GREAT post!
in december there was a month long no-measure challenge. i haven't measured since, oops, except once when i took my braids out. this is a good thread to remind us that nature is on our side and not to worry if you generally take care of yourself!
Lindy said:
skegeesmb said:
I've been bumming out because I'm itching to get to braclasp. I know I'll make it by the end of the year, so I'm going to stop stressing about it.

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Me too.
Also, it feels so much better to have a nice HEALTHY head of hair, as opposed to fragile, lifeless strands!! My hair is the longest it has ever been, but MORE important than that, it's also the HEALTHIEST it's ever been!! It's amazing to feel the difference between healthy hair, and hair that is badly damaged. I've been at both ends of the spectrum, and trust me, go for hair HEALTH first, and the length will come!!

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Lindy is absolutely right!
Thanks, NYC..

I changed my haircare regimen a bit. I no longer oil my scalp or do hot oil treatments. I now add a small amount of my oil mix to deep conditioning and it keeps more scalp moisturized and supple until my next wash. I wash and deep condition my hair once a week...I get rollersets to dry my hair... I oil/moisturize my ends every evening before rollersetting on plastic magnetic rollers. Then I cover my head with a silk scarf before going to bed. I usually trim my ends every 4 to 6 months. But I am going to see if I can start going longer than 6 months. I will most likely continue to relax my hair every 12 to 16 weeks..
I think you are right, as a matter of fact I know you are right! I got my hair braided last week because I needed to let it rest. I think it was the best decision I could have made. I still take care of my braids, moisturize, etc but I find that I can walk past a mirror and not feel the need to adjust my hair.
Thanks Sherry!!! When I was admiring your ponytail I was thinking, "Dang when will my hair look like that?!" But then you complimented my hair, and I was thinking, "Okay, well maybe I'm doing okay." That's the best part about this forum, you can find inspiration and encouragement when you most need it.
Y'all are the best!!!!

Now I can do all the things I've been neglecting while measuring my hair!
i heard that. I'm one of those ladies that just wants faster growth! but I guess I just need to be patient. I know it's growing. I've gained alot of length since august and I'm still being greedy! FASTER! lol thanks for the advice. Maybe i need to give the surge a break lol
thanks for the words of encouragement and advice Sherrylove. I love hearing from you as you are one of my inspirations!
godzooki said:
thanks for the words of encouragement and advice Sherrylove. I love hearing from you as you are one of my inspirations!

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Hey Godzooki...
I misssed hearing from you. I hope all is well.....
Thanks for the advice and words of encouragement.
I remember a time when family members and an old friend commented on how long and nice my hair looks. Now it's extra short and I can't wait to grow it back to that same length.
With all the advice about hair products (i.e. WGO, VO5 S&C, Surge 14) and using no heat my new growth is a lot more manageable, softer and grows faster. As a result, when I usually do twistouts cornrow style my new growth actually follows the pattern of the twistout instead of being extra kinky. The only way I knew my hair was growing (a lot!
) was when I let it air dry in a wrap and could differentiate between the relaxed and softer new growth. So now when I wear a twistout and am unable to tell the difference between the two different textures I'm less concerned about how much my hair is growing and spend less time in the mirror.
So my point is thanks again for the advice and I found a way to prevent myself from stressing over hair growth b/c I know it's growing.