Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati explains)

Is this the same as Black Masonics? I listened to video on youtube talking about Black Masonics and I was so disappointed to hear that my all time favorite artist, Prince, is part of this too. I remember him having a huge falling out with Warner Bros. several years ago and he has not signed a major record deal since. He did have a small deal with Arista, but I think that was just a one album deal. His last album was released through his website and Target. Do you think his falling out with Warner Bros and him speaking out against all record companies is all about him not owning his master recordings and money or is there more going on?

I also wonder if this is why I don’t listen the radio a whole lot anymore. I channel surf and it is rare that I let it stay on one station too long. Most of the time I listen to CD’s.

I too really like Prince. I have seen the black masonic videos and they call for discernment but opened my eyes. I am sure that any of us who were young and not saved could get into some kind of "contract" or "oath" that caused us to "compromise" our integrity or sell our soul.

I've seen a rapper sign a deal without a lawyer or reading the contract before signing. What did that contract REALLY say? Some people want fame no matter the cost.

When you know better you do better.

I can't even think of Prince's last BIG hit. Do you remember when he wrote SLAVE on his face? I don't think he has hit the Pop charts since then. He did hit the R&B charts with Call My Name? a couple of years ago. But since Prince demanded his orginals, he hasn't hit the Pop charts.
I too really like Prince. I have seen the black masonic videos and they call for discernment but opened my eyes. I am sure that any of us who were young and not saved could get into some kind of "contract" or "oath" that caused us to "compromise" our integrity or sell our soul.

I've seen a rapper sign a deal without a lawyer or reading the contract before signing. What did that contract REALLY say? Some people want fame no matter the cost.

When you know better you do better.

I can't even think of Prince's last BIG hit. Do you remember when he wrote SLAVE on his face? I don't think he has hit the Pop charts since then. He did hit the R&B charts with Call My Name? a couple of years ago. But since Prince demanded his orginals, he hasn't hit the Pop charts.

That’s exactly what I mean. His last three albums were relatively good, but he does very little to promote them and I’m starting to wonder if it goes beyond him being shy. Could it be because he is not willing to compromise his beliefs?
That’s exactly what I mean. His last three albums were relatively good, but he does very little to promote them and I’m starting to wonder if it goes beyond him being shy. Could it be because he is not willing to compromise his beliefs?

Do you know whether or not he had his own distribution? I know that he was trying to distribute his own records without a major record company therefore making MORE money. And last I read, he was trying to set up a music club but it didn't work out.

Prince was a wild child when he first came out. But he has become more spiritual from what I have read. I read once that he was making LOTS of money doing small concerts in LA and he took a break to read his Bible (awww:grin: ). And when he did the Musicology Tour, he re-wrote the songs that were explicit.

Like I said before when we are young or naive, we might go for anything and sign a contract without a lawyer or even reading.

I don't know this for a fact, just speculating........but maybe Prince realized what he got himself into and tried to get out of it when he was protesting Warner Bros. and changed his name to the symbol.
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^^ I refuse to listen but I'd like to know what it said!

If I had known what it said, I would not have listened either. She said three things:

"He is under and he can't get out"
"Satan Forever"
"Evil is within me"

And the words were spoken as if you and I would have a conversation -- just a bit slurred, no lie.
I'll check these links out in the daytime. I don't want my mind meditating on this right before I go to sleep.
Do you know whether or not he had his own distribution? I know that he was trying to distribute his own records without a major record company therefore making MORE money. And last I read, he was trying to set up a music club but it didn't work out.

Prince was a wild child when he first came out. But he has become more spiritual from what I have read. I read once that he was making LOTS of money doing small concerts in LA and he took a break to read his Bible (awww:grin: ). And when he did the Musicology Tour, he re-wrote the songs that were explicit.

Like I said before when we are young or naive, we might go for anything and sign a contract without a lawyer or even reading.

I don't know this for a fact, just speculating........but maybe Prince realized what he got himself into and tried to get out of it when he was protesting Warner Bros. and changed his name to the symbol.

Yes, he did distribute his music on his own for a while. He did it through one of his websites. I think the sole purpose of that was so he would own his masters, money (he felt like he wasn’t getting his fair share from Warner Bros.) and the freedom to release music as often as he wanted to. I think he was wiser than most kids starting out when he signed his first contract with Warner Bros. I say that because he was one of the youngest artists to be given credit as a producer on his debut album. I just think that he had no idea he did not and would not ever own his masters. I never realized that there is so much going on behind the scenes with record companies and music.
If I had known what it said, I would not have listened either. She said three things:

"He is under and he can't get out"
"Satan Forever"
"Evil is within me"

And the words were spoken as if you and I would have a conversation -- just a bit slurred, no lie.

I didn't hear any of that, just sounded like a bunch of mumbling to me. I guess we hear what we want to hear.

This is my first time hearing that song by Rhianna.
Yea I was alll scared and worked up... told DH to listen with me before I would play and then I barely heard any of that. all those "subliminals" barely made sense... I asked DH if it was reaching and he said yes... or "demons are stupid because they don't make any sense."

I'm not discrediting the evil in our world and our media, but for sense's sake, if I shook hands with anyone... my thumb would be in the "same Masonic position" naturally, wouldn't it? And if ANYONE had a conversation about anything, then played it back in reverse and slowed it down it would sound weird and evil right? I think these can be (successful) fear tactics to keep people from the media... not that there's "NOTHING" to the claim, but the proof.... nah... not for me at least.
Yeah, I should have waited until the day time as well. :ohwell:

Greater is He that is within me, than he that is in the world. But I am learning to be more prudent.

I watched the videos. I definitely believe the devil is all up in the music/entertainment industry. But the guy that did these particular videos wasn't convincing. Just a lot of photos with often vague hands signs that look coincidental. And I didn't necessarily buy everything he said. I would want to know where he gets his information on these stars from.

Now having watched other, more thorough, videos I can see what he might have tried to get at with some of what he said. But if these were the only videos on this subject that I had seen it would be easy to dismiss him.
I didn't hear any of that, just sounded like a bunch of mumbling to me. I guess we hear what we want to hear.

This is my first time hearing that song by Rhianna.

Just for the record-- I didnt hear what I wanted to hear. I played it for my coworkers at work with out the video-- I just recorded it. Most of them didnt hear the first part, but they did hear the second and third part without me clueing them into when it comes in.

Truth is, I DON'T want to hear subliminal messages in my music. I DON'T want to think I am being forced to like something that I do not like. I DON'T want to believe that the government is in on alot of too. But you know what, there's alot we don't know, whether we hear, see, feel it or not-- it's going on and it's right up under our noses. We're just too desensitized to recognize them. Not saying that's your case-- it's a "just sayin' " moment.

Now on to some other youtube videos. IMO-- yeah some of the videos ARE reaching when it comes to those Masonic handshakes, however what I do see that isn't reaching, is Beyonce wearing the symbol of Baphomet in one of her photos (the one where it looks like she is wearing a corset that looks like a motocycle front). We can chalk it up to ignorance, but I'm going to say that even though they may not know the demon's name-- I think ALMOST every adult christian has seen the 6 point star with the goats head in the middle --but then again I could be wrong. But I'm sure her mother would know that. Kanye has been seen wearing the Baphomet head too on his tshirt.

Also in response to another video saying that some big Christian Evangelists are Masons--I'm not saying he's pointing out the right people, but I won;t completely discredit him either. The bible says there will be false prophets, and truly, what better disguise is there than to pretend to be something you're not. :evillaugh:

I'm not saying we should be running around splashing people with Holy Water, but we should at least be open about just how deceiving satan is and for it to be his EXPERTISE (he was the Angel of Music)--- I would say he knows how to do his job.

PS--so... I'm guessing nobody has noticed that for years, Jay-z, Prodigy, and a few other rappers have have shouted out the Illuminati....Jay-z has a song named Luci and has even been calling himself "Young Luci" (pronounced Luchi). Some have speculated that because he spells it as Luci he's saying he's young Lucifer.He even named one of his songs "Lucifer". satan wants to be worshipped just like God because he's a biter --- which is why Jay-Z calls himself the "Young God MC", and "Jayhovah". That doesn't sound like the devil to you? Lucifer wanted to be just like God.... but he can't so he's gonna try to take as many people as he can with him before his time is up-- meaning some Christians(yep some of us will get swept in because we will have ignored warning signs), our children and family.

PPS- the way I wrote it above, I was NOT saying Jay-z is the devil, but who's to say he's not one of Satan's main instruments?
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Beyonce wearing the symbol of Baphomet in one of her photos

Hey can you point me toward that photo?


So... devil's advocate... perhaps she has no idea REALLY... or didn't at all? Would anyone "speculate" that Jay-Z's "Illuminati" association is behind this?

I just say this because I don't know... I just don't think the Beyonce from 10 years ago... pre-Jay would have pushed her image like this
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Hey can you point me toward that photo?


So... devil's advocate... perhaps she has no idea REALLY... or didn't at all? Would anyone "speculate" that Jay-Z's "Illuminati" association is behind this?

I just say this because I don't know... I just don't think the Beyonce from 10 years ago... pre-Jay would have pushed her image like this

Don't forget TheLauryn, this is the Beyonce NOW. She knows whats on her corset. But I agree-- ten years ago, Beyonce would have NEVER worn something like that, she upheld her morals and her GOD higher than anything. She has changed alot. Has anyone noticed that she is more about Sasha Fierce than about God. The Lauryn-- these videos I am goign to place are SPECULATION yet-- for some reason, I deem them to somehow be telling the truth. Whiel watching this video, think of the time when Beyonce didn't just fall-- but she FRONTFLIPPED down those stairs at her concert. She jumped right back up, and kept dancing like it was no one's business. Even before these videos-- It just wouldn't settle on me that it was adrenaline-- a normal person would have cracked their skull right open....

this is an extra piece that deals with rappers and the illuminati. take what you want from these videos.

Another thing I wanted to point out is.... Is it just me or is that that most of the big singers and rappers today started out just kinda...bleh and then all of s udden they just transform into this new person and have a crapload of fame....almost overnight it seems:perplexed
Is John Todd the man who was narrating those three black illuminati vids?

So ALL televangelists are preaching about God and Jesus but they are really worshipping the devil? Is that what he is saying? I know that the Word says many will come in His name, but will be false, but..

Joyce Meyer
Creflo Dollar
Paula White

These people going around preaching about God and Jesus, but they worship the devil?

That's a pretty serious accusation on speculation. I read the Word to understand it for myself and I can't say I've ever seen or heard Joyce or Paula go against the Word, everytime I hear them speak they are uplifting God and teaching very well. So this all has me is really reaching..

Besides that masonic handshake..EVERYTIME I shake someones hand my thumb is in that position. Isn't MOST peoples?

No, John Todd is not the same guy. This guy was arrested, framed, drug and beaten back in the seventies and put in a mental institution. No one has heard of him since then.

Sometimes, we tend to believe that everything we hear on the news about someone is true. I mean, what is the best way to make someone look crazy? Put them in a mental instituion...right?

I could see the illuminati doing this in order to shut him up. Just like we have a young black man thinking he is going up against the Illuminati...saying " in kill illumati." I think someone inside killed him.
Greater is He that is within me, than he that is in the world. But I am learning to be more prudent.

I watched the videos. I definitely believe the devil is all up in the music/entertainment industry. But the guy that did these particular videos wasn't convincing. Just a lot of photos with often vague hands signs that look coincidental. And I didn't necessarily buy everything he said. I would want to know where he gets his information on these stars from.

Now having watched other, more thorough, videos I can see what he might have tried to get at with some of what he said. But if these were the only videos on this subject that I had seen it would be easy to dismiss him.

Let me state for the record: Please do not pay attention to the graphics on the John Todd video. They were somewhat far fetched to me also.

The main purpose is to hear what John Todd is saying. These recordings are from the late 70s and are not made by John Todd. No one knows where John Todd is now. These videos were made by someone, a youtube member who put background images to an old recording of John Todd.

Just for the record-- I didnt hear what I wanted to hear. I played it for my coworkers at work with out the video-- I just recorded it. Most of them didnt hear the first part, but they did hear the second and third part without me clueing them into when it comes in.

Truth is, I DON'T want to hear subliminal messages in my music. I DON'T want to think I am being forced to like something that I do not like. I DON'T want to believe that the government is in on alot of too. But you know what, there's alot we don't know, whether we hear, see, feel it or not-- it's going on and it's right up under our noses. We're just too desensitized to recognize them. Not saying that's your case-- it's a "just sayin' " moment.

Now on to some other youtube videos. IMO-- yeah some of the videos ARE reaching when it comes to those Masonic handshakes, however what I do see that isn't reaching, is Beyonce wearing the symbol of Baphomet in one of her photos (the one where it looks like she is wearing a corset that looks like a motocycle front). We can chalk it up to ignorance, but I'm going to say that even though they may not know the demon's name-- I think ALMOST every adult christian has seen the 6 point star with the goats head in the middle --but then again I could be wrong. But I'm sure her mother would know that. Kanye has been seen wearing the Baphomet head too on his tshirt.

Also in response to another video saying that some big Christian Evangelists are Masons--I'm not saying he's pointing out the right people, but I won;t completely discredit him either. The bible says there will be false prophets, and truly, what better disguise is there than to pretend to be something you're not. :evillaugh:

I'm not saying we should be running around splashing people with Holy Water, but we should at least be open about just how deceiving satan is and for it to be his EXPERTISE (he was the Angel of Music)--- I would say he knows how to do his job.

PS--so... I'm guessing nobody has noticed that for years, Jay-z, Prodigy, and a few other rappers have have shouted out the Illuminati....Jay-z has a song named Luci and has even been calling himself "Young Luci" (pronounced Luchi). Some have speculated that because he spells it as Luci he's saying he's young Lucifer.He even named one of his songs "Lucifer". satan wants to be worshipped just like God because he's a biter --- which is why Jay-Z calls himself the "Young God MC", and "Jayhovah". That doesn't sound like the devil to you? Lucifer wanted to be just like God.... but he can't so he's gonna try to take as many people as he can with him before his time is up-- meaning some Christians(yep some of us will get swept in because we will have ignored warning signs), our children and family.

PPS- the way I wrote it above, I was NOT saying Jay-z is the devil, but who's to say he's not one of Satan's main instruments?

And you know what...if it's true that he's calling himself Young Luchi...just too much of a coicidence. I don't know what's happen to us as a people but does a person have to walk up and say, "Hi, I worship X, Y, Z...have sold myself to him and as a payment for all my riches, I have to make these songs which help bring him into your life.":perplexed

I mean, that's what it seems to me. And I keep hearing The Holy Spirit say everytime I think of Beyonce, "Pray for her." He's always telling me this so, I got to up my prayers for her.

And I don't think Sean Carter IS the devil either but I do think he is one of his pawns and I also think some other stuff is going on with him too. But anyhow...I'll just keep it to myself as to not start any arguments.
Okay... just for the record, I'm not discrediting anything, and I don't seek to make jokes...but I'm a little honest bout my thoughts (if it hasn't been made obvious the past 2 years I've posted!)

- I saw the first video.. and the quotes are very specific, yet ring ambivalent. To me it sounds like Beyonce herself is not comfortable about the limits she's pushed to in order to stay on top of the game, and disassociates herself by creating another "ego" to turn to. I think adrenaline can explain the way she "hurts herself" and doesn't feel it.

- There is a "vacancy" to her eyes and at times, her personality when she's observed and in interviews. As she naturally keeps her life private... the more and more she's in this business, I'm curious as to what goes on behind the scenes... because obviously whatever she's doing, Solange REFUSES to do. I don't see B as a b-tch, but I think there's a lot going on behind the scenes, especially involving her father and what he'll have her do to stay successful. That vacancy to me indicates trauma of some sort. The trauma of the fame, perhaps? Or the demands of the industry? Who knows? All I know is B and DC seemed more personable and eclectic when they were teens and "new to the game."

- Reading some of the YouTuber's comments, he sounds like a Seventh Day Adventist or Sabbath Keeper (two different denominations)... YET some of what he says in his responses MAKE NO SENSE TO ME. I admit, I need to read my bible more often or study things... but he's very argumentative at the sake of "getting the word" out. He talks of proof of how the Bible has been preserved as an argument against the belief it's been tampered... but his proof is of the same caliber as the accusee's...

- I think the images and the explanations are very subliminal at first, but eye opening as it's broken down. It's not easy to accept you're looking at obvious evil in front of you--- and "liking it". When we read stories of barbarism, brutal empires, idol worshipping and persecution, it's easy to imagine "that was back then, society is refined and different now... and way more intelligent." We'd like to think we know better, which makes it harder for people to accept if they are and aren't wrong.

- I can sorta see- with everything laid out - how obvious the brand of "evil" appears... especially as this is the "end times" and we are to be more watchful. On the other hand, I can also see how it can be seen as reading into things too much. Maybe I'm silly, but Prodigy never had outstanding mainstream success for me to believe that he's even Illuminati. Jay-Z... yes, but not because of his music, because of his ability to expand his brand. Who knows what Jay Z believes, religiously... he's an intelligent man, and he throws out a whole lot of different things. I'll have to explore this more.

I will say, I am paying attention, but I'm praying against being "sensationalized" into one corner or another. I want God to thoroughly convict me on what I'm hearing/observing and reading personally. That has not occurred, but I feel "more informed."

ETA: Jay and Bey seem happy, but maybe Bey is under a deep depression or hardship we don't know about. Again, her family seems to have suffered with their fame.... all she seems to truly have are her sister, mother and cousin. She loves Jay... of course. She has him.... but maybe in a year or two more something crazy might happen... she commits suicide, goes crazy, divorces him... or simply comes clean and says "I'm just NOT interested in this anymore" ... like Vanity...

God forbid. Like the last poster said I feel compelled to pray for her too... she might be lost and might have stopped mentioning God because she may be angry at Him for some reason. We all go through those times... and need to go through the fire before we realize what's necessary of us.
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Watched some of the videos (not the Beyonce' one) this morning. It's definitely alot to take in.

I just have to stay in a place where I continue to have a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord - regardless of what church I go to, which celebrity is saying what, etc. It's important for me to live a fasted life, spend quiet time alone with the Lord, read his word for myself and give the Holy Spirit a lifestyle that he can move in, speak to and direct.

I don't listen to alot of hip hop/rap because of the messages (the ones that I can hear) it sends to teens. Sickening!

As far as some of the celebs out there....

Jay-Z and Kanye - well, I don't listen to, support or like anything they do. I think their stuff is just blatant.

Rhianna - well, there's definitely been a change since she first popped on the scene. She went from pretty, youthful, light to everything just being dark!!

The comment about Dave Chapelle was interesting. We all know some of what went down with his show and how he's virtually nowhere right now.

There's a lot more, but my comments don't really matter. All of this makes me pay more attention to what I listen to and view.

Oh, the best music out there are those lil' ole' worship songs that I sing to God. My voice may not sound like Beyonce', but it's definitely music to God's ears. Lol!!
Does this go for Raggae also. I have met Bob Marley and my cousins own a Reggae club in Chicago. They toured with Ziggy Marley for many years I was in the Studio when they made Concious Party which won Grammys. I did not see this and Rita Marley is a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. I did not see this

I agree and they are, as far as I know, devout. I may get totally blasted for saying this but I believe that all this "seeing demons" behind each and every secular thing in life is a religious syncretistic practice, originating from Africa. Some people are accultured to attaching spirits to everything, just like in vodun, orisha etc. It helps them explain the good and the bad occurring in everyday life. But then again, it's mythology in general, as in the Greeks. It's all putting order to the universe and determining our place in it. That's IMHO, tho.

I'm not saying there is no negative energy in the universe. Singing about beatches and ho's, wanton sex and whatnot...not good. But I know G-d created both evil and good (I didn't say that G-d was both evil and good)...however anyone might wish to look at it. It's definitely a yin/yang...without the bad, how could we see and appreciate the good? But I sometimes think that fear dominates these types of discussions. Of course, we're to fear G-d and do good. But sometimes this "holy" fear might itself be a tool of satan to weaken us. Not everything under the sun that doesn't have "christian" stamped on it (or even someone alluded to...some gospel music is devlish???) is wicked. I believe it is about preferences. What I consider to be a sin, I should not do. But that does not give me the right to condemn another who does not find it a sin. Of course, I'm talking about things that are not absolutes and condemned by G-d Himself.

Disclaimer: I'm not accusing anybody of condemnation here.
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Let me state for the record: Please do not pay attention to the graphics on the John Todd video. They were somewhat far fetched to me also.

The main purpose is to hear what John Todd is saying. These recordings are from the late 70s and are not made by John Todd. No one knows where John Todd is now. These videos were made by someone, a youtube member who put background images to an old recording of John Todd.

And you know what...if it's true that he's calling himself Young Luchi...just too much of a coicidence. I don't know what's happen to us as a people but does a person have to walk up and say, "Hi, I worship X, Y, Z...have sold myself to him and as a payment for all my riches, I have to make these songs which help bring him into your life.":perplexed

I mean, that's what it seems to me. And I keep hearing The Holy Spirit say everytime I think of Beyonce, "Pray for her." He's always telling me this so, I got to up my prayers for her.

And I don't think Sean Carter IS the devil either but I do think he is one of his pawns and I also think some other stuff is going on with him too. But anyhow...I'll just keep it to myself as to not start any arguments.

I didn't make myself clear in my comment. I liked the John Todd videos (and had heard of him before). The videos I was talking about were unconvincing were the 3 part videos where the guy was mostly just showing photo clips and giving commentary on them (like, "God gon light they a** up, and I can't wait).

First, the cursing threw me off. Second, he needed to explain more to be convincing. Rather than just showing a picture of someone with their hands folded in a normal looking gesture, calling it Masonic and then exclaiming, "if you can't see what's going on in this pic, then you're just blind."
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I'm not saying we should be running around splashing people with Holy Water, but we should at least be open about just how deceiving satan is and for it to be his EXPERTISE (he was the Angel of Music)--- I would say he knows how to do his job.

PS--so... I'm guessing nobody has noticed that for years, Jay-z, Prodigy, and a few other rappers have have shouted out the Illuminati....Jay-z has a song named Luci and has even been calling himself "Young Luci" (pronounced Luchi). Some have speculated that because he spells it as Luci he's saying he's young Lucifer.He even named one of his songs "Lucifer". satan wants to be worshipped just like God because he's a biter --- which is why Jay-Z calls himself the "Young God MC", and "Jayhovah". That doesn't sound like the devil to you? Lucifer wanted to be just like God.... but he can't so he's gonna try to take as many people as he can with him before his time is up-- meaning some Christians(yep some of us will get swept in because we will have ignored warning signs), our children and family.

PPS- the way I wrote it above, I was NOT saying Jay-z is the devil, but who's to say he's not one of Satan's main instruments?

That's yicky. Speaking of evil symbols, do you know you have a dragon in your siggy? LOL. Just kidding.

But I remember the days when people were telling everybody that the new christian rock was "evil" because it used drum rhythmns of Africans and that it couldn't be something used to worship G-d. I know this is about secular music...but people will find something to prove their obsessions just about anywhere. BTW, there are lots of things I do not like in secular music...and I don't prohibit myself from listening to a lot of diff. types...just those I find offensive. Subliminal messages permeate television...even porn is something tacked in between commercials...on kids' shows.
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That's yicky. Speaking of evil symbols, do you know you have a dragon in your siggy? LOL. Just kidding.

But I remember the days when people were telling everybody that the new christian rock was "evil" because it used drum rhythms of Africans and that it couldn't be something used to worship G-d. I know this is about secular music...but people will find something to prove their obsessions just about anywhere. BTW, there are lots of things I do not like in secular music...and I don't prohibit myself from listening to a lot of diff. types...just those I find offensive. Subliminal messages permeate television...even porn is something tacked in between commercials...on kids' shows.

Nice stab LOL but I won't even get into what I believe about dragons and how they are associated....but then again since I'm half chinese I've never been taught dragons are evil. However, that doesn't mean what I've been taught isn't wrong :yawn:

Anypoop, about the african drums--- silly, very silly. I'm a total believer in Christians OVERdoing it. Almost every single genre of music has used a beat that is derived from africans drums or another african instrument. It's almost like people are afriad of dancing---no you shouldn't be gyrating and grinding to Christian music but dancing is also a part of worship.

So about John Todd, he got put into a mental institution huh? Hmmmm, very, very sneaky. In a mental institution, people aren't going to listen to you--- no matter what you say, because well, you're in a crazy house. They keep you drugged up, and they probably kept him on drugs ALL DAY LONG just so he wouldn't show some sort of sanity that would convist them to release him from the institution. I was just thinking, why didn't they just send him to jail-- well, I had answered my question right afterwards, you can still spread the word in prison, in fact I think it'd be more effective especially since, there tend to be satanists in prisons in practically all prisons because people want to feel like they belong, and protected.... having satanists in there probably would have made it better since 1-- there is proof that satanists even exist and 2- I'm assuming that alot of those satanists are in jail for murdering people/sacrifices and such and are in jail for life-- they have nothing to lose, so what's to stop them from saying, "Yeah we put stuff in your music, commercials, movies..." and it could be a testimony to convert other prisoners to Christians, or at the very least have them warn their families about that type of danger.

We can't avoid everything, it's pretty much impossible. I'm just a little turned off by how fast we are to believe entertainment news, tabloids, the news in general, yet, we need EXHIBIT A,B,C see just to see proof that the devil is in it. FYI-- it's not supposed to be obvious (it's the devil's job to deceive), however even if it was obvious, I believe alot of Christians would still ask for proof--one of the reasons could be because they don't want to give up listening to that type of music. :rolleyes:
Question: So Jay Z has a song named Lucifer... which was Satan's name prior to his fall...

And have we "read" the lyrics to this song? OR are we going off his song's name, naming his label after one of the most powerful families in American history, the fact that he is financially powerful (But not wealthy enough to make a scratch)...? OR the fact he knows the meek shall inherit the Earth even though he never read a Bible... I mean, everyone's heard that (and a few other lines) without reading the Bible?

I am not a Jay-Z stan. I don't know what his beliefs are. . . but here are his lyrics. I don't see them glorifying anything. It's more of an interpretation. I will not deny what appears to be blasphemous references to Holy water (as similies/metaphors to weapons).... but it looks like someone who is warring against others... as well as with the Devil within... it's more a "justified glorification" of violence... which is not of God but not "directing pledging allegiance" to Satan. His attitude is more ambivalent easily leaning toward the dark side... not all hail thee evil.

Lucifer Lyrics
Artist(Band):Jay-Z Review The Song (14) Print the Lyrics

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Lucifer son of da mornin' im gonna chase you out of earth!
Lucifer, Lucifer son of da mornin'
[Im from the murder capitol where we murder for capital]

Lucifer son of da mornin' im gonna chase you out of earth!
Lucifer son of da mornin'
(Kanyeeze you did it again you a genius *****)
[So you *****s change your attitude 'fore they askin what happened to you]

[Verse One]
Lord forgive him
He got them dark forces in him
But he also got a rightous cause for sinnin'
Them ta murder me so i gotta murder them first
Emergency doctors performin procedures
I ain't tryin to be facetious
But "Vengance is mine" said the Lord
You said it better than all
Leave *****s on deaths door
Breathin off res-pir-rators
for killin my best boy, HATERS
On permanant hiatus as i escape
In the Maybach Benz
Fly this then Sanaa Lathan
Pumpin "Brown Sugar" by D'Angelo
In Los Angeles
Like an evangelist
I can introduce you to your maker
Bring you closer to nature
Ashes after they cremate you bastards
Hope you been readin your psalms and chapters
Payin your tithes being good Catholics
I'm comin

Lucifer, Lucifer son of da mornin' im gonna chase you out of earth!
Lucifer, Lucifer son of da mornin'
[See, See, See
I'm from the murder capitol where we murder for capital]

Lucifer, Lucifer son of da mornin' im gonna chase you out of earth!
Lucifer, Lucifer son of da mornin'
[See, See, See
So you *****s change your attitude 'for they askin what happened to you]

[Verse Two]
This is Holy war
I wet cha all with the Holy water
Spray from the Heckler Koch auto
Matic all the static shall cease to exist
Like a sabbatical i throw a couple at you
Take six
Spread love to all of my dead thugs
I'll pour out a little Louie to a head above
Yes Sir
And when i perish
The meek shall inherit the earth
Until that time it's on and poppin', CHURCH
Like Don Bishop
The fifth upon cock either
Lift up your soul or give you the Holy ghost please
I leave ya in somebodys Cathedral
And stuntin like Evil Knievel
I'll let you see where that bright light lead you
The more you talk the more you irkin us
The more you gonna need memorial services
The Black Album's second verse is like
Devil's Pie - save some dessert for us

Man i gotta get my soul right
I gotta get these Devils out my life
These cowards gonna make a ***** ride
They won't be happy til somebody dies

Man i gotta get my soul right
'Fore i'm locked up for my whole life
Evertime it seems it's all right
Somebody want they soul to rise
(I'll chase you off of this Earth)

[Verse Three]
I got dreams of holdin a Nine milla
To Bobs killa
Askin him "why?" as my eyes fill up
These days i can't wake up with a dry pillow
Gone but not forgotten holmes i still feel ya
So...Curse the day that birthed the bastard
Who caused your Church mass
Reverse the crash
Reverse the blast
And reverse the car
Reverse the day, and there you are:
Bob Allah
Lord forgive him we all have sinned
But Bob's a good dude please let him in
And if you feel in my heart that i long for revenge
Please blame it on the son of the morning
Thanks Again
No he is not hailing all evil and such, from the videos I've seen (not sure about what anyone else watched), none of these rappers have blatantly said
who they are for. Like Ive said before, the devil is a slick one. So now we have Beyonce and Kanye, wearing Baphomet and Jay-Z and Prodigy mentioning the Illuminati in their music -- but unless they express it in plain words, "I worship Satan", it's not legit. :ohwell: