Dating and religion


New Member
OK, so here goes does anyone have reservations about religion when it comes to dating. For instance you're a christian you meet another christrian but he's a different denomination. Like catholic and pentecostal.

I met a guy recently, I'm church of england and this guy, I can't fault him attends a church which is called cherubim and seraphim. They wear white garments. Long story short I'm not comfortable with it. I think it's more to do with being weary that if we get close he might try and persuade me to pop along with him which I just won't do. I'm not being a snob or prejudicial, but it bugs me.

I know underneath it all we server the same God but it just doesn't sit well with me.

Am I being unreasonable, is this an issue for any ladies out there?
OK, so here goes does anyone have reservations about religion when it comes to dating. For instance you're a christian you meet another christrian but he's a different denomination. Like catholic and pentecostal.

I met a guy recently, I'm church of england and this guy, I can't fault him attends a church which is called cherubim and seraphim. They wear white garments. Long story short I'm not comfortable with it. I think it's more to do with being weary that if we get close he might try and persuade me to pop along with him which I just won't do. I'm not being a snob or prejudicial, but it bugs me.

I know underneath it all we server the same God but it just doesn't sit well with me.

Am I being unreasonable, is this an issue for any ladies out there?

I don't think you're being unreasonable. I'm a Christian, and tried to date a man that's Agnostic. We spent more than what I felt was a reasonable amount of time debating if God existed, what He's doing, and why. I don't have time to convince you of something you've already decided you don't believe in. It simply didn't work for me. He had to go.
I think it depends on how serious you are with the person. At first, religion is not the immediate topic. If you have basic principles and beliefs it can keep things going and avoid conflict, but if you two are getting serious and these beliefs conflict with daily life, then it is an issue. And if you're talking about marriage then you definitely need to have similar beliefs.
I am Baptist and my SO is Church of Christ. We both are Christians, but our different denominations worship in different ways. Thankfully my SO and I have sat down and discussed our views and we have the exact same beliefs. However, the first time I went to church with him the whole sermon was about how bad Baptists were and how they were not real Christians etc...:perplexed My boyfriend does not share these beliefs and needless to say we have never gone back to that chuch.

Although you and your BF have different denominations, don't let the traditions and rituals that surround religious practices define your true beliefs. He should not try to persuade you to join his church if you don't feel comfortable worshiping in that way. Sit down and really discuss what your true beliefs are and why you believe them. If you two are worshiping the same God then you should be able to come to an understanding.

Eventually my SO and I found a church where we both feel comfortable and happy worshiping at. It's neither at Baptist church or Church of Christ...go figure, but we are happy.
I think it depends on how serious you are with the person. At first, religion is not the immediate topic. If you have basic principles and beliefs it can keep things going and avoid conflict, but if you two are getting serious and these beliefs conflict with daily life, then it is an issue. And if you're talking about marriage then you definitely need to have similar beliefs.
I agree. There comes a point when it gets serious.
I think it all depends on RESPECT. Because there's a lot of beautiful relationships that have been fostered by people who have a mutual respect for different beliefs (i.e. Jews and Christians, Catholics and Muslims etc).

- Agnostic boyfriend who calls you taking the Bible with you on vacation stupid? Disrespectful.
- Having shared "prayer" time where you have your Christian conversation with God whil he has his Muslim conversation with God? Respectful.
- Understanding the FUNDAMENTAL differences between two faiths (the doctrine, NOT the interpretations)? Respectful.
- Coming into a relationship of different beliefs with pre-conceived notions based on the media? Disrespectful and Ignorant.

There's a lot to be learned from other faiths and there's a lot to hold dear about your own faith - whether or not an interfaith relationship can work depends on two things:

1. Your level of respect for things you may not understand (other faiths).
2. Your partners level of respect for the things they may not understand (other faiths).
OK, so here goes does anyone have reservations about religion when it comes to dating. For instance you're a christian you meet another christrian but he's a different denomination. Like catholic and pentecostal.

I met a guy recently, I'm church of england and this guy, I can't fault him attends a church which is called cherubim and seraphim. They wear white garments. Long story short I'm not comfortable with it. I think it's more to do with being weary that if we get close he might try and persuade me to pop along with him which I just won't do. I'm not being a snob or prejudicial, but it bugs me.

I know underneath it all we server the same God but it just doesn't sit well with me.

Am I being unreasonable, is this an issue for any ladies out there?

You aren't comfortable with him being of a different faith or you aren't comfortable with his choice of faith?

I think either way, that speaks more about you than it does him. Based on the way you described his faith, you know little about it. I guess it comes down to a simple question: is dude worth getting to know HIM and HIS FAITH a little more, or not?

Because faith shouldn't be independent of the person. It is an aspect that contributes to who a person is.
Funny you said that. I don't have any reservations. But catholic people seem to scare me for some reason. Found out that typeAsalesrep is catholic, which got my eyebrows raised.

What's weird is that I consider myself a christian, but can't seem to get with the catholic faith:ohwell:
Trust your gut. We women give ourselves much less credit than we deserve.

Cherubim and seraphim - sounds suspect to me. Those are angels. They wear white robes? what exactly do they believe.

If you are dating to eventually get married, don't waste time on weird religion issues and wait for things to get "serious." Once they get serious you'll loose your good sense and find yourself married and :wallbash:.