Denman Tangle Tamer????


Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen this? I was just on and denman had this brush called the tangle tamer. It's supposed to have super-soft bristles to gently tame tangles.

  • Super soft nylon bristles
  • Gently glides through hair
  • Removes Tangles
  • Lightweight and comfortable
  • Great for children's' hair
I haven't seen any reviews for this...:look:


  • denman-tangle-tamer-278x278.jpg
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I hadn't heard of this. Sounds like they're trying to get the tangle teezer customers over on their side.
If the bristles are shorter than the regular denman I may try it. I think the reason the tangle teaser works for me is because the bristles are shorter and my hair can't wrap around them as easily. It helps that there are a lot of them as well. I can only use the denman when my hair is stretched which defeats the purpose for me.

I will check out Sally's next time I'm there.
that looks like the saaame brush except we had a blue one when i was little. it's those nylon bendy bristles. i wouldn't use it on my hair now unless it was straightened.