DEC 07 APLer's Whatz ur status


New Member
I was just looking over my progress pics and I am now wondering if I am going to actually make it to APL this DEC 07. I know that there are alot of you who share the same Dec 07 APL goal date as me. Soooooo, what's ur status, feelings, set-backs if any? Have you calculated a new APL goal date?
Basically, whats going on witcha?

As for me, I just put a weave in yesterday because I got tired of the cornrows with beads. Plus, I'm tired of watching my hair grow. I will continue to make my fruit smoothie hair growth shake and use my topical aids. If things don't go my way this DEC, then I'm shooting for March 08.
I know my hair is growing because I feel massive NG, but I don't know if it will be APL by DEC 07.
I'm checking in. I just took my braid extensions out after wearing them 2.5 months. I'm about 1 to 1.5 inches away. I want to be at APL in December, and FULL APL by March 2008. I'll post progress pics when I straighten my hair. Right now I'm still in twists.


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I dunno, kbfluff... you look like you have maybe 1.5 inches to go... I'd say with your growth aids, Dec. is still reasonable... if not, certainly early '08! Looking good, btw.

Me, well... I'm about 9 weeks post and have quite a bit of NG, so I can't fully assess the situation :lachen:... I'm aiming for FULL APL by Dec. and by George I hope I can make it. The pix in my fotki under September 2007 show my length as of a month ago... so maybe you guys can tell me how close I am...
I'm about an inch and a half (less in some places)If all goes well and I don't have any trims to get I should be good to go. :yep:
I think I'll make APL by the end of December. I'm about an inch away. My ends may not be as thick as I was hoping but I'm happy that I'm finally retaining length after being stuck between SL and APL for 4 years.
i just replied in one of the other apl threads

but i just gave myself an inch/inch.5 trim
much much needed!
hadnt trimmed or cut in anyway since mid-ish 2006
my ends were horrible.
and i'd been seeing it for a while
but i was trying to deny it/hope it went away
ahhhhhhh boooooooo!

but it's not that bad
i didnt lose as much length
as i was thinking it'd be

as i said in the other post...

i dont think i'll make it in december
but that's a-ok with me.
I'll be there by next month, I hope . But I just realized that my APL is a further ways away than others APL because my hair is longer than some peoples here who are armpit...... :ohwell: That would be my hair...
I believe that I have an inch or so to go. My hair seems to be in a thickening stage. I am still hopeful that I can make goal by the end of Dec:up:
Dont think I will be making full APL by Dec....I have been so stressed out w/ moving lately my hair as been all over the place mainly the floor. So Im shooting for spring and I am okay w/ that. This winter is all about health of my hair and bringin it back!!!! Good luck ladies we will get there
I think I'm actually touching APL in the back and about 1-2 inches away in the front. I probably will be full APL by sometime next year. However, my main goal was to just touch APL as my hair is not even, and I'm pretty sure I'll be there by December.
i did my first hardcore aphogee treatment.
(the new 2 step one)
i'm in the conditioning process right now
keeping it in overnight.
we'll see how it works for me
if this works out well - i'll do it every 6 weeks
to keep a hold on breakage and such

maybe i'll be able to keep more hair on my head!
we'll see where it lands me when december comes around lol.
My back made APL with my last relaxer and now I'm waiting for my sides to make APL...I'm thinking my sides will be APL with my next relaxer which will be in December (hopefully)...and then on to my next goal of BSL..YEAH!!!!
I think I'm actually touching APL in the back and about 1-2 inches away in the front. I probably will be full APL by sometime next year. However, my main goal was to just touch APL as my hair is not even, and I'm pretty sure I'll be there by December.

Yeah, looks like ur there to me. That extra 2 inches ur talking about will just seal the deal & make it solid.
Dont think I will be making full APL by Dec....I have been so stressed out w/ moving lately my hair as been all over the place mainly the floor. So Im shooting for spring and I am okay w/ that. This winter is all about health of my hair and bringin it back!!!! Good luck ladies we will get there

Bablou00, ur hair is faboo to me. I like how long the front is. For me some reason, long hair isn't long to me unless hair is in the face. I simply luv chin length bangs. HHG!
I dunno, kbfluff... you look like you have maybe 1.5 inches to go... I'd say with your growth aids, Dec. is still reasonable... if not, certainly early '08! Looking good, btw.

Me, well... I'm about 9 weeks post and have quite a bit of NG, so I can't fully assess the situation :lachen:... I'm aiming for FULL APL by Dec. and by George I hope I can make it. The pix in my fotki under September 2007 show my length as of a month ago... so maybe you guys can tell me how close I am...

Yeah, mosdef. If u r choc full of NG now then u will me Full APL in no time. U r definately on APL now by ur longest layer. I'd say if u can grow 2 more inches between what u have now in ng and what u should retain by the end of Dec, Full APL will be a holiday present for u. Definately a valentines day present, worst case scenario. HHG!
I am still aiming for APL by the end of December, but if Im not there I hope to jus see some improvement. If I dont make it by December I hope to make it by the next time I relax in February or March. I have began using my growth aid and taking my vitamins consistently and it has given me some improvement, so hopefully I'll continue on a good note. Here's my pic taken last week
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bablou00, we've missed you, sweetie! Congrats on the move. Your hair looks great and it's hard for me to believe that you're not close to APL. It looks pretty far along to me. Don't give up.

As for me, I'm too scared to say. It looks like I'm already there, but I'm 15 weeks post-relaxer and I'm prepared to snip .5 to 1 inch in December when I relax because it looks like I have a few split ends. That could just be an illusion, though because this shrinkage is out of this world. But it does look like I'm pretty much at APL unrelaxed.
My last relaxer put me about 2 inches away. I think I can make it by December. Just need to stick to my regime. Its certainly looking healthy.
Thanks Ive miss ya'll too! I think the stress of shopping for a house and moving is catching up with me...I have never lost so much hair. I relax in Nov. so hopefully I will be closer to my goal. My back is APL for sure but the front is taking too dang! I think I will be 15mos! Keeping my fingers crossed.

bablou00, we've missed you, sweetie! Congrats on the move. Your hair looks great and it's hard for me to believe that you're not close to APL. It looks pretty far along to me. Don't give up.

As for me, I'm too scared to say. It looks like I'm already there, but I'm 15 weeks post-relaxer and I'm prepared to snip .5 to 1 inch in December when I relax because it looks like I have a few split ends. That could just be an illusion, though because this shrinkage is out of this world. But it does look like I'm pretty much at APL unrelaxed.
I am not really good with measurements but I think I need about 1.5 inches (maybe). I think the longest part of my hair in the back may be grazing APL by Dec 2007 but for the side and the rest of my hair...dunno, sometime in early 08.

I'm 9 weeks post this week, and am trying to stretch the whole way! Maybe i will have a nice christmas present.
I think I will be touching APL in some places by 12/07, which should be my next touch-up. That's my goal. I'm not sure if I will need a serious trim at my next touch-up, though. I'm always really paranoid about my ends. :ohwell:
I flat ironed my hair last weekend (sorry didn't take any pics) and I was pleasantly surprised to see I was only about .5 to 1 inch away from APL in the back and about 1.5 inches away in the front. I think in December I will be able to claim full APL. :grin:
I'm just trying to stay motivated. I have been seriously slacking on my hair care.:ohwell:
Ok I am grazing APL in the back. Actually immediately after my relaxer it did not seem so but from a week after it fell into its own. I expect to be APL by Dec 15th, my next relaxer but when I reach I will cut about 1 -2 inches to even up and give body, the ends are thin. I will be weaving until then to help protect my hair as I am beginning to hate bunning and I look better with my hair out but I scared that I will be damaging it. Anyhoo weaving hopefully tonite (a self-weave experiment).

Wish me luck.

Well I have this weird long tail that is APL, well there is a little past it... The rest of my hair is still about 1-1.5 ins above... I will claim full APL when the 1in part hits apl... Then i will be pleased. I last relaxed in July and here we are in october and i still dont see a lot of NG so i am a little discouraged... I may relax next in DEC.... When i find the attachment for the camera , Ill post pics.....
My growth spurt is usually between Sept and Dec therefore Im still pushing for APL by December. Currently I have massive NG and will be 10 weeks post on Thursday. I would like to hold off on relaxing until Dec 20, which will give me 19 weeks post. :blush: Since Im in the hide your hair until christmas challenge, Im praying that on my reveal I will be APL. :yep:
Well I have this weird long tail that is APL, well there is a little past it... The rest of my hair is still about 1-1.5 ins above... I will claim full APL when the 1in part hits apl... Then i will be pleased. I last relaxed in July and here we are in october and i still dont see a lot of NG so i am a little discouraged... I may relax next in DEC.... When i find the attachment for the camera , Ill post pics.....

Hang in there, girlie. You've been working hard and wanting APL badly for a long time. Keep at it. You'll get there. ;)
Hi Girls!
Just checkin' in. :nono: I'm not very confident that I'll make APL by Dec. I'm currently 11 weeks post, and I'm trying to stretch for at least 14 weeks (wish me luck). I got a trim in August...why did I do that? That set me back some. Pics are in my fotki of my current length. Latest pics were taken in Sept.
Good Luck to all of you Ladies!
I'm almost there, I need to retouch, I'll be able to determine better by this weekend If I've made it or not. Keeping the fingers crossed.