How fast does YOUR hair grow (w/o growth aids)???

How fast does Your hair grow per month w/o growth aids??

  • .24 in and below a month

    Votes: 15 6.3%
  • .25 in. a month

    Votes: 59 24.8%
  • .5 in a month

    Votes: 127 53.4%
  • .75 in a month

    Votes: 27 11.3%
  • 1 in a month

    Votes: 7 2.9%
  • 1.1 in and above

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Without growth aids I usually get .5" consistantly.
When I'm on my vitamin regimen, I consistantly get 1" or more per month.

Then sometimes in my growth phase I get 1" per month without doing anything (still havent figured out what time of year I have a growth spurt, it never seems to be the same time every year).

:scratchch I might start up my vitamin regimen again...
My hair grows super slow, so I'm pretty sure less than '.25 a month...if at all.
I voted .5 but actually I think its a little less like .4-.45
Im 8 weeks post and I think I have maybe a week more before I have a solid inch. But you know what its hard to measure so I may have the .5 after all. hmm...
I voted .75. Because Last year, I self trimmed every month and got 4 inches of growth in 6 months. Too bad the stylist overprocessed my hair during my relaxer and I ended up back where I started major set back, BTW the next two relaxers I got also overprocessed me. But am finally back and healthy, was hoping fo 2.5 inches of growth in 4 months with regular self dusting
since joining this board, I discovered that my hair grows faster than average. I hesitate to say an inch, but August 8th- my hair was just below ear-length. Now, the end of September, my hair is shoulder length!...with no growth aids.
It's natural I guess. I get more growth when I'm eating healthy, excersing, taking my multi-vitamin and sleeping well. :yep: Like last month I only got .75 but I was eating a lot of junk and not sleeping like I should. school just started so everything is crazy :lol:

Same here...I've been eating well, resting, exercising, taking vitamins, & drinking a ton of water so I think all of that contributes to my growth. I'm in law school, which is stressful enough so I have been more careful to take care of my body, which in turn helps my hair. :grin: I've thought about growth aids, but I fear set backs too much.
Man I have never measured. I will be getting a relaxer soon I will see if I can measure than.
Pre-LHCF, maybe a little under .5". Since LHCF (co-washing, vitamins, and moisture), seems to be between .75" and 1".
I get about .5 per month. I thought it was less but this is the first time I've measured my new growth and was pleasantly surprised so I'll have to keep on it and see if there's any changes.
Well I just measured my hair and its about 2.25in around the perimeter and 2.5 in the middle.. I transitioned for 4 months and cut earlier this month and had to cut some of my natural hair to get it curl.. so I have 4.5 months natural hair growth so I would say I get about .5 to .75 inches avg...I know the summer is my growth spurt months so i will measure then
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I voted .5 a month based on my newgrowth amount when I used to get relaxers. I honestly have not measured since being 100% natural.
:giggle: At this rate, I'm beginning to think that having a faster growth rate than 1/4 inch or 0.5 isn't a good thing after all. I mean check out the heads of slow rate growers, 1Aleesha and GoingNatural and DozenRoses99. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
1/2' a month I'd say going back to the days I used to measure. A few months I've had growth spurts as well.
I think my hair grows about the standard 1/2" per month. However, I suspect that different areas of my hair have different growth rates. I observed over years of box-braiding my hair that the middle of my hair would have lots of undergrowth, while the sides would have less. However, this could be because the middle has a looser curl pattern, so more of the growth shows.
My hair grows about 1/2 inch a month. My problem is retention. As soon as my scalp grows it, my curling and flat irons take it away. :mob: