DCing Every Day

Do you think this is a good balance?

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I used to DC everyday when I first started my hair journey but after a while it got to be too much work especially when you have a lot of growth. I rather DC 2x a week and moisturize my hair and baggy the ends. Plus I think that there is too much manipulation of the ends and you can get some splits ends. So I guess too much of a good thing can also be a nuisance.
I kinda of do this. I put honey in my big bottle of tresseme when I buy it then I use it to co-wash but I generally put some on dry hair when I wake up then I make coffee and get clothes ready and workout before my shower. I think it helps me because I don't oil at night.
OP, besides this being overkill coz your hair can only take in so much and then the rest becomes waste, I'd like to point out that I don't believe products you put on your hair (like when you DC) make hair grow longer. I believe hair grows longer if your hair follicles are well nourished, so my answer to your question
do you think that your hair will grow faster or more if you do this to your hair,
is a resounding NO!

I think my hair would get very weak if I wet it every day. Twice a week seems plenty enough and one DC a week seems sufficient too. There are people who don't wash often or DC at all and their hair is thriving. Simplicity/moderation not being excessive is key.
I feel like my hair would get way too moisturized and "mushy"

This + too much time. We all want good hair (and by that I mean healthy, luxurious hair of any texture) but my guess is if you're putting that much time into your hair daily you're probably neglecting something else.

But try this - better quality conditioners have a higher percentage of conditioning ingredients and therefore they would be the same as a deep conditioner from a cheapie line. So maybe get better quality products and use those several times/week and you will probably see an improvement. But keep in mind products are only part of the equation - technique is the rest. You can use the best products in the world but if you're not using good techniques you'll still have problems.
I barely find the time to DC my hair once a week let alone everyday. It could work.. too much manipulation/work for me though