CRACKED my FRIGGIN blow dryer in all this new growth!

Mook's hair

New Member
I'm transitioning. I will hit 6 months post on October 16. My hair is SUPER-thick! I love it. :grin:

P - L - E - A - S - E :bookworm: R - E - A - D ! there are some photos in my fotki. I need encouragement.:clapping:

The day I wore the braidout, my best friend came over to my house to cook a potroast for me & my husband:hungry:. The Beefy-grease / onion smell jumped all in my hair. but I was so tired that night I didn't shower before bed. The next morning I had a dilemma, I can't go to work with my hair smelling like greasy onion beef.
:bath: So I washed my hair that morning while I was in the bathtub.
Yes...This super thick 6 month-post relaxer hair.

I managed to comb some conditioner through it, bunned it (wet) and went to work.

Lunch time I un-bunned it, jumped in the car opened the sunroof & windows:badidea: (hoping this would help it dry) and drove home. :driver:( I don't live too far from my job).
My intention was to blow it out during my lunch break.

When I walked in the house my grandmom & husband both gave me the screw-face /small eye look:huh: and say Uhh, what happened to you? Grandmom is of course very alarmed by the fact that I was anywhere outside of the house looking like Diana Ross on Crack. :-(:hair:

So as I I get through about 1 quadrant of my hair and suddenly the comb attatchment keeps falling off. and sticking in my hair instead of staying on the blow dryer. Guess what I did?....

Blowdrying all this thick hair...I CRACKED my FRIGGIN' blowdryer.
Not the comb, not the teeth in the comb, not the handle. The blowdryer that I've successfully used for 2 years.

So I got real discouraged about this transition and started questioning why I am doing this. :nono:
-am I really going to grow this relaxer out?
-how am I going to where my hair for these next 6 trans months?
- Do I really want to do this?
- Will I be able to handle this hair?
-Is my natural texture going to be too thick and dense to keep it looking neat?

Then as I was driving back to work I saw this teenage girl walking and she had Long beautifull hair that was almost waist length and look like she just got a touchup. (Ouch) :darkcloud:that was salt in the wound.

I called my best friend and left her a message instructing her that she needed to call me back and either talk me into getting a relaxer or talk me out of it? :eh:Her choice.

She knows that I am definately on track to go 1 whole year without a relaxer and my ultimate goal is to grow it out completely. So she talked me out of it.:kick:

But I need all of my LHCF sisters to help me out her.
I need tips, style suggestions encouragement, and anything else you have to offer. I'm staying the course! But I got weak.

Note: That night I went to sallys and bought a Gold n Hot Blowdryer and it is working really well for me. I've used it twice and no crackage.
I'm 8 months post relaxer and I am there with you! Keep it moving girl~

I was considering posting a thread like this...

I'm done trying to straighten my hair...

I'ma just work on improving condition....
This is FAH :lachen: 6 months is a really hard stretch, you have gotten to the top of the hill, don't give up now,if you're goal was to go 1 year without chemicals then go ahead you know what you are doing obviously ...just no more car-drying :lachen:
I think you should do whatever you think is best for your hair and your feelings. If having a relaxer is healthy for your hair and it makes you feel great, feminine and attractive. I say go for it.

If not, think it over carefully and remind yourself of all the reasons you decided to transition.

Me personally - I would have NEVER been natural for six years (or missed it) had I known about texlaxing just 3-4 times per year, instead of relaxing every 8-15 weeks (if you stretch). My hair is gorgeous and I love it. In the end I would say that you HAVE to do what's right for you. Glad you came here for encouragement. I wish you the best!
this story is hilarious :lachen:

what about bantu-knot sets? that is great style while transitioning, do bantus on wet hair and dry overnight or under dryer then just finger seperate the curls and wear a headband or flat twist the front. or put it up in a curly updo of some sort... that way you don't have to mess with a comb or blowdryer. wow, u've gone 6 months u canNOT give up now.
I'm transitioning. I will hit 6 months post on October 16. My hair is SUPER-thick! I love it. :grin:

P - L - E - A - S - E :bookworm: R - E - A - D ! there are some photos in my fotki. I need encouragement.:clapping:

The day I wore the braidout, my best friend came over to my house to cook a potroast for me & my husband:hungry:. The Beefy-grease / onion smell jumped all in my hair. but I was so tired that night I didn't shower before bed. The next morning I had a dilemma, I can't go to work with my hair smelling like greasy onion beef.
:bath: So I washed my hair that morning while I was in the bathtub.
Yes...This super thick 6 month-post relaxer hair.

I managed to comb some conditioner through it, bunned it (wet) and went to work.

Lunch time I un-bunned it, jumped in the car opened the sunroof & windows:badidea: (hoping this would help it dry) and drove home. :driver:( I don't live too far from my job).
My intention was to blow it out during my lunch break.

When I walked in the house my grandmom & husband both gave me the screw-face /small eye look:huh: and say Uhh, what happened to you? Grandmom is of course very alarmed by the fact that I was anywhere outside of the house looking like Diana Ross on Crack. :-(:hair:

So as I I get through about 1 quadrant of my hair and suddenly the comb attatchment keeps falling off. and sticking in my hair instead of staying on the blow dryer. Guess what I did?....

Blowdrying all this thick hair...I CRACKED my FRIGGIN' blowdryer.
Not the comb, not the teeth in the comb, not the handle. The blowdryer that I've successfully used for 2 years.

So I got real discouraged about this transition and started questioning why I am doing this. :nono:
-am I really going to grow this relaxer out?
-how am I going to where my hair for these next 6 trans months?
- Do I really want to do this?
- Will I be able to handle this hair?
-Is my natural texture going to be too thick and dense to keep it looking neat?

Then as I was driving back to work I saw this teenage girl walking and she had Long beautifull hair that was almost waist length and look like she just got a touchup. (Ouch) :darkcloud:that was salt in the wound.

I called my best friend and left her a message instructing her that she needed to call me back and either talk me into getting a relaxer or talk me out of it? :eh:Her choice.

She knows that I am definately on track to go 1 whole year without a relaxer and my ultimate goal is to grow it out completely. So she talked me out of it.:kick:

But I need all of my LHCF sisters to help me out her.
I need tips, style suggestions encouragement, and anything else you have to offer. I'm staying the course! But I got weak.

Note: That night I went to sallys and bought a Gold n Hot Blowdryer and it is working really well for me. I've used it twice and no crackage.

:lachen:I was crying laughing at the bolded part.

I just looked at your fotki and OMG!!! Your hair looks great!:worship2:

Just keep up the good work!
Your story was very funny, especially the smilies:yep:. I hope you reach your goal of 1 year. Try to go with styles that don't require straight hair, like curly wet sets, someone said bantu knots, or even cornrows if they works for you.

oh and try not to wash and style in the am when you're pressed for time:lachen:.
You are so funny girl!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

You are always encouraging us Ladies and are one of my favorites :yep:!! I know that you CAN go 6 more months!!!!! If the blowdryer is working well for you, then continue on your journey and don't look back. You are a true inspiration and WILL BE even more so when you reach your 1 year goal!:grin::grin::grin:
Mook! Where are you from in NJ? That's where I'm from originally. I've only tried the comb attachment with the blowdryer once since I started stretching. After it popped off the 3rd time I chucked it the deuce and threw that mess back in the box. The scarf method worked well for airdrying and then if I wanted to wear it down I'd flat iron the next day. It'll get better! I've buried many an appliance/attachment in the hair graveyard to I know exactly how you feel. :look:
Oooh! Im 6 months post on October 22nd! Thats pretty close
I hope you keep it up girl, its lookin good--->:yep: hang in there!
:lachen::lachen: I'm sorry but your story is so funny...
Although I haven't cracked a blow dryer, I have broken a few comb attachments... :look:
I think this is just part of the journey, don't give up now you've come to far along....some people would kill for all that beautiful hair. :grin:
Lol...honestly what got me to read your enitre post were the smileys... Anyway, I say keep going with your transition. Six months from now you'll get a pretty good idea of what your natural hair would be like. If you don't like it, then relax it. At least you'll know that you tried, and make a decision based off of experience rather than presumption. Good luck with whatever choice you make!!
Don't give in!! I am 6 months post also, it's hard! I just went to Sally's today and bought the ion conditioning dryer for $58 and some change on sale. You get a $10.00 coupon in the flyer plus when I used my card I got an additional $5 off. Well see how it works.
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Don't give in to the creamy crack!!! Try the scarf method of air drying or under a hooded dryer see if that works. Your hair is too think and pretty don't just say no to creamy crack.
The ladies have already gave you some great advice. I just want to tell you have you have some beautiful hair....When I saw how thick it is for some reason you made me think of Nay. :yep:
eh? what are we trying to prove with stretching (aka transistioning). girl, get you some of that funky stuff. :angeldevi

You are too crazy. That's pretty much what my cousin is telling me too.

But on the real, thank you ladies for the encouragement and the wonderful advice. I've also been hearing that months 5 -8 are the hardest ones and once I get outside of month 8 it gets easier.

I will definately try the scarf method and see what that does for me. I also have to start experimenting with new products.

Shampoo is starting to be uselsess. my hair laughs at it.

Soliel185 , I'm in Pennsauken NJ, just out side of Camden and just across the bridge from Philly. vbmenu_register("postmenu_2891553", true);
oooh I'm from the Princeton area so I know exactly where that is. Good luck with the rest of your transition -- maybe some co-washes and oil rinse will help soften it up enough for the scarf method to work for you.