Dermatitis/Sensitive Scalp Ladies Check In:


Well-Known Member
List the relaxers and products that Have helped you.

Affirm Fiberguard nolye-->no burn, alot of shedding, made hair shine.
Dudley lye->burned in 5min.
Affirm regular lye--> underprocessed, burned within 8 min.
Mizani lye-> burned, got done at Professional salon
burned and hair stuck to my head for three days
Revlon fabulaxer->worked in highschool but not now. Burned like hell.

Want to try: a GENTLE lye relaxer, Is this an oxymoron

Want to try: Arosci and/or Vitale. ( don't have th guts)

(please list others that have worked for you)

Products that helped my scalp:
Keracare dry and itchy scalp shampoo/conditioner-->worked wonders.
DhS zinc shampoo--> worked well but not as good as keracare
Cortizone 10--> Stop on contact itch spray. Works immediately on itches.
Scalpicin Maximum Strength Liquid Scalp Itch Treatment
//has cortizone. Works very well. stop itching on contact.
delp said:
List the relaxers and products that Have helped you.

Affirm Fiberguard nolye-->no burn, alot of shedding, made hair shine.
Dudley lye->burned in 5min.
Affirm regular lye--> underprocessed, burned within 8 min.
Mizani lye-> burned, got done at Professional salon
burned and hair stuck to my head for three days
Revlon fabulaxer->worked in highschool but not now. Burned like hell.

Want to try: a GENTLE lye relaxer, Is this an oxymoron

Want to try: Arosci and/or Vitale. ( don't have th guts)

(please list others that have worked for you)

Products that helped my scalp:
Keracare dry and itchy scalp shampoo/conditioner-->worked wonders.
DhS zinc shampoo--> worked well but not as good as keracare
Cortizone 10--> Stop on contact itch spray. Works immediately on itches.
What exactly do you base your scalp w/before relaxing and how soon after shampoo day do you relax?
I base my scalp with various things:
I have used Affirm gentile assurance.
I have never used anything heavy because I was told it would hinder my new growth from being processed.
delp said:
I base my scalp with various things:
I have used Affirm gentile assurance.
I have never used anything heavy because I was told it would hinder my new growth from being processed.
Petroleum never kept my hair from processing properly, I think most pple pack too much on and it ends up on the hair, I mainly use Sensitive Scalp by ampro I believe, I use this instead of Petroleum Jelly because it is lighter and easier to apply it doesn't get stiff like petroleaum jelly does in cooler areas. In the past I have used Gently treatment didn't burn at all (and my mother and aunt would say back in the day they would leave it on for hours and their scalp never burned, LOL, lack of hair care knowledge I know they hair was on fire though), but it did make my hair very thin, my scalp rarely burns, but I am very interested in the Vitale and I say try that if you feel the need to switch.
If I am not mistaken MTG treats dermatitis. You might try treating your scalp with that for awhile and then using a relaxer like...gentle treatment or perhaps phyto.
I use what my dermatologist prescribed. I wouldnt suggest using the outback horse grease :). If your scalp is sensitive you may be allergic to it. Im allergic to damn near everything so I use Loprox shampoo. No relaxers, Keracare humecto conditioner and hot 6 oil. If Im setting my hair I use lottabody but only 25%. Thats all..... (that I can think of right now anyways...)
Suri said:
If I am not mistaken MTG treats dermatitis. You might try treating your scalp with that for awhile and then using a relaxer like...gentle treatment or perhaps phyto.

Really?!?! I sure hope so. My MTG order came today using it tonight.
What has really worked for me was coal tar shampoo by neutrogena.I can use anything on my scalp as long as i wash with it once a week.Sometimes if i skip for a few weeks,i will use hydrocortizone ointment.
Nice thread. My scalp is wicked sensitive in the nape area. Still working on finding the best products. Right now I know for sure what aggravates that area of my scalp: too much conditioner left on for too long and s-curl:( which is so sad because my hair loves s-curl but if it gets on that scalp area or my neck it itches like crazy. I'm thinking about trying Vitale too but I'm not sure (scared of lye), right now soft&beautiful works pretty well but is a bit drying. I have a sample order of MTG on the way--hoping it will help this area--we'll see.
Tried MTG a few days ago.
First time I tried it, my scalp was on fire. I had open wounds.

Second/third/fourth times-->
major tingle, but, I tried not to scratch between applications. I am hoping the tingle will go away but the more I read I am finding it is a scalp stimulator.

I am still waiting to see what relaxers worked best for sensitive scalps:
Affirm yes/no
Phyto yes/no
Vitale yes/no
Elucence yes/no
Fiberguard yes/no
Arosci yes/no

Thanks for all responses so far.
goldensugar23 said:
What has really worked for me was coal tar shampoo by neutrogena.I can use anything on my scalp as long as i wash with it once a week.Sometimes if i skip for a few weeks,i will use hydrocortizone ointment.

Make sure you use the liquid spray:
like Scalpicin Maximum Strength Liquid Scalp Itch Treatment (had hydrocortizone) but Scalpicin Anti-Itch Liquid Scalp Treatment (only has Salicylic Acid) which is not as strong. Does not stop itching instantaneously.

Also the cream hydrocortizone did nothing for me. I don't think it is designed for the scalp.
Phyto II didn't burn at all.:yay: I'm usually on fire within the first 5 minutes. MTG was fine until I braided my hair. Now it's itching/burning. I'm guessing all that manipulation of my scalp caused small abrasions. I brought some braid spray that seems to have killed the burning, but left the itching. :confused: I'm not giving up on my MTG, but i might dilute it or lay off for few days.
I have sebhorric dermatitis (sp) and Soft and Beautiful no lye relaxer (reg) does not burn me. I use a pescribed steroid on my scalp (Luxiq) to prevent flareups.
nicki6 said:
I have sebhorric dermatitis (sp) and Soft and Beautiful no lye relaxer (reg) does not burn me. I use a pescribed steroid on my scalp (Luxiq) to prevent flareups.

nicki6 this is what I have. will have to look into that rx for Luxiq.
Dermasmooth has been a god send for me. Since using it, I don't burn at all during relaxer time and I have even switched to lye relaxers.
senimoni said:
Dermasmooth has been a god send for me. Since using it, I don't burn at all during relaxer time and I have even switched to lye relaxers.

senimoni what is dermasmooth and where can you purchase it? thanks in advance
tishee said:
senimoni what is dermasmooth and where can you purchase it? thanks in advance

Not Senimoni, Dermasmooth is a steriod by prescription only. Lately my scalp(crown) has not flared, but when it does I use Lidex(steriod) w/clindamycin (antibiotic) which is by prescription only.

As for relaxers:

Mizani No-Lye: burned fast (salon)
Affirm Fiberguard: Slight burn (salon)
Design Essential Lye: Slight burn (salon)
Eptomi Tenderheaded Relaxer No-Lye: Will be the first time using (home)

(The slight burn came from stylist trying to leave it on too long :( )
1Specialk said:
Not Senimoni, Dermasmooth is a steriod by prescription only. Lately my scalp(crown) has not flared, but when it does I use Lidex(steriod) w/clindamycin (antibiotic) which is by prescription only.

As for relaxers:

Mizani No-Lye: burned fast (salon)
Affirm Fiberguard: Slight burn (salon)
Design Essential Lye: Slight burn (salon)
Eptomi Tenderheaded Relaxer No-Lye: Will be the first time using (home)

(The slight burn came from stylist trying to leave it on too long :( )

thanks 1specialk!