DH Relaxed My Hair!

EishBuhgeish said:
My boyfriend is bent on keeping me from going to the hairdresser. He says all the money I give her, WE (he really said we) could do it here at home for free. He said he'd b my eyes in the back.

He also knows that I rarely brush my hair but on day, he picked up his wave brush and brushed it every so lightly (felt like the brushed barely touched me at all) which felt great. :p

If only I could get him to give me scalp massage long enough to benefit me.:perplexed

:lol: Yeah, dh tries top give me scalp massages, but I only let him do it right after a relaxer b/c he's not gentle at all, and it doesn't feel good to have big ole manly fingers ripping through your 10 weeks post newgrowth!
That's great!!!! Now you know he's gonna think he know all about your hair now. :lachen: I bet he'll be giving you tips on styles and everything now. You're a lucky one girl!!!! Yep doing your hair at home sure does save alot of money!!!
breezy said:
And he did a good job! He got all the newgrowth, he moved fast, didn't underprocess me, and he didn't go over the line of demarcation. He even based my scalp and put the grease on my ends for me. I was gonna wash the relaxer out myself, but he ended up doing the whole process. And he had the nerve to have a little attitude like " Next time you need to detangle better!"

I was gonna let my friend do it, but I guess since he did it last time he was offended b/c he told me " Go ahead and let her f$%k your hair up. Don't be crying to me about losing all your progress!"

My hair came out really good after flat ironing, so I think I'm gonna make this his permanent job. Hey, it saves money! I might even let him give me my trim next month! :lol:
That's the funniest thing I've heard all day:grin: I think it's great he is so into it, now you have your own personal stylist.
i am crackin up. this has to be the cutest thing i've ever heard. Well good job DH... Its nice that he supports your hairgrowing journey. He's probably just as proud as you are about your length and he probably can't wait for it to 'do what it do' (grow long)....

I'm jealous, i'm going to tell my hubby about this and demand that he does mines too....:perplexed
That's such a wonderful, sweet, caring thing for him to do for you...awww. (Uhhh where can I can I sign up to get one of my own, is there a sign up sheet somewhere???)
So I talked to my DH about doing my relaxer. Turns out ol' boy used to give himself texturizers back in the day. :eek: It's on! We're going to practice on the doll head next week (I'm braided, but I forgot I have a mannequin head). He actually said, what if I get it too straight. He's worried about overprocessing! :lol:
sareca said:
So I talked to my DH about doing my relaxer. Turns out ol' boy used to give himself texturizers back in the day. :eek: It's on! We're going to practice on the doll head next week (I'm braided, but I forgot I have a mannequin head). He actually said, what if I get it too straight. He's worried about overprocessing! :lol:

My hubby used to do the texturizer thing too. That's a bonus I guess! And how sweet girl, he don't wanna overprocess you! :lol:
victorious said:
What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man! :grin:

You have a great hubby Breezy! :yep:

Ditto!!! Aww he is so sweet!

My SO would have been expecting too much in return.:lol: But I did have him taking progress pics and he was loving it.
breezy said:
My hubby used to do the texturizer thing too. That's a bonus I guess! And how sweet girl, he don't wanna overprocess you! :lol:

Yeah, I think the texturizer thing does help. It's a relaxer. I NEVER would have even asked him about it if not for this thread. I'll let ya'll know how he does ... :)
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EishBuhgeish said:
My boyfriend is bent on keeping me from going to the hairdresser. He says all the money I give her, WE (he really said we) could do it here at home for free. He said he'd b my eyes in the back.

He also knows that I rarely brush my hair but on day, he picked up his wave brush and brushed it every so lightly (felt like the brushed barely touched me at all) which felt great. :p

If only I could get him to give me scalp massage long enough to benefit me.:perplexed

Yeah, my hubby's massages have... ahem... ulterior motives. :kissing4:
caribeandiva said:
damn it!! i need a man! i'm so jealous. now i have another characteristic to add to my list of "the perfect man".

You're young. Enjoy your freedom. Your sentence... I mean time, will come. ;)
LMAO @ the bolded. He's sassy, ain't he? :lachen: :lachen:

Seriously, Go Hubby!! It's great that you have someone that you trust completely do your hair. He's a winner.... :) ;)

breezy said:
And he did a good job! He got all the newgrowth, he moved fast, didn't underprocess me, and he didn't go over the line of demarcation. He even based my scalp and put the grease on my ends for me. I was gonna wash the relaxer out myself, but he ended up doing the whole process. And he had the nerve to have a little attitude like " Next time you need to detangle better!"

I was gonna let my friend do it, but I guess since he did it last time he was offended b/c he told me " Go ahead and let her f$%k your hair up. Don't be crying to me about losing all your progress!"

My hair came out really good after flat ironing, so I think I'm gonna make this his permanent job. Hey, it saves money! I might even let him give me my trim next month! :lol:
My DH( who is looking over my shoulder as I write this) also relaxes my hair, he bases the scalp,takes care not to touch my ears and forehead, he is fast, hair is not underprocessed...I had a bad relaxer experience in January( a stylist, he even relaxed my ends:mad: ), so I asked my husband to do it since we arrived in Canada,it's expensive. I never say anything to my friends because they would think it's not a manly thing(in my opinion,it is manly to care so much), but the last time he did it in Cuba,even my mom had to accept that he did a good job.
he also tells me things like "don't move your head now" or "look down, don't look in the mirror trying to see how is it going"
so i have my own stylist at home..
danysedai said:
My DH( who is looking over my shoulder as I write this) also relaxes my hair, he bases the scalp,takes care not to touch my ears and forehead, he is fast, hair is not underprocessed...I had a bad relaxer experience in January( a stylist, he even relaxed my ends:mad: ), so I asked my husband to do it since we arrived in Canada,it's expensive. I never say anything to my friends because they would think it's not a manly thing(in my opinion,it is manly to care so much), but the last time he did it in Cuba,even my mom had to accept that he did a good job.
he also tells me things like "don't move your head now" or "look down, don't look in the mirror trying to see how is it going"
so i have my own stylist at home..

Isn't it the best thing? :grin:
sareca said:
Yeah, my hubby's massages have... ahem... ulterior motives. :kissing4:

lol. OH Yes Sareca! ITA.

Off Subject....But your henna shine is blinding me!! I love it.
sareca said:
Yeah, my hubby's massages have... ahem... ulterior motives. :kissing4:

SO is the same way. I was wondering if my SO was the only weirdo. I don't even ask him, cause I don't want to get into something I can't get out.:lachen:
Aww. This is so sweet! He's a keeper.
DH has offered to do my touch ups, but I'm too scared to let him. I guess with a little training men can do a good job afterall! :lol:
I was reading this earlier today thinking awwwwwww, that's SWEET!! I'm going to ask my husband if he wouldn't mind.....

then I looked outside and he was painting the deck - drip, drip, drip, splash, splash, splash with those big old crusty baseball mitt hands of his...

...thought dried right up.

I'm sure yours looks beautiful though :lol: and I bet it was lots of fun.