Deleted mistress post?


Well-Known Member
I commented a a thread regarding mistresses being blamed in an affair.

Majority of the responses, felt the married person made the vows, and the other woman doesn't owe anyone anything. Soem agreed both were at fault, but majority keep emphazing the vows of the married party. They were emphazing the vows to God and relationships. I left a comment that was not judging but honestly looking for a sincere answer. Oddly enough it was deleted. So I typed it again and after two more re-types, and deletes, formed the conclusion it may have been was delete purposely. I know this because my post would have been the last comment the thread at that time. Since then, another poster has commented on the thread.

My comment is as follows:
Folks in situations like this like to throw the whole he/she made the vow, therefore he/she don’t owe…Vows are a pledge of faithfulness in relationships, so how is it different than those believers who have pledged a relationship with God. There are many that proclaim their belief, in God and his word. For those who believe, God’s word says, thou shalt not kill, steal and the commandments or his word goes on. If that is the case, how are the men/women vows of faithfulness in a married relationship, any different, than those who vow faithfulness in a relationship with God and his word? You have the same faithful, “servants” involved in these types of triangles, but will hold the other person’s vows to a higher standard. Where does the difference lie?

I really don't see why there would be cause for deletion. What do you guys think?
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was it deleted from this site? i need more information. for example, what thread are you referring too and what was the question posed, and your "deleted' response.

i guess i miss a lot on this board huh....
I think for many its a matter of accountability; while homegirl is despicable, she didn't take the vows of marriage, he did.

Frankly, they both suck. Equally. But if its me, I'll kill him before I ever put hands on her because in terms of my relationship, she's an actor playing a role; a non-factor. He is where my issues lie.