Crawling down my back!!!


Well-Known Member
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

So last night I was doing my "routine" and I had to go pee-pee (forgive the TMI please:lol:) Well when I sat down, I felt something itching my was my HAIR!!!!:eek: My hair is sneaking down my back, I'll be APL before I know it. Anywho, just excited that's all.

Thanks for letting me share:grin:

yeah when I felt my OWN hair on my shoulders when I wore it out it felt weird yet great!! I was only used to weaves leaning on my shoulder. MY hair felt much better :grin:
...............too cute!!:)

I was expecting to hear about the roach too, but so glad to know it's your hair creeping on to APL!!!
Well I'm glad it was your hair and not a bug too! I'm so happy for you, I can't wait for the day that I can post such a thread. Keep it up chica and enjoy:).
Dang that's messed up ya'll, why yall think I got roaches???:confused: :eek: :lachen:

Well not on a regular basis; only when it rains, I mean this IS Texas....


kbragg said:
Dang that's messed up ya'll, why yall think I got roaches???:confused: :eek: :lachen:

Well not on a regular basis; only when it rains, I mean this IS Texas....



I am :lachen: :lachen: at you!
Big Congrats on your progress!!
kbragg said:
Dang that's messed up ya'll, why yall think I got roaches???:confused: :eek: :lachen:

Well not on a regular basis; only when it rains, I mean this IS Texas....



:lol: Hey congrats! I remember the first time when I felt it my hair on my shoulders it freaked me out. (still does) but hey, at least it wasn't a roach:lachen: (I heard about them scurry texas roaches)

Congratulations! That's such a great feeling to feel hair where it wasn't before (growing from your head of course!). Just wait until you feel it swishing past your collarbone when you hit APL! I'm so happy for you!
Roaches crawling on your back!!!Do those things jump???or just drop down? I saw some on a trip to Jamaica and those things were big....could hunt bears with a switch!!!bonjour