Daily Washing Challenge Part 2

Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Checking to see if you ladies are still doing your daily washes. I have been faithfully doing my co washes everyday. It especially help so much since I have tons of new growth.
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

I forgot that I was doing a challenge, so anyway I only CO wash it every other day, I sorrrrry I start back everyday now..
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

I'm in ! I'm new to the group, I haven't posted much on myself b/c I don't really know how. Does CO mean conditioner, and if so what products are recommended, all are welcome.
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Welcome Hadiyah,

CO = Conditioner Wash. Just choose your favorite conditioner and use it instead of shampoo. Many women on this board prefer this method because it is less drying than shampoo. You also may want to look into using a good leave-in conditioner such as Neutrogena Triple Moisture, Salerm 21, Nexxus Headress, etc. I hope this helps and again welcome you will loves everyone here the women are great!!!
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Thanks, I've been reding over post and I see the support system here, I keep going back and forth with my hair one minute it's growing the next it's shedding, I'm not sure if it's stress or me nuring my child (hormones) but what ever the case I'm in it for the long run. Thanks again!
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

By the way how does the CO work? excuse my spelling I'm so excited I keep forgetting to spell check
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Just rinse you hair apply the conditioner and massage your scalp like a gentle shampoo. Let it sit for a few minutes then rinse it out. I will usually wash other body parts while the conditioner is in my hair and I rinse my hair out last before stepping out of the shower. You can use Suave, V05, Nexxus, Neutrogena,etc too many to name. It is not necessary to use shampoo all the time because the conditioner has enough cleansing agents to clean the scalp without the drying affects of shampoo. Your hair will loves this too!!!
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Can this challenge include saturating the hair with a leave-in conditioner on a daily basis?
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Yes, it can. You can cleanse your hair any way you choose. The purpose of this challenge is to increase the amount of hair growth. The extra scalp stimulation should aid in healthy growth. Remember the summer is the time of the year that hair grows the fastest. Welcome abroad. This challenge will go on until Labor Day.
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

I am in. I wil co wash with Suave or humectress. Saturate with surge for at least 2 months and will post the results.
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

I just bought Suave M & H yesterday, I'm in cornrows now but starting June 20 I will start co washing daily!
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

I am definitely in too. I didn't discover CO washes until I joined LHCF & boy can I tell the difference. I am also Surging & just bought the Woogie Cream. I have to say that my hair & scalp don't get dry from Surge, my hair actually feels moisturized & balanced with it. Since I joined LHCF I can definitely see a sheen in my hair from just minor changes in my regimen! Thanks ladies! When I get my digital camera, I will post some photos.
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Have any of you ladies doing this challenge noticed that your hair feels more moisturized from the daily washings, or are you primarily trying to achieve growth?
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

I've noticed a BIG difference in my hair's normal moisture level since daily no-pooing. And I'm not complaining about the hair growth that comes along with this TLC!
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Ladies, I just got my braids, but before getting them I was CWing every other day. I loved it. My hair always smelled great, and it wasn't as hard to manage as I thought it would be. Since getting my braids I greatly miss my CWs. However, mentioning to people what I'm doing always leads to criticism everyone has to put in their 2 cents. But what I was wondering is that I have very 4b hair. It is extremely dry. I must admit even though I CW often I didn't experience nearly the shedding I used to but people have mentioned that I shouldn't wet my hair so often because it drys it out. But its actually air that drys not water but because my hair is naturally so dry could wetting so often have a negative effect? Also when there are claims of so much new growth, is it really that much growth or possible reversion for those that are relaxed? TIA for all replies. HHG!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in! Conditioner washes are fun and so very therapeutic. I've been doing the daily conditioner wash for several months now. My hair really loves this. So soft, so moisturized!

I rotate conditioners. My favorites are:
1. entire Neutrogena line (esp. the serum on wet hair)
2. Nature's Gate Natural Jojoba Conditioner
3. Aura Mint Rinse
4. Desert Essence Body Boosting Conditioner (contains Kukui nut oils which smooths away nasty knots)

I wash twice a week with Olive Oil Shampoo by Heritage which is very, very gentle. Most of these brands are a little pricey, but the results they yield are soooo worth it.

After condition wash, I apply S-Curl, seal with WGHO then ponytail and tie with silk scarf. Often I will baggie my ponytail after treating the ends with a moisturizer such as Profective for Ends. My nape hair has grown so fast and is so much longer than it's Ever been. My hair is growing and I am retaining the new length! Thank you God!
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

I have 4a/4b relaxed hair and I have seen so much improvement in my hair from daily co washes. I was a little afraid at first becuase of all of the hype about not washing our hair every day, but I quickly got over this as soon as I saw the results: naturally shinier, fuller, stronger, healthier hair that does not shed nearly as badly as it did before. I have hardly any shedding and I do not "fight" with my hair in the morning. I also gave up the hairdryer (I wear buns everyday anyway, so no big whoop). I love my hair and I wake up every morning thankful for this board because of all that I have learned. Where I once thought I could never have longer hair, I now know that I can, with the proper care of my hair. As for the relaxer reverting, that is just not possible (unless maybe there is underprocessing), because the chemical structure of the hair is irrevocably changed after the relaxer. There is no way to restore relaxed hair to its natural state. It is forever changed. So, you are growing, not reverting. I have a lot of new growth, too, and I am into my fourth week of my relaxer. I am way ahead of my usual growth schedule, and I think that the vitamins and the daily moisturization of my hair and scalp via the daily washing (co or otherwise) is working wonders. If you know that there are naysayers, don't tell them what you are doing just now. When they see your hair down the road, you will make believers out of them.
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

How are the results coming along for everyone? And your hair never reverts to its natural state???
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

I'm also starting this regimen today since it's summer time, I'm going to conditioner wash with suave products then use suave leave-in and do a shake n go, I have been doing the bun thing, protective styles with phony pony for about a year or a little over, so now it's time to let my hair out and breathe!!, then back to the phony pony's and buns probably starting in Sept or Oct.

Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Stephypoo- Is that you in the avatar? Your hair is beautiful, I absolutely love it!
I think that's what my hair would look like if I ever let it grow that long.

Anyway, my question is for relaxed heads. These are the things I think about for when my hair gets longer (God willing) b/c it gives me something to look forward to.
How do you style your hair everyday after washing? Buns, braids, french twist with a clip? TIA.
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

greAtness333 said:
Stephypoo- Is that you in the avatar? Your hair is beautiful, I absolutely love it!
I think that's what my hair would look like if I ever let it grow that long.

, I've had my share of ups and downs along the way, though.

Anyway, my question is for relaxed heads. These are the things I think about for when my hair gets longer (God willing) b/c it gives me something to look forward to.
How do you style your hair everyday after washing? Buns, braids, french twist with a clip? TIA.

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Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Greatness333, I am relaxed. After I wash, I usually airdry in a wet ponytail. I wash at night so I let my hair dry overnight. In the morning I just lightly brush hair into bun style (I brush just to smooth the top layer--I do not comb my hair again until next wash). I just realized last night that I now have enough hair for my own bun, but my hair is only to my shoulder blades and and not thick, so I need more length for a fuller bun. I add a little weft to my own hair to give my bun some weight (it's anorexic as someone on this board described it). So many women on here have beautiful hair styles including the bun. I don't have the length I want yet, but I really want to try some wash and go styles and braidouts when my hair gets longer. I cannot wait! Good luck to you and everyone!
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

lthomas1 said:
Checking to see if you ladies are still doing your daily washes. I have been faithfully doing my co washes everyday. It especially help so much since I have tons of new growth.

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I know I've commented on how I handle my new growth, but how do you handle yours? Is there a certain procedure you follow with detangling and combing? I'm just really curious, and by asking questions, I may learn something new.
Re: Daily Washing Challenger Part 2

Try combing the hair in the shower under running water. This will help detangle the hair very easily. Many ladies on the board use this method to detangle the hair. It works great for me!!!