Dark & Lovely's The Restorer


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Dark & Lovely\'s The Restorer

I re-discovered this oil this weekend while shifting through my hair cabinet. I used to love this oil and don't know why I stopped using it. It is a super strengthing hot oil that contains olive oil, canola oil, mineral oil, coconunt oil, wheat germ oil,castor oil, kukui nut oil,apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, aloe extract, retinyl palmitate, corn oil, vitamin E, glyceryl oleate, BHA, BHT, propryl gallate, citric acid, butylparaben and fragrance.

You only need to use a very small amount and it gives hair a fabulous shine and softness when used on wet hair. Has anyone else ever used this oil? What did you think of it? Is it still on the market? I may be replacing my Keracare Essential Oil with this one, the price is nicer if I recall correctly.
Re: Dark & Lovely\'s The Restorer

not sure if this is still on the market, but I remember the Soft & Beautiful Botanical Oil having similar ingredients to the Keracare oil
Re: Dark & Lovely\'s The Restorer

Yes, I have used that one in the past as well. It came in a little green bottle and had a wonderful earthy, fresh smell to it. I have used so many things in the past and find myself going back to them now. I can't think of a reason why I stopped used the SoftnBeautiful oil either, except for my extreme addiction to buying/trying new things.

Btw, Supergirl, I tried the Motions Oil Moisturirer Lotion. I can't say I like it
It may be the protein or whatever, but it didn't give my hair any shine whatsoever. I must be an oil girl, because my hair thrives when I use oils.
Re: Dark & Lovely\'s The Restorer

Did you use the Motions on wet or dry hair? I use mine when my hair is wet. It makes a great leave-in that gives me a really nice, shiny, smooth air-dry.

I do prefer to use oils on dry hair
Re: Dark & Lovely\'s The Restorer

Yes, I used it on wet hair. But, I also used Lekair's Cholesterol with Aloe conditioner this wash. I completely changed my routine this weekend and my hair did not like something I did. My hair was soft, but puffy and dry looking. My hair is dark brown, but it was rusty and dry looking, something I don't like. I usually use hair oil on wet hair and my hair dries like silk when I comb down my rollerset. I like Africa's Best Tea Tree Growth on dry hair and scalp.