the salt tie into this whole thang? You said you hubby had salt in it? And about how much does one of these thangs cost? And what benefits do you hope to see from your hair? TIA

Great questions.....I want to know as well! :D
Mizani_Mrs said:
Sareca, can you school us 'slow' folks? What is a water softner? Its a 'gadget' that softens the water, but what is it like a filter or some sort? Or a water tank/reservoir? And how does the salt tie into this whole thang? You said you hubby had salt in it?
It's basically two big ol' containers. One has beads that attract hard water compounds (like calcium) and hold them, allowing the softer water to flow into the house. The other one has salt. The salt is mixed with water to rinse the calcium (or whatever) out of the beads so they can be used again. The beads are rinsed automatically every night at 3A (that's what we set ours to). The whole thing is about 1.5 feet wide and 4 feet tall and is connected to the incoming water supply for the entire house. They had to dig a trench and lay pipes across the yard to the garage (I'm so glad I wasn't here).

Mizani_Mrs said:
And about how much does one of these thangs cost? And what benefits do you hope to see from your hair? TIA
If you have hard water it leaves hard white residue on everything. The faucets, the tub, the sink, the dishes, your clothes AND your hair. It makes detangling hard, it makes products not work, it makes skin dry and hair brittle. I'd always heard softening the water is good for hair, but I never really gave it too much thought until our honeymoon in Aruba. Aruba is know for its extremely soft water. Anyway, on our trip my hair was very well behaved, soft, and I hardly used any product. :shocked: I remember saying ... this is what God intended for everybody's hair I just KNOW it! That was June and I'd planned to get a water softener ever since. So far (I've only washed once) I haven't noticed much. But it took a few washes in Aruba before I was living my hair fantasies. Anyway, hubby said it was $1300.00 :eek: (so glad I didn't have to pay for it :D), but if my hair ends up anything like it did in Aruba it is worth every dime.

ETA: I ran the dishwasher and there were NO water spots! Not even one! :yay: I hate water spots.
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My hubby and I are planning to purchase this item as well. When I went home to Houston my girlfriend had this and once you get out of the shower your skin is sooo soft...it feels like lotion is on your skin....and when you're cooking and constantly washing your hands, you don't have to keep adding lotion b/c your hands are still soft.

My friend (in Houston) and her hubby had a company that specialize in this come out and paid $3000!!!!!!

I spoke with a friend who use to be a sales person for this company and say's it's not a big difference between this one and Lowes. He also added that this company "takes" people for their $$$$.

So, I went to Lowes to get an estimate. First of all the sale guys says that he's heard horror stories of people paying $3,000. (My friend in Houston)

I have pics of the actual water softener put don't know how to do an attachment on here. (my hubby made me do my homework on this product first:-)The brand name is Whirlpool. Anyway, there were 3 units ranging from $387 (for 1 to 3 person in your household), $427, ...to $5?? (for more household members).

Installation for the $387 unit is $167, plus about $50 for a water reserviour. Also up keep are the bags of salt that you purchase. I forget the price.

I'm getting the $387 unit (20,000 capcity) since it's just the hubby and I in our house, plus our water comes from a well, not city water.

Now there is an alternative to spending all this money. Lowes sell Filtered "shower head" units that you just attach to your shower...now you will only have soft water in your shower only. You also have to change a filter every 6 months. The prices were $29 and $31 for the shower heads and $9 for replacement filter.

I hope this helps;)
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MrsHouston said:
My hubby and I are planning to purchase this item as well. When I went home to Houston my girlfriend had this and once you get out of the shower your skin is sooo soft...it feels like lotion is on your skin....and when you're cooking and constantly washing your hands, you don't have to keep adding lotion b/c your hands are still soft.

My friend (in Houston) and her hubby had a company that specialize in this come out and paid $3000!!!!!!

I spoke with a friend who use to be a sales person for this company and say's it's not a big difference between this one and Lowes. He also added that this company "takes" people for their $$$$.

So, I went to Lowes to get an estimate. First of all the sale guys says that he's heard horror stories of people paying $3,000. (My friend in Houston)

I have pics of the actual water softener put don't know how to do an attachment on here. (my hubby made me do my homework on this product first:-)The brand name is Whirlpool. Anyway, there were 3 units ranging from $387 (for 1 to 3 person in your household), $427, ...to $5?? (for more household members).

Installation for the $387 unit is $167, plus about $50 for a water reserviour. Also up keep are the bags of salt that you purchase. I forget the price.

I'm getting the $387 unit (20,000 capcity) since it's just the hubby and I in our house, plus our water comes from a well, not city water.
Now there is an alternative to spending all this money. Lowes sell Filtered "shower head" units that you just attach to your shower...now you will only have soft water in your shower only. You also have to change a filter every 6 months. The prices were $29 and $31 for the shower heads and $9 for replacement filter.

I hope this helps;)

I don't think shower filters soften water. They only filter out chemicals. I've had a shower head filter for more than a year. My water has always continued to test as "hard." Filters on the shower or sink only remove chemicals like chlorine, lead, etc. Calcium and other hard water minerals pass right thorough it. Lowes actually recommended I get a filter for the kitchen in addition to the water softener. They said just because you soften the water doesn't mean you've removed the chlorine and other chemicals. We have our water delivered so I didn't need a filter on the kitchen, but thanks for reminding me to change the filter in the shower.

ETA: The installation cost varies based on how much pipe and plumbing they have to do. The water softener is physically attached to a plumbing thingy in the garage called a loop. If you don't have a loop and they have to install one the price goes up. If you have a long way from the loop to the city water inlet for your house the price goes up. If you don't want the grass watered by soft water and you need more plumbing done to exclude the sprinkler system the price goes up.
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I've had the softener for almost a week and finally both the hot and cold water test "very soft." I also can feel the difference in my hair, but the real test won't be for several more weeks.:(
Thanks so much sareca for all of this info! Thanks MsHouston for providing info on a cheaper one....(not that i'll be getting one anytime soon) :look:

It's been one month and I'm in love. My hair retains moisture much better. I have to touch it a few times to decide if it's wet or dry. I also think getting the hard water scale off my hair helps henna work better. My hair has become much more shiny all of a sudden. It was shiny before, but it's fake looking shiny now. :huh: I actually have a picture of it reflecting setting sun. In addition to the shine and moisture I have fewer tangles, my hair is more pliant, and all my favorite products work at least twice as good as they did a month ago.

I can't say enough good things. It has been worth every dime.

This my hair reflecting sunlight...

It looks greasy, but it only has a little avocado oil on it. :ohwell: