Well-Known Member
I finally read the directions on a new blow dryer that I bought. I always hated the amount of hair lost when I use a blowdryer, but sometimes I just don't have the time to air dry. I am also almost 7 months post and wanted to wear my hair straight for the week and thought that blowdrying before flat ironing would be helpful. I read the directions and realized that I had been blow drying wrong all along. The directions suggested that chemically treated hair not be blow dried on high. It said that it should be blowdried on medium/low settings. It also stated that the large comb should be used first when blowdrying and then switched to a smaller comb. Using the directions I got no breakage when I blowdried! So maybe the blowdryer wasn't causing the breakage all those years. It probably was the fact that I would use the highest heat setting possible, throw the smallest comb on the blowdryer and rake it threw my hair. I still won't be blowdrying regularly, but now I can do it without breakage.