Denman Brush (Testimonials PLEASE?....pretty please??)


New Member
O.K. after my episode last week with a bout of the tanglies, I decided to get a denman brush. I have read all the raves about it and after staring and staring and staring at it in the BSS, I finally broke down and purchased it.

Problem is this: I was scared of it in the store and I am even more afraid of it as I am sitting here thinking about getting in the shower to do my hair. I am desperate to make sure that my hair doesn't get as tangled as it did last week, but I just honestly don't see how this "brush" will detangle my hair. I never use a brush and I am really scared that this is going to mean big problems for me but I was desperate to get some relief b/c I didn't want another episode of HAIRBALLS.:nono:

Can you ladies come in and give me your denman testimonials to ease my mind??? I mean how does it actually work so well to detangle hair? What's so special about it than the brushes with the balls on the tips of the bristles won't do?

Thanks in advance!!

ETA: I was successful in using the brush to make a nice bun that was really smooth and not bumpy. And everyone was right about how the brush defines curls and waves. This will definitely stay in my stash and I can see it being really helpful as I continue to transition.

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I love my denman brush I don't know what number it is but its a paddle brush. I got is b/c rave reviews on her e and it was on clearance at sally's. Best brush ever!!!
On another hair board a while ago, I wrote about the Denman technique I use:

"Used properly, it doesn't cause any breakage. The key is to hold the Denman by the back of the brush (better control) and to work your way up from the bottom of your hair up to the roots, holding the section to be detangled in one hand and using the Denman to detangle in the other. Work slowly--if you run into a tangle, don't brush harder--actually loosen your grip on the Denman and detangle smaller sections.

It's weird, but FME the Denman is all about the technique. Used properly, it detangles quickly and captures the shed hair that causes knots."

My addendum: Now that my hair is longer, I also separate my hair into eight sections and fingercomb each section first before using the D4. I always hold the brush head horizontally to detangle, never vertically. Hope this helps.
Hmmm well technically I dont think anyone uses the Denman to detangle. Its not the first thing that you would grab if you had a head full of matted hair:lachen: Most if not all people on this board comb their hair first (either it be a regular comb or they finger comb) and then brush after all of the major tangle are out. The Denman for me gets rid of the excess shed hairs that the wide tooth comb misses, and therefore reduces the amount of tangles and knots I get when I decide to do my next detangle session. Since you are relaxed Im not sure if you detangle wet or dry. But as a natural I only use it when my hair is wet and full of conditioner. I have never used the brush on dry hair.I use the brush about 1x per week. Never had breakage issues. Tracie Ellis Ross is a faithful Denman brush user too :yep:
the denman is the ONLY thing i use to detangle during my daily cowashes... generally it's the last thing i do before i rinse out the conditioner... if i'm going to rollerset, i do things differently... but the majority of the time i'm either bunning or wearing a wash n go, so it's denman all the way... shower combs are the devil for me and i end up with poofy hair... with the denman my curls and waves are much more defined...

Hmmm well technically I dont think anyone uses the Denman to detangle. Its not the first thing that you would grab if you had a head full of matted hair:lachen: Most if not all people on this board comb their hair first (either it be a regular comb or they finger comb) and then brush after all of the major tangle are out. The Denman for me gets rid of the excess shed hairs that the wide tooth comb misses, and therefore reduces the amount of tangles and knots I get when I decide to do my next detangle session. Since you are relaxed Im not sure if you detangle wet or dry. But as a natural I only use it when my hair is wet and full of conditioner. I have never used the brush on dry hair.I use the brush about 1x per week. Never had breakage issues. Tracie Ellis Ross is a faithful Denman brush user too :yep:

O.K. I promise I won't rip the brush through my hair hoping it to be mysteriously detangled and not one loss hair by the time I'm done...LOL
I am transitioning (yayyyyy; 9.5 months!!) and I use the jilbere shower comb on wet hair to detangle, but I only detangle with a head full of conditioner.

The detangling sessions usually go pretty well, but I now that you mention it, I guess the wide tooth really does miss tangles and knots. And with the wide tooth comb, I can never seem to get the roots from waving back up (as soon as I comb it) to smooth down and make a bun. It just seems like there is still so much in there that's not actually detangled. (even AFTER I have combed)

I am hoping this would probably smooth the roots and get all the tangles that the wide tooth misses so I can snatch my hair back in a bun right quick:grin:


the denman is the ONLY thing i use to detangle during my daily cowashes... generally it's the last thing i do before i rinse out the conditioner... if i'm going to rollerset, i do things differently... but the majority of the time i'm either bunning or wearing a wash n go, so it's denman all the way... shower combs are the devil for me and i end up with poofy hair... with the denman my curls and waves are much more defined...


Thanks hon! Someone else told me the exact same thing.
I'm praying for good results! As I am transitioning, I am on my own bun challenge until the spring, so I mainly want to be able to smooth my hair out and make a nice wavy bun. Yep, my buns have been poofy and now that you mention it, it probably is b/c the shower comb wasn't getting ALLLL my tangles out, just detangling my hair just enough to get by (if that makes sense).

Thanks again for your review.....

O.K. I promise I won't rip the brush through my hair hoping it to be mysteriously detangled and not one loss hair by the time I'm done...LOL
I am transitioning (yayyyyy; 9.5 months!!) and I use the jilbere shower comb on wet hair to detangle, but I only detangle with a head full of conditioner.

The detangling sessions usually go pretty well, but I now that you mention it, I guess the wide tooth really does miss tangles and knots. And with the wide tooth comb, I can never seem to get the roots from waving back up (as soon as I comb it) to smooth down and make a bun. It just seems like there is still so much in there that's not actually detangled. (even AFTER I have combed)

I am hoping this would probably smooth the roots and get all the tangles that the wide tooth misses so I can snatch my hair back in a bun right quick:grin:


Congrats on transitioning that long so far:grin:
I think you will benefit from the brush.3 swipes of the brush should do the trick. You'll be amazed at how much hair the comb missed:yep:
Congrats on transitioning that long so far:grin:
I think you will benefit from the brush.3 swipes of the brush should do the trick. You'll be amazed at how much hair the comb missed:yep:

Thanks hon! I will let you know how it goes (going to wash tonight). I truly hope it's just easy as you just made it sound! LOL
I tried it when I first went natural and I didn't like it. I felt like I was pulling my hair out. Maybe I was brushing too hard?
I tried it when I first went natural and I didn't like it. I felt like I was pulling my hair out. Maybe I was brushing too hard?

:blush: Bmore, you're scaring me! (just when i had gotten my courage up to go on and do the doggone thang.....LOL)

See, it just "looks" like it will pull my hair out, but I like the technique that cheleigh posted so that somewhat eased my fears from thinking it will pull my hair out. Did you have the one I posted the link to in a few threads back??

I tried it when I first went natural and I didn't like it. I felt like I was pulling my hair out. Maybe I was brushing too hard?

BB: I use the D4

BMore: When I feel like it's pulling out my hair, my hair is either still too tangled to use it effectively (and needs another finger detangle) or I'm brushing too hard--going "over" the hair's surface rather than through the hair.
BB: I use the D4

BMore: When I feel like it's pulling out my hair, my hair is either still too tangled to use it effectively (and needs another finger detangle) or I'm brushing too hard--going "over" the hair's surface rather than through the hair.

I think that's what I was doing. So I never used it again. I don't even know where it is now. I generally don't have tangles, so it's not like I absolutely need to brush through it. I tried a regular paddle brush before too but I got that hair raking sound. I'll just keep that for when my hair is straight.

I just stick with my wide toothed comb. The only time I really comb through my hair is if I'm going to slick it back. I use the wide toothed comb first and then I smooth the gel on. I pull the gel through with a smaller one comb after that. It gets my hair slicked down and in place the best. Smooth with no bumps. I did the same thing when I was relaxed and trying to slick back wet hair. I also use my smaller comb on each section when I'm twisting or plaiting.
:blush: Bmore, you're scaring me! (just when i had gotten my courage up to go on and do the doggone thang.....LOL)

See, it just "looks" like it will pull my hair out, but I like the technique that cheleigh posted so that somewhat eased my fears from thinking it will pull my hair out. Did you have the one I posted the link to in a few threads back??


I think I had the D3. BB, I don't think it will hurt to try it out. It may take a few times to figure it out. The other ladies gave you some good tips. I felt the same way about paddle brushes when my stylist suggested one to me. I looked at her and was like :nono: After I bought one, it became my best friend when I was relaxed.
O.K. I promise I won't rip the brush through my hair hoping it to be mysteriously detangled and not one loss hair by the time I'm done...LOL
I am transitioning (yayyyyy; 9.5 months!!) and I use the jilbere shower comb on wet hair to detangle, but I only detangle with a head full of conditioner.

The detangling sessions usually go pretty well, but I now that you mention it, I guess the wide tooth really does miss tangles and knots. And with the wide tooth comb, I can never seem to get the roots from waving back up (as soon as I comb it) to smooth down and make a bun. It just seems like there is still so much in there that's not actually detangled. (even AFTER I have combed)

I am hoping this would probably smooth the roots and get all the tangles that the wide tooth misses so I can snatch my hair back in a bun right quick:grin:



Basically that's what I use the brush for. To me, the K-cutter type comb I have is much better for detangling. Then if I'm going to pull my hair back in a ponytail, I'll use the brush.
Hmmm well technically I dont think anyone uses the Denman to detangle. Its not the first thing that you would grab if you had a head full of matted hair:lachen: Most if not all people on this board comb their hair first (either it be a regular comb or they finger comb) and then brush after all of the major tangle are out. The Denman for me gets rid of the excess shed hairs that the wide tooth comb misses, and therefore reduces the amount of tangles and knots I get when I decide to do my next detangle session. Since you are relaxed Im not sure if you detangle wet or dry. But as a natural I only use it when my hair is wet and full of conditioner. I have never used the brush on dry hair.I use the brush about 1x per week. Never had breakage issues. Tracie Ellis Ross is a faithful Denman brush user too :yep:

This is how I use it. I have a D5 and it's not much for detangling. It's the bomb for curl definition though. I always detangle my hair before using the brush then I use the brush to distribute my products through my hair for wash n'go's. Basically I just use it for styling.
I have a Denman, the one with the red rubber stuff. But are you guys saying you use it on wet hair? I never thought to do that I usually detangle the wet hair with my fingers or a wide tooth comb.

I purchased a Denman brush a few years back. I haven't even taken it out of the box yet. :lol: I'm gonna use it one of these days tho.
:grin: i'm using my D5 right now to brush out a twist-out. i bought it when i started to transition and still use it.

i use it to detangle and remove shed hair or if i'm doing a braid/twist style, i'll use it to smooth the strands before i twist and on the ends to help make a nice coil on the ends and while rollersetting.

i use it on soaking wet with conditioner hair, soaking wet ready to rollerset hair, damp hair and dry hair that's been moistened with a bit of spritz. i don't rip through the hair but brush out very small sections at a time. i also hold the hair kindof taut as i'm running the brush so that it does not kink back up on itself. Start at the ends and slowly work your way up to the root, if you run into a mat or tangle use your fingers to loosen it up then continue.

when i'm detangling a section i try not to let go of the ends of the hair until i'm done detangling. it seems like it should take forever to do but actually i've detangled and de-shedded my hair in about 20 minutes with no rushing. i rarely and i do mean rarely knots on my ends or tangles caused by shed hair.

i have the heavier D5 (always use) and a paddle brush (occasionally).

many people don't like it but i love the denman! No harm in trying it out and see if it works for you.
I am natural and use my denman about once a week. I am finding more and more that as long as i keep castor/coconut oil on my hair during the week (not when flatironed but when natural like a washngo or twistout) when I go to wash/cowash my hair is minimally tangled even without combing inbetween. Granted I cowash every 1-3 days but the oils are extremely helpful for me.

In any case, since my hair these days is usually not too tangled when i get in the shower, i load my hair up with my cheapie conditioner, wait a few minutes then Denman my hair section by section. Hairs do come out, but usually they are just shed ones. If i find that my hair is a little naughtier than usual, after the conditioner i will use my shower comb then use my denman. I use the denman on my daughters hair too and she loathes getting her hair combed but she never complains when i use the denman and actually likes the feel of it.
Thanks ladies for ALLLL the tips and easing my fears about using the brush. I used it last night and now all is well with the world!!!

As some have said, they still use their comb to detangle and use the brush to miss the shed hair, that's what I did last night. My intent was to pull it back in a ponytail when I completely detangled and whoever said that it defines curls and waves were right on the money! I was in love :love:when I saw the waves and felt pretty confident that I would be able to make a smooth bun.

I still had hair that came out, but that's due to the fact that I don't comb it throughout the week. So it's probably the normal amount of hair that would be shed during a week's time. I deep condition once a week and bun it for the remainder of the week, only taking the bun down at the end of the day just to moisturize and seal the ends, never combing.

LynnieB, I am going to be bold and try to rollerset my hair using the brush. I like your technique and I can see how it would work. I haven't rollerset my own hair since about the 2nd month into my transition. (March 07). I was just never able to "keep" the roots straight before I could get the roller to it:grin:, but I am excited about using the brush to help me with my rollerset.

Thanks again for all your help and I think this is going to be one of my best friends for the next 3 months as I venture out on my personal bun challenge.

(Pokahontas, I can almost see the curl definition with this brush in my future!!!:grin: Can't wait to get rid of all the straight ends so this thing can work miracles for me......Thanks!!)

Thanks again ladies for your input!!!
I use mine after I have conditioned my hair to smooth and get shed hairs out. It does make my hair have more definition.
I use the Denman brush for removing any remaining shed hair AFTER I fingercomb and detangle with a wide tooth seamless comb. I only use it in the shower, with conditioner in my hair. It glides right through without breaking or pulling. But I use it very gently. I don't use the brush any other time.
Thanks ladies for ALLLL the tips and easing my fears about using the brush. I used it last night and now all is well with the world!!!

As some have said, they still use their comb to detangle and use the brush to miss the shed hair, that's what I did last night. My intent was to pull it back in a ponytail when I completely detangled and whoever said that it defines curls and waves were right on the money! I was in love :love:when I saw the waves and felt pretty confident that I would be able to make a smooth bun.

I still had hair that came out, but that's due to the fact that I don't comb it throughout the week. So it's probably the normal amount of hair that would be shed during a week's time. I deep condition once a week and bun it for the remainder of the week, only taking the bun down at the end of the day just to moisturize and seal the ends, never combing.

LynnieB, I am going to be bold and try to rollerset my hair using the brush. I like your technique and I can see how it would work. I haven't rollerset my own hair since about the 2nd month into my transition. (March 07). I was just never able to "keep" the roots straight before I could get the roller to it:grin:, but I am excited about using the brush to help me with my rollerset.

Thanks again for all your help and I think this is going to be one of my best friends for the next 3 months as I venture out on my personal bun challenge.

(Pokahontas, I can almost see the curl definition with this brush in my future!!!:grin: Can't wait to get rid of all the straight ends so this thing can work miracles for me......Thanks!!)

Thanks again ladies for your input!!!

You're very welcome!
I use the Denman brush for removing any remaining shed hair AFTER I fingercomb and detangle with a wide tooth seamless comb. I only use it in the shower, with conditioner in my hair. It glides right through without breaking or pulling. But I use it very gently. I don't use the brush any other time.

I do exactly that as well - it's really helped me cut down on the tangles, now that I'm actually getting alllll of my shed hair out.