Daily washing convert


New Member
I decided that I will wash my hair daily for the month of May. At the end of the month I will evaluate the condition of my hair and decide whether or not to continue daily washing. Would anyone like to join me?
I have already been doing this since December, and my hair is in much better condition because of it. I think you will get positive results...good luck
I'm going to do the same thing for the summer time. Of late I've been washing my hair more often than every 3 days and my hair has been fine.
I started doing this after reading the daily washing thread. I'll keep this up for awhile and see what happens. Happy Hair Growing (and washing).
I "wash" my hair three times a week (Sun, Tues, Thurs). However, since I work out every day. I make sure to rinse my hair every day (flush away that salty sweat). I only use shampoo on Sundays and do condition-only washes Tues & Thurs. Thi smay change during the summer as it gets hotter. I sweat a lot and may need to shampoo more often.
Consider me in!
(I started yesterday!) I'll be doing conditioner washes during the week and on Friday or Saturdays, shampoo and deep condition.
I'm going to try it as soon as the temps go up slightly, probably in June. I'm just a little bit nervous about keeping it styled. My hair is about 1 inch past my shoulders and my ponytail seems to always get bushy and hard when I let it air dry. I have to try the bantu knots.
I have been doing more washing now. doing the every 2 day thing so i'll be at it again friday. DEF. doing the pnytail method too but also im gonna try Adrienne's style w/the baggy. just that i hope i have enough hair for the bag to stay on. LOL. Maybe i'll put it on top of my head. hehe. but so far my hair is fine and looks fine too. PLUS, big plus, there is MUCH less breakage. Its as if the water helps to stop breakage almost moreso than ANY other hair product i have put in my hair. wow(either that or the multi vitamins and biotin)
Yep, the key is to RINSE every day. Actually, if you rinse every day you'll find that you don't need cleansing shampoos and conditioners at all. Your hair will stay clean, soft, and elastic!
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Honey Vibe said:
Yep, the key is to RINSE every day. Actually, if you rinse every day you'll find that you don't need cleansing shampoos and conditioners at all. Your hair will stay clean, soft, and elastic!

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I agree with the rinsing, I still do a shampoo when I have sweated alot after aerobics otherwise I just rinse. I have no problems doing this. I also do conditioning rinses, but never 2 nights in a row. I alternate with just distilled water...
Count me in too! I have been doing this for the past 3-4 months and it is working GREAT! I will DEFINATELY keep this up, my hair loves it!
Right now I do conditioner washes every three days but I would like to get on the daily washing bandwagon.
Count me in!!
And you know what. I was thinkin bout how my mom use to do my hair when i was a child. She use to wet up the brush and brush my hair in2 ponytails. i HATED IT. Cause when it got cold i would be freezing. Plus the dripping. But i will say i do remember my hair be much longer than this, THAT I know for sure. Infact it was shoulder to maybe a lil past it as i look at pics of my hair back then wondering what in the world did i do to my hair to lose that. lol Each time she would do my hair she would always do that. I use to think that was just crazy but it was something she did cause i was afraid of the heat and it was bout the only way to get my hair to stay back on my head to grab it in2 a ponytail. I am now going to start tryin that kinda thing myself, cept im wearing the pony's at home or w/some hair pieces on it and KEEP the hair in. lol
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keke said:
And you know what. I was thinkin bout how my mom use to do my hair when i was a child. She use to wet up the brush and brush my hair in2 ponytails. i HATED IT. Cause when it got cold i would be freezing. Plus the dripping. But i will say i do remember my hair be much longer than this, THAT I know for sure. Infact it was shoulder to maybe a lil past it as i look at pics of my hair back then wondering what in the world did i do to my hair to lose that. lol Each time she would do my hair she would always do that. I use to think that was just crazy but it was something she did cause i was afraid of the heat and it was bout the only way to get my hair to stay back on my head to grab it in2 a ponytail. I am now going to start tryin that kinda thing myself, cept im wearing the pony's at home or w/some hair pieces on it and KEEP the hair in. lol

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I was just thinking the same thing this morning....my Mom use to do my hair with a spray bottle of water and some Ultra Sheen. My hair was long and thick....
hmmmmmmm. giving me an ideeea. :^D hehe. (gets ready to clean out brush and start carryin a bucket/cup of water around to do hair) HA. lol. but u no what i do prefer to use water on my hair if i wanna pull it back for a pony or something. oh yes im loving this. nice to see some1 else's some did something like this too. LOL

You are bringing back memories. I spent every morning in the bathroom standing at the sink while my mother held the brush under the water then brushed my hair into a braid.

Anywho,I have washed my hair daily since I joined the swim team in sixth grade.I left the team when I graduated high school, but never broke the daily washing habit. I can’t say I have noticed any detrimental effects.
My only recommendation is to use a good quality conditioning shampoo and conditioner.
About once a week I also use a clarifying or dandruff shampoo.

Good luck!
Girl, I'm waaay too lazy to even attempt this, but let us know whether this works for you. Good luck!
I do my boys hair every day with a spray bottle and I swear everytime I cut it short, they're sporting a thick mop within two weeks it seems! I've been using a spray bottle nightly and I'm hoping for the same results! Problem is my ponytail/bun is always damp. every day and I'm beginning to wonder if I should let it dry out between washings which I do twice a week. Do ya'll worry about this or should I not worry?
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godzooki said:
I do my boys hair every day with a spray bottle and I swear everytime I cut it short, they're sporting a thick mop within two weeks it seems! I've been using a spray bottle nightly and I'm hoping for the same results! Problem is my ponytail/bun is always damp. every day and I'm beginning to wonder if I should let it dry out between washings which I do twice a week. Do ya'll worry about this or should I not worry?

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My hair usually... finally dries by the end of the afternoon. I do my hair at night so it has a chance to dry a little over night. When I do it doing the day and braid it back or do a bun it never dries thouroughly, but it doesn't seem to be causing a problem. My hair loves the moisture.
I think I am going to have to join you; I am growing out a perm and have reached a stage where I cannot get the dandruff out of my hair.. I don't know what is going on with me.
I'm with KitKat, I'm too too lazy to even think about this! Good luck with those of you that are doing this also. A couple of you did bring back the brush and water memories too! That was the only way my mom could keep my curls under control, cause she knew I wasn't going to let her wash my hair everyday!
Check this out ya'll!

From JFLazartigue.com:
What's oil got to do with it? A lot believe it or not. An excess of sebum can eventually suffocate your roots making your hair become anemic, inhibiting the potential to last its full cycle.

So it would seem a clean scalp means a growing scalp!
I washed or rinsed my hair everyday for the month of May. My hair was soft and moist when I took them out of braids last night. My hair has NEVER been like this after coming out of braids.

I'm convinced. Daily washing is definitely for me.
I would like to do the washing every day thing but I just

wouldn't know what to do with my hair afterwards. What are

some nice, easy styles besides briads that yall do? And

what are bantu knots?
I would like to do the washing every day thing but I just

wouldn't know what to do with my hair afterwards. What are

some nice, easy styles besides briads that yall do? And

what are bantu knots?

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Well I am in braids right now, but before I had them and was doing daily washing I did my hair a few ways. My hair is not that long, maybe 3-4 inches. I either do a shake and go. With this I get out of the shower and run a leave in through, and a little worlds of curls gel through. I sometimes brush the front to one side and use a cute barette or headband.

If your hair is a little longer you can use a brastrap headband and pull your hair up into a puff. Put a scarf around the edges, and it will be smooth by the time you go to work.

Sometimes I will also do some flat twists at the front of my hair, and leave the back of my hair free and put a band around it. If I can find some pics I will post.
