Dating without sex (vid) & No ring=no commitment


Active Member
Hi, I sent some questions to a youtuber and he was nice enough to reply with a video response.

I wanted to know what do you ladies think about dating multiple men and not getting into a commitment until you get a ring on your finger and still waiting for marriage to have sex?

Have any of you ladies tryed this with any success?
Well, I definitely agree with the dating multiple men until one is committed part!

I do that now. That's some old-school wisdom... the idea that you should only date one man at a time is something that women have only really done in recent times... the thing is, while a woman is only dating one guy, better believe that the guy is seeing other women. And women usually get a rude awakening when they "think" the man they were dating was only seeing them, and he was definitely seeing more than one person!

Now, the sex part... if that fits your belief system, I can see it working if you deal with men who have that same mindset. I've read a book by a woman who followed this method and she married him.
I'm dating one man at a time. I'm a firm believe in that, but as I get older, I'm starting to question the rationality of that. I don't, however, have sex with more than one guy at a time (only been with 3 men in my lifetime). But given my current dating situation, I'm beginning to change my opinion on multiple dating. Of course I wouldn't be having sex with multiple men, but I'm learning that dating more than one man at a time is o.k., too (without the sex).
I think you should do what works and what you are comfortable with. I'm for dating more than one man at a time..until we are exclusive I will assume that a man is dating other women so why shouldn't I date?
This is interesting. I like the idea of not acting committed until you're really committed. Engagement may not be the only indication of a true commitment, but I think that for me I would only really consider a ring to be a real commitment.
I see a bunch of sex
it hasn't been a problem so far because the men I date are thrilled just to be in my company and need nothing else!
but my aura..and my attentions:grin:

Seriously..I am choosing men who are also interested in casually dating
and getting to know each other and if it's not a given...
then in conversation it comes up right away that sex is SERIOUS
and for me only within the marriage arena....
and they are all accepting..but I date men who are much older and mature
I SCREEN OUT the one night stand Sammy
and Serial Sexing Sonnies....

there was one relationship recently that came really close to my being tempted
to be physical...that was scary ...that I could get that close..again w/out commitment
and I just now this week... have backed away from him...indefinitetly

not getting into a commitment until you get a ring on your finger and still waiting for marriage to have sex?
:) yes~~~

If a man loves you ....and is serious about you being the one
he will wait ..
I firmly believe that for myself because he will fall in love with ME and abstaining
until the RIGHT ONE is part of what makes me who I am
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Dating multiple men at the same time is fun. I also make it very clear to my dates that I'm dating other people. The irony is that these guys really put their best foot forward because they know there is competition for your attention. And lets keep it real, most men don't want a woman other men aren't interested in. It's in their nature to be competative. However if highly advise against getting physical beyond a simple kiss if you are dating more than one man.
Now, the sex part... if that fits your belief system, I can see it working if you deal with men who have that same mindset. I've read a book by a woman who followed this method and she married him.

I am in no way a "saint", but I started a new lifestyle (wanted to try it God's way) and my relationship has progressed to the point of making plans for marriage... (so, it worked for me):yep:
Hi, I sent some questions to a youtuber and he was nice enough to reply with a video response.

I wanted to know what do you ladies think about dating multiple men and not getting into a commitment until you get a ring on your finger and still waiting for marriage to have sex?

Have any of you ladies tryed this with any success?

Oh yea, this worked when I was single:look:

I don't get why women don't do this more. Men and women date completely different. We meet a guy and drop all other males that we are seeing immediately, if we have a remote connection with said man and said man fits *most* of our criteria, we deem him the one, put ALL of our energy into this man and then say 1.5 years later when we're waiting on a n engagement, he breaks it off, says he's not ready, or worse yet, you find you weren't quite in a relationship in the first place. It was a waste of time basically.

Men don't do this. It's said by alot of men I know that men don't give up the other women they are dating until LONG after they've met us and solidified a firm relationship/commmittment, this is light years after we've given up our other male friends though. Men think the variety of dating helps them make their decision. It just confirms that men and women view relationships in a completely different manner.

Ok enough of that. If I were looking to be in a committed relationship that led to marriage, I would only date men that were in that pool-then I would date all of them and weed them out slowly. It's actually what men do, we just don't know it.

It worked for me:yep::yep:
Dating multiple men at the same time is fun. I also make it very clear to my dates that I'm dating other people. The irony is that these guys really put their best foot forward because they know there is competition for your attention. And lets keep it real, most men don't want a woman other men aren't interested in. It's in their nature to be competative. However if highly advise against getting physical beyond a simple kiss if you are dating more than one man.

So true. It keeps them on their toes.
I am in no way a "saint", but I started a new lifestyle (wanted to try it God's way) and my relationship has progressed to the point of making plans for marriage... (so, it worked for me):yep:

just came back to thread for an update...the plans i was making for marriage, well I cancelled them. Why? 1. We have opposite (not just different) views and beliefs on religion. 2. He has an 18yr old autistic son that I don't think I'd be a suitable stepmother for and don't want to raise or be a part of raising anymore children (not being mean or rude, but I have to be true to myself and what my limitations are. 3. I don't like his spoiled 6yr old...AT ALL !!! and 4. I know this sounds crazy, but neither he nor his sons bathe regularly !! and he is just down right "NASTY" when it comes to his hygiene !!!..yuk, y'all don't even want to know what I've noticed that he does. I'd be truly unhappy if I married him and would just rather continue my single life until someone more compatible comes along. I'm G-O-O-D !!:ohwell:
i like the idea

but i honestly think monogamy takes practice
if a man has never been monogamous before we are engaged/married

i feel without a doubt his former practices of balancing various women may creep up on him
after all it is his norm
just came back to thread for an update...the plans i was making for marriage, well I cancelled them. Why? 1. We have opposite (not just different) views and beliefs on religion. 2. He has an 18yr old autistic son that I don't think I'd be a suitable stepmother for and don't want to raise or be a part of raising anymore children (not being mean or rude, but I have to be true to myself and what my limitations are. 3. I don't like his spoiled 6yr old...AT ALL !!! and 4. I know this sounds crazy, but neither he nor his sons bathe regularly !! and he is just down right "NASTY" when it comes to his hygiene !!!..yuk, y'all don't even want to know what I've noticed that he does. I'd be truly unhappy if I married him and would just rather continue my single life until someone more compatible comes along. I'm G-O-O-D !!:ohwell:

It's good that you know what you wanted before you made a committment. Dirty and bratty kid would also be a deal breaker for me.
Hi, I sent some questions to a youtuber and he was nice enough to reply with a video response.

I wanted to know what do you ladies think about dating multiple men and not getting into a commitment until you get a ring on your finger and still waiting for marriage to have sex?

Have any of you ladies tryed this with any success?
Didn't see the video yet, I'm just going by your question. Yes and no. Meaning yes success because I'm engaged. But I only believe in part of what I understand to be your question.

I also believe in dating multiple men until you have a commitment...where I disagree is dating mutliple men despite someone being serious about you, and you only consider the relationship serious once he has a ring on it. Meaning despite his interest in a serious relationship you're still out dating away (even though you're interested too) but only because a ring isn't o your finger yet. I think some form of relationship is healthy before a guy (and you ) decide to make a lifetime commitment. If I am running around with 5 guys for months, and then someone proposes, I'll wonder if it's because he was in competition. How did we really get to know each other. TO me dating doesn't really tell you everything you need to know that a relationship does. Dating puts people on their best behavior imo. You meet what I think Chris Rock joked is everyone's "representative". I believe that's true. It gives you hints but that's it. I think a committed relationship tells you the rest of the story (and still that's without sex, but both of you focusing your energy into finding out if you're compatible without outside distraction).
Where we agree is waiting to have sex until marriage.

Once you're in an exclusive relationship with someone who is of the same mindset (interested in marriage and you as a possibility) you can drop the other guys without worry. You can date multiple men again if that relationship doesn't work out. That exclusive relationship has to be moving in the right direction (on both parties part with both in agreement) and if not the union is dissolved and you go on to find someone else. It shouldn't take forever for that to be decided, or else you think it's best that everyone part to find people that are right for them and headed in the same direction as their goals.

NOW while I do believe in waiting to have sex until marriage, I hold no judgements on others.
So although I will date multiple men, I will not have multiple sex partners (or any that I'm not married to).

My fiance and I have not had sex yet so it is possible and the right person will wait. It's excellent in that abstaining weeds out most of the guys who just want to play house anyways and get some free milk. But then of course you have other stuff to weed out. But I'd say the majority of the b.s is gone.
The ones who stay still need weeding out of course but at least the ones left standing are ones that are really interested in you seriously (meaning they know sex isn't coming until marriage. Who would stay if they didn't see themselves interested in that possibility? Sure some might for the challenge but once they realize you're the real deal...meaning you're not full of it you really will not make ANY exceptions to the "no sex before marriage rule" th
ey'll soon leave and make way for the guys who are really serious about you. So the ones left in the's really about compatibility and love and that's pretty much it)

And just like any other guy you have to weed through jerks as well as a person having sex. So just because a guy will wait doesn't mean he's the right guy as that's not the only requirement. He has to have his ish together, be compatible, a guy without a ridiculous amount of sexual partners now looking for the "good girl" to settle down with as he's sowed his oats, a guy who does not have ideas of what a "good girl" is who is ready to put a ring on it just because of that (because though I don't have sex, I definitely have modern views and am a complete person. I'm not interested in being boxed into preconceived notions), and of coure we have a similar moral compass, he has to be intelligent, funny, established (or on his way to being so by being in college), and we have to be compatible (and of course I have to be attracted to him. My fiance just fit all the requirements that are non negotiable and I fell in love with him and he realized I was worth waiting for so that's a good thing.:yep:
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There are a lot of really good points in this thread. Everyone has different opinions and values but I see the validity of each way of dating, & neither is right or wrong. I personally never even knew it was possible to date two different men at the same time! I don't know what kind of sand my gran & mom buried my head in as a girl, but it was some dense stuff. I'm absolutely the sort of person to have a few dates with one guy and while I am getting to know him, I will completely put the blinders on to any other male. I didn't even think of the possibility that he might be seeing other women. Just asked my SO if this notion of multiple dating is the reason why he asked me if I would be his girlfriend so soon. He confirmed it, he didn't know if I did see other guys, but he wanted to make sure he was my only one, because he had no interest in other women, just me :giveheart:
Hi, I sent some questions to a youtuber and he was nice enough to reply with a video response.

I wanted to know what do you ladies think about dating multiple men and not getting into a commitment until you get a ring on your finger and still waiting for marriage to have sex?

Have any of you ladies tryed this with any success?

I soooooo wanted to do this. That was my plan before I met my SO. Not sure if it would have worked for me-
The men I have come across feel like they have many choices among women- if one ain't doing, they will move on to the next.
They don't court they way they use to.
They don't want to compete with other men. Most men I know, if they know a woman is dating others, they won't take her seriously.

I wanted to try it though- just not mention I was seeing other men (but would be honest if asked) but then my SO came along and ruined my plans. He did not like me seeing other men and made that clear a few months in.