DCing Every Day

Do you think this is a good balance?

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This is my first Thread here, but, what if we DCed every day instead of co-washed.
Here is what I mean by that, when ever we go and wash our hair instead of cheapie conditioner we use a Leave in like Infusium 23 or Elasta QP both the H-Two and the Before & After then follow by a hard core DC like Mizani or Aussie 3 Minute Miracle, IC, or Profectiv and use it like we would a moisturizer. Then we use our protein like Mega- Tek or Aphogee 2 minute, but not OCT because, it's too expensive to waste then, we seal and put a shower cap on top then the scarf. Every day and then clearify once a week so there would'nt be product build up. My question is that, during these summer months, do you think that your hair will grow faster or more if you do this to your hair, or have you ever done this to your hair and if so what where your results, I would also like know how long have you done this and for which months and did you see more or less growth with this experience. I would also like to try to do this to see if I can get a inch in a month, because, I need it.
Last month I DC'd everyday or every other day. That month I retained 1inch of length and I think frequent DCing had a lot to do with it
i do this. i just started co-washing every day to every other day. i use aussie 3 min miricle, ntm hair mask, or garnier 3 min dc and follow with he, tresemme, or aussie moist and wash out. then apply ntm leave in and hawaain silky 14-1 mixed with water. so far so good.
no I think that would be way too much for my hair. I started co washing at 13 wks post and my hair did not like it. I might try it again after my relaxer touch up. I dont think I can mess with my hair too much, especially during a stretch.
Yep, too much. And it won't ever increase your hair growth. I also don't think it will help much in retention either. I think it would but a lot of stress on your strands, both too much protein and too much moisture.
"do you think that your hair will grow faster or more if you do this to your hair"

No, I don't believe anything you put on your head is going to make your hair grow faster. You may retain more length (your ends may not break off) but it cannot effect the speed of your hair growth.
I agree that it just seems like overkill, especially since deep conditioners read that you only need to use them once a week anyway, sometimes twice at the most. I think daily cowashing would be easier and make more sense.
You can have too much of a good thing, not to mention the over-manipulation and the potential to mess up your moisture protein balance.
You can have too much of a good thing, not to mention the over-manipulation and the potential to mess up your moisture protein balance.
Even if you are not manipulating your hair, like what if your hair is braided up like in cornrows, or just regular braids. I do understand what you mean about having too of a good thing.
I think DC'g every day might be a little too much, but I guess it would truly depend on your hair. I think you would have to do hard core protein treatments way more often as well.
Waay to much for the hair. The manipulation (detangling), dealing with wet, fragile hair and the balance between protein and moisture will be compromised. Once a week would be ok.
I use my DC (AOWC) as a leave in. But I think that what you described would be just doing way too much for me. I usually cowash with good conditioners too. But, I just recently decided to cowash several times per week and try out more cheapies, so far so good.
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There is an article about OVERCONDITIONING .I dont think is a very good idea to be honest ,even cowashing daily can make your hair fragile ,prone to breakage and in the long run cause buildup a good imositurizer or a spritz daily would give you enough moisture without the risk of overconditioning or overly manipulate your hair .

Protein and Moisture Balancing in Black Hair Care: When to Say No to Moisture Published: Mon February 23rd, 2009
By: Audrey Sivasothy Category: Beauty In articles past, I've given my take on the protein/moisture balance for black hair care and focused my work on teaching mostly hair care newbies how to understand the balance. However, today I am writing about overconditioning via overzealous moisturization-- a phenomenon that I've seen play out over and over again in the hair forum world. Interestingly, overconditioning is not so much a problem among newbies, but rather among those who've been around hair care much longer. Now before I get into the meat of the discussion, let me preface my statements by giving the mandatory "what works for some, may not work for all" speech. Obviously overconditioning, and the product usage patterns that tend to encourage it, vary from person to person.
There are no official normative standards here, and as with all things hair-- the only hard fast rule is that there are no hard fast rules. "Too much" for one head may be "too little" for another, etc. Therefore, all suggestions and advice, including this article, should be taken with a grain of salt and weighed and evaluated against your unique situation. With that said, let's talk overconditioning! Out in the "real world" overconditioning, or "tipping too far" on the moisture side of the protein/moisture balance, is virtually rare. Most ladies who aren't particularly into hair care rarely use true moisturizing hair products, and when they do—it's often sparingly.
When hair breakage problems arise, this group tends to reach for heavy protein reconstructors that clearly state that they are formulated to prevent breakage. Because most moisturizing products do not tout their breakage reduction or strengthening capabilities on their bottles and packaging, these ladies tend to skip them over when breakage problems arise. Later, when these ladies find their way onto hair forums around the web, they are typically instructed to reduce their use of proteins and increase their moisture levels. 99.9% of the time, this infusion of moisture and increase in washing and deep conditioning frequency stops the breakage and gets their hair growing and healthy.
The problem of overconditioning seems to arise once the individual has been indoctrinated into all things hair. By now, she has figured out which products are protein-based and which are more moisture leaning—and here, the tendency to over moisturize tends to develop. She develops an aversion to protein and throws all of her resources into achieving a perpetual "moisture high."
The proliferation of true "protein overload" stories may have gotten her to this point! She knows that there is a gentle, often tricky balance to maintain but she puts all of her eggs in her moisturizing basket just to be safe.
She may even realize that different proteins have different properties, and some actually improve the hair's elasticity rather than toughen the strands—but she's not taking any chances with protein period. This aversion causes her to moisturize and overcondition her hair until the cows come home often through: overzealous "baggying" back-to-back conditioner washes that don't allow the hair to ever dry regular lengthy/ overnight deep conditionings keeping the hair wet in general (water or oil) for extended periods of time without a break the complete elimination of protein products altogether.
She may have taken my "err on the side of moisture" advice to heart just a little too much! Yes, protein overload is problematic—and it can take a while to correct, but overconditioning also has its own set of issues. We are indeed dealing with a precarious balance, and we have to keep in mind that each product session affects this balance in some way. If you are "erring on the side of moisture" with each and every product you are using in a given period, it stands to reason that eventually you will have gone too far over into overconditioning land. The same can be said for overzealous protein users.
The thing is, choosing moisture when in doubt almost always works for "newbies"—ladies who are just in the initial weeks and months of getting into their hair regimen. It can also work in those uncertain clutch situations for hair vets too, but it should not itself be the basis for your balance and regimen. It is simply a temporary strategy, and those who've been around a bit must be careful to avoid falling into the overconditioning trap. It is not a difficult trap to fall into either. Hair that is getting infused with moisture on a regular basis tends to feel really soft and nice—at first. This softness contrasts greatly with the beginnings of protein overload which tend to have the hair feeling crispy and dry much sooner. The softness can become addictive, but a strong protein infrastructure is needed to offer support/strength to that softness, improve the hair's porosity, and increase the likelihood that moisture gets in and stays in where it needs to be. Then over time, overconditioned hair becomes porous and starts to develop its own sort of dryness as a result. Excessive conditioning with only moisture-based conditioners weakens the hair's protein binding structure which in turn increases the hair's porosity. The increased porosity causes moisture to pass in, then right back out just as quickly. Hair that is overconditioned then begins to feel dry, weak, limp and flat, no matter how much additional conditioning is done to it. The key is to use protein and moisture together, varying the ratios to keep your hair balanced. Who needs more restructuring proteins? Chemically treated hair needs more moisture and protein conditioning than non-treated heads of hair. If you are relaxed and/or color-treated, and you've been several weeks and/or months without some form of protein conditioning you should anticipate problems with overconditioning to eventually arise.
Those who've undergone chemical services need extra protein supplementation with their moisture on a regular basis. The schedule of product use will vary from head to head as always; however, the basic nature of those services makes protein restructuring a necessity for chemically treated populations. Overconditioning chemically treated hair almost always results in porosity isssues down the line if regular protein is not added to regimen to provide strength to the hair's infrastructure. How do you know if you are overconditioning? 1.) Stretchy, gummy, limp/lank hair. The number one sign of overconditioning is simply limp, stretchy, gummy feeling hair. This stretchiness can occur with or without hair breakage. Though the hair is typically very soft when it is in an overconditioned state, it is this softness that can cause it to eventually break, often with little manipulation. Stretchiness without breakage is the first warning sign that protein is needed to strengthen the hair. When your hair reaches a degree of pliability (stretch factor) that is acceptable to you, introduce a bit of protein to help your hair maintain this level of moisturization. Remember--The protein/moisture balance is not about having to experience breakage on one end before correcting, and then starting to feel breakage on the other side before correcting that. What you do NOT want to do is wait for the breakage to happen before you start correcting with protein. Breakage is the final warning sign. 2.) No moisture retention, chronic dryness One other sign of overconditioning is that your hair is not retaining moisture, and feels porous. As stated above, overconditioning leads to porosity issues- though, in a less invasive way compared to chemical treatments like chemical relaxing or coloring. 3.) Low protein use and belong to a chemically vulnerable population You may be over-conditioning your hair if you belong to one of the vulnerable, chemically treated populations listed above, and you haven't given your hair even a light protein boost in months. How I Balance with Protein I use two product lines exclusively on my hair—Kenra for moisture and Joico for protein. When I plan to deep condition my hair, I often use a combination of these two lines for a customized conditioning experience. So on hand, I'll have: • Joico Moisture Recovery Balm or Joico K-Pac (protein line) • Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner or Kenra Platinum Conditioner (moisture line) You can use whichever products you like for your moisture and protein needs.
The ratios of the products you use will help you achieve a customized balance, and will depend on your exact mission at the time. For example, If I'm using protein just for moisture assistance—meaning my hair needs a more moisture-focused conditioning session -- I use just a little of the lighter protein conditioner. (For me that is about a nickel sized amount of Joico Moisture recovery mixed with a bunch of Kenra). If I'm using protein to try to maintain my regular moisture/protein balance when its fairly balanced right where I want it, no breakage - I'll add a bit more of the Joico Moisture Recovery to the Kenra generally at a 50/50 ratio, or a bit less. If I am trying to correct a balance that has starting to edge a bit too far over onto my moisture side, I'll use the stronger protein conditioner from Joico's K-Pak line and will up the ratio of Joico to Kenra. Good luck!
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for me, it depends on what you mean by dc'ing, plus which products are being used, seeing as how there is so much controversy about what a true deep conditioner really is.

as far as covering my head from root to tip in conditioner, i only do that on dry hair twice a week, but there are many conditioners that i use as leave in's as well.

is that dc'ing on a daily basis?
idk, but i do know that since doing so, i've gained and retained more length than i have ever had in my whole life.

i've also read on threads where ladies with WL or longer hair swear my adding a little bit of conditioner to their ends on a nightly basis.

sure, i don't want to "overdo" a good thing for my hair, but i sure "overdid" alot of bad things for my hair (flat ironing, blow drying, hot roller setting), so i believe if it's just a little bit of conditioner and obviously nothing too strong, it can help the retention which will eventually translate into length, in my case.

i even read where a lady said putting AO HSR mixed with EVOO (just a tad of both) on her ends really helped her relaxed hair smooth out.

maybe what's most important is the condition of the person's hair.
if the hair has never been damaged, it might be way too much to dc every day as a preventive measure.
however, if we're dealing with hair that has been fried and dried out way too much, it might be just what that particular condition of hair needs to stop breaking so it can grow.
but everyone has to see what works well for them.
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i dont have that much free time but if i did i would only try it like maybe 3 times in a week. but good thinking
I'm going to say no cause honestly.. I don't have that form of time nor patience to sit for 15 to 30 Min's under a dryer every single day.. granted my hair loves moisture, can't go overboard..
^^^ most people probably would not have time to dc in the traditional method with a dryer every day, but what about all of the Mega Tek users?

isn't that some form of dc'ing on a daily basis, as well?

i'm pretty sure the majority of user of Mega Tek keep the product on and use it daily, so in some cases, dc'ing every day is actually part of a growth program.
I don't have the time and the article posted by kindheart puts things in perspective (for me) to believe daily would be too much.
I actually do something similar to my hair when I'm cowashing and either wet bunning or wash n going. I cowash with a cheapie conditioner, and then to my hair add wheat germ oil, DC and then gel to style. I alternate between moisture and prot DCs. I shampoo, reconstruct and use porosity control once per week. I found I get better separation for my wash n gos and single strand knots aren't as much of a battle.

I do experience more growth when cowashing daily.