Dating Unattractive Men


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

How do you all feel about dating men you don't feel are attractive? I recently met this really cool guy, but I am not attracted to him in the slightest. I don't want to be vapid, but I just want to have it all! I know this will most likely never happen for me...but a girl can dream.

So, do you all date men you don't think are attractive? What would make you if you did?

Let's discuss!
No way. I can't imagine kissing or having sex with someone I thought was unattractive. Plus when they do stuff to get on your nerves or make you mad, the fact that they're ugly makes it that much worse. I'm not one who goes for the supermodel type, but I can't be repulsed by him either.
No, not straight unattractive but below average and short.
My sister dated a man for a while who she thinks is unattractive. After seeing his photo, I agreed. However, he's a single surgeon with no kids so I tried to convince her to make it work.
They are still friends but she isn't feeling it.

ETA: I asked her about him still being single and she said it's because he's also a workaholic.
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I can date an average/ugly-ish guy if he has something about his personality that attracts me, but not attractive in any way I cannot do.

Tis funny though. Sometimes attractiveness isn't immediately apparent to me until I get to know someone as a friend and find out something about them that really impresses me.
Not initially. But if we got to know one another (say like colleagues or co-workers that had to be around each other daily), then maybe.

I just can't fake it. If I am I not attracted to you physically- nothing else is going to compute. That said, I don't need a model. My type usually consists of tall, lanky, nerdy type men or the clean cut business like men. I don't like dreads/braids, hairy chests/backs, short or heavily bearded men. Height and weight should be proportional.
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I would give someone a chance that I found unattractive because the total package is really important. I consider that a different level than ugly. If I think a dude is straight up ugly, I would have to pass. Looks aren't everything but they do matter.
If he can give me mental orgasms, average looks will work just fine.:look: It's the mental/emotional stimulation that I need. That said, I'm in a situation now where a man wants to date me and we have ok conversations but I know the physical attraction will never be there :nono: even if mental/emotional stimulation was off the charts. So while looks aren't everything, there needs to be something physical on my end. Now Self-conscious ScorpioQueen09 would've suppressed my lack of attraction and dated him based on him being totally into me and seemingly halfway decent. But Spartan Cassandra owns what she wants and doesn't settle for anything less. I've suffered through too many dates where the man has a one-sided attraction and it's not fun.

Average looks to mean he fits reasonably into my ideal and there are no deal breakers so he's not overweight or shorter than me (I'm 5'3). No bald/bearded look (I hate it), no braids/dreads or other long hair styles and no excessive body hair.
You're gonna think "Why his uglass doing this when he KNOW he ugly? I could get me a FIONE brother in a minute" probably all the time lol
Psh to the "if he treats you right gang"
There are to many men on the planet for their to not be at least one man you find attractive that also treats you right

Huge difference between unattractive and ugly

Ugly no.

But someone whose looks were a bit different but they had an entire package that made sense for being a great husband and father.... Who could add value to my already awesome life. Yes!! I'm there all the way.

I would give someone a chance that I found unattractive because the total package is really important. I consider that a different level than ugly. If I think a dude is straight up ugly, I would have to pass. Looks aren't everything but they do matter.
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If I find him attractive, yes. If others find him unattractive, I don't care. I tend to go for traditionally not so handsome men, but there is always something about them that attracts me. I need sexual attraction, intellect, morals, gainful employment, etc.. A pretty face isn't worth much to me.
hmmm...I'm going to be the odd ball here.

When I was on an online dating site (way back when), the program sent me a pic of a guy it thought would be a good match for me. When I saw his pic, I said Oh Hell Naw - never in this life time. He was not good looking or just didn't photograph well. The program must have sent him my pic too as his match, well he started to send me winks and we started to have conversation. No harm there, then he asked me out. I'm too nice and didn't want to hurt his feelings so I said I would go out on one date.

In person he look just like his picture. :barf: What he lacked in looks he more than compensated in all other areas.
He was:
Confident - which is attractive to me.
Intelligent - has a genius IQ
Educated - has a PhD
High profile career
Never married
No kids
Good credit :)
Knew how to burn in the kitchen
Had crazy mad skills :blush2:

With all that going on, his looks did not matter at all anymore.
hmmm...I'm going to be the odd ball here.

When I was on an online dating site (way back when), the program sent me a pic of a guy it thought would be a good match for me. When I saw his pic, I said Oh Hell Naw - never in this life time. He was not good looking or just didn't photograph well. The program must have sent him my pic too as his match, well he started to send me winks and we started to have conversation. No harm there, then he asked me out. I'm too nice and didn't want to hurt his feelings so I said I would go out on one date.

In person he look just like his picture. :barf: What he lacked in looks he more than compensated in all other areas.
He was:
Confident - which is attractive to me.
Intelligent - has a genius IQ
Educated - has a PhD
High profile career
Never married
No kids
Good credit :)
Knew how to burn in the kitchen
Had crazy mad skills :blush2:

With all that going on, his looks did not matter at all anymore.

So are ya'll still together?
So are ya'll still together?

No, not really.
Like all relationships, we had a disagreement and I went "ghost".
Every so often he would try to reconnect, but the timing was never right and I'm not prone to go back to an ex.
We still chat and there is still something between us because he passion was so intense. Did I mention he had crazy mad skills? :blush2: