Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge 2011 (Part 4)

Dc'ing with a mix of AOHC and CTDG. :D

IDareT'sHair I wanna try that BBB Mixed Greens sooo bad! Tell me that it's just okay. Tell me that I don't HAVE to have it!
Dc'ing with a mix of AOHC and CTDG. :D

IDareT'sHair I wanna try that BBB Mixed Greens sooo bad! Tell me that it's just okay. Tell me that I don't HAVE to have it!

tiffers I am DC envying right now :grin: been trying to pick up MTDG from the swap because a lot of people do not like it. Based upon your review I might just wait for BF and get CTDG.

Three part DC CJ Reconstructor, Jasmine for an hour, and O HH overnight. This was my first time using CJ Reconstructor, and I think I may have overdosed on protein. My hair was a little rough after this reconstructor. I can use SSI okra twice per week with MT mix on my roots, CJ may be a bit stronger protein for my hair.
I bought a new conditioner from the natural show this past weekend. Supposed to be Black seed oil and jojoba oil. skeptical as to whats in it but oh well going to use it and not rebuy.

I DCd with it last night in twist and left it on for about an hour while I worked out. My hair felt soft but its hard for me to tell in twists. But it washed out easily. Much better than AOHSR so I will use it again. At least my hair got some moisture. :yep:
IDareT'sHair :nono: You ain't no good. :lachen:

Seamonster I've been meaning to ask if that was you in your siggy. You're pretty! :grin:

Yeah, I like CTDG a lot better than MTCG. The Conditioning Ghee is good, but just doesn't leave my hair as soft and smooth as the Detangling Ghee. I'll buy more, just because I want everything Qhemet in my house at all time. :lol:

The Aethiopika Butter is insanity. :lick:
Pre-Poo overnight with EVCO, wash with moisturizing Poo, DC with Kenra MC for 2 hrs without heat; will do ponytail rollerset and airdry overnight.
tiffers Thank you, that is my starting growth picture for the year. It is hard to length check this nappy hair :lachen: That is my blow out. Hope we all swinging next year.
DC #2

Under the dryer with my leftovers: silicon mix, castor oil, jojoba oil, sitrinillah, and Aussie 3 min. Added a few sprinklings of salt as well in hopes that it will mend my bushy ends

ETA: and hemp oil

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Last week i DC'd my hair twice using AO HSR and giovanni smooth as silk conditioner, Both made my hair very soft. This week i plan on doing it twice too except maybe i'll try some other DCs.
Since finding Aubrey Organics conditioners I've retired my Giovanni SAS deeper moisture...however TODAY I whipped it out and realized that I still love it:grin: I'm about 10 weeks post and I used it along with avg in my roots primarily and then put my hair up in a bun for the day. I was able to go about my day SCENT FREE:yay: And co washed with nice moist hair as a result:yep:
DCing overnight with my oil/condish mix
-Mizani Moisture intense
-matix ultra hydrating balm
-Avocado oil
-grapeseed oil
I would like to join. I will condition once a week. I will be steaming a few times each month. I add honey, oils, clear rinse etc to normal conditioners. When I don't feel like steaming or sitting under the dryer I will sleep with conditioner in my hair and rinse in the morning.
I'm long overdue, work had me spinning around like a top :spinning: Did a quick protein tx with a mix of Alfaparf Rigen and a tiny bit of Joico K-Pak. DCing with ORS replenishing now.
I would like to join. I will condition once a week. I will be steaming a few times each month. I add honey, oils, clear rinse etc to normal conditioners. When I don't feel like steaming or sitting under the dryer I will sleep with conditioner in my hair and rinse in the morning.

Hey Prettylonghair Welcome to the challange :grin:. I do clear rinses as a separate step but I'm thinking of adding it to my DC to save time. How much rinse to you add to your condtioner?
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I washed the other day and DC'd with the last of my Claudie's Avocado Intense and some Avocado & Silk. I added a bit of grapeseed oil to it.
Think i will dry DC, tonight with BFH Pistachio cream DC, co-wash it with Oyin HH. Need to finsh up things that have been opened for a while.
IDareT'sHair :lol: I accidentally bumped it once, thinking it was the new one. I was confrused. :giggle:

Dc'ing overnight with a mix of CTDG and OHHB. :lick:
i slathered my hair with silk elements megasilk mayonaise and sat under the dryer for 30 mins after my weekly reconstructor. my hair feels awesome! it took no effort to detangle my hair. i dont know if its the product of the amount i used. i enjoyed it very much! next time i use my joico products i will use more than i was using(dollop sized amount)
Trying out Elasta QP DPR 11. Shampooed, then added jojoba and castor to the jar before applying it to wet hair. Under the dryer for another ten minutes an will be back with my review

ETA: DC # 3

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