Cute Blog about Mother Raising Ethipioan-Adopted Daughter

How insulting to other black cultures :nono:. I'm happy that Ethiopian orphans are getting a home, just like I'd be happy if any orphan got a home, but to me this isn't as simple as child adoption. They speak of it almost as if it were buying pure bred, pedigree animals. "I love this kind of child because they have this kind of features" is equivalent to "I love yorkies because their fur is like this" to me. Np way to treat a child. So children who are supposedly "unattractive" in their eyes go homeless because of their aesthetic snobbery?

:perplexed That's kind of disturbing.

The blog was very cute, and the little girl is such a cutie !
I am torn with the increased adoption of Ethiopian child and soon Malawian children, African child from various countries. Kids should be raised by good parents no matter the skin color, but like most posters have stated (since I believe that most of the parents adopting are White)there are children in Russia, Armenia, Italy that would love to be raised in a good homes.

Why are White people running to Africa to find children to raise. I feel some white people view the kids as novelty. As one poster stated, the women she was conversing with did not know anything about Ethiopian culture besides the food. How can she raise an Ethiopian child? Can she teach him or her about the traditions that has been passed down from generations? Most likely not, and in the case of the women the poster spoke to, the child she will raise will only know about Ethiopian food. This child's culture and heritage will be replaced with an American or European culture just like Blacks in America. She will not understand her heritage or be able to relate to other Ethiopians she comes in contact with.

Two other issues, is "the divide and rule mentality" and "triangle trade action". To me what I consider "the divide and rule mentality", is the mentality that people who have keen features or features similar to Europeans are better and should be treated better than those who don't. This mentality is not new to Blacks all over the world. But, the women comment continues with this sentiment. I am not sure if many of women on here know that not all Ethiopians have keen features, there are some who look like Alek Wek; the current Miss Ethiopia is proof of it. In addition, I believe there is tension between the tribes with the keen features typically seen in the Habesha or Amharia's tribes and the tribes that do not have the keen features such as the Gambella,due to this same stupidity. I was on the train the yesterday and it was good to hear an Ethiopian young lady state to a gentlemen, "I am from Africa". I feel that those who are raised by Whites will some how develop a division, where like in the U.S. , Blacks are quick to say they have Indian in the family, but in this case they will say "I am not African or the primitive Ethiopian or Black but " I am American, look at my beautiful hair, etc."

As for the "triangle trade action", I feel the adoption that is occurring is similar to slavery, but there are no ships, etc. These child will lose a sense of themselves, and they will be taught European and American values and culture, and that their own cultures has no value; like Blacks throughout the world, who were taught how primitive they were and their contribution to society was picking cotton.

I feel a way to better the situation is a creation of a community or center where loving Ethiopian women can care and raise these kids with the money that would've been used for adoption.
I am not sure if many of women on here know that not all Ethiopians have keen features, there are some who look like Alek Wek; the current Miss Ethiopia is proof of it.



That's exactly what was on my mind (i just didn't know how to say it without sounding rude). As I think of all the children of African, Asian, and Middle Eastern descent here in America who need homes I can't help but wonder is anyone actually trying to adopt them. Is it easier to adopt children from other countries? Are our policies on adoption here in America that stringent?
Yes America's policies make it hard for whites to adopt black children in America. The saying here in America is "black children belong with black families". White families typically can't adopt or find it very difficult to adopt black children in the USA.
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I agree with you completely, Almaz. That's why I plan to adopt or at least foster children as soon as I'm settled in life. And I'd like to do it for more than one child.[/quot

That's my plan right now. I am currently going through the paperwork now. I don't care who the child/ren are or where they come from as long as they need a loving caring home I am there.:yep:
Eh, remember the grass is always greener on the other side. There are TONS of non black curly ladies, some with even kinky curls and they straighten so much you wouldn't know they were curly tops. We always want what we don't have.

True, but they generally don't destroy their children's self esteem by processing their hair at an early age nor is it part of their culture to straighten their hair as it is for blacks.
How insulting to other black cultures :nono:. I'm happy that Ethiopian orphans are getting a home, just like I'd be happy if any orphan got a home, but to me this isn't as simple as child adoption. They speak of it almost as if it were buying pure bred, pedigree animals. "I love this kind of child because they have this kind of features" is equivalent to "I love yorkies because their fur is like this" to me. Np way to treat a child. So children who are supposedly "unattractive" in their eyes go homeless because of their aesthetic snobbery?

As a veterinarian I was thinking the same thing when I read Almaz's post. It's like ppl are shopping for children trying to get the best breeding stock of African children.

My family has/have been social workers since I've been born. I have heard many stories of adoption and foster parents. I always said that if I didn't have my own child I would foster/adopt because there are so many child RIGHT HERE IN THE USA that need good homes. I don't know if ppl adopt else where because they think they are getting better children with less problems or that they are saving lives. There are some difficulties (health-wise) in adopting American children but they need good homes and love just like any other children do.

I'm not a fan of oversea adoption because there are too many kids in the system that need homes and you don't have to spend nearly as much money as with an overseas adoption.
I am a social worker and a counselor and know that children need good homes regardless as to whether they are from China, India, Africa and elsewhere. Most African Americans will not adopt thier own kind or any other kind for that matter.

There is a sickening light skin dark skin war that exist within the black community among the lowest level of the black mentality even though slavery is long gone, so a lot of black people are biased as well. We can't just let it go and move past it.

This nastiness is exposed to all black children, by black people, and a lot of those children would most likely end up with a perm at some point and not very proud of thier heritage..

As far a the child not learning about his own culture, a lot of AAs don't know anything about the African cultures as well.

It doesn't bother me that white people are adopting black children. Those that can also adopt from China and Russia and other cultures as well.

I know this county has a very ugly history but I don't think White people who adopt black children are trying to create some form of slavery here. Slavery in this country is over yet it still brutally exists in Africa to this day.

What really matters to a child is love, not the physical body that he or she wears in his lifetime.

If people who adopt can extend the hand of love and rescue those children, and end thier suffering by giving them a loving home, then I for one will not critisize it or try to dictate which ones they should get when I cannot, or will not do anything to help.

Maybe one day human conciousness will evolve to care enough about children, where race or appearance won't matter at all, only the love you can give to the child, any child, any race, any culture... But now that I think about it, don't hold your breath.
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