COUNT YOUR Blessings~ Name them, one by one...

I'm blessed to live with my awesome mother and brothers.
I'm blessed to be graduating in two days :D
I'm blessed to have none, zip, nada drama in my life right now.
I'm blessed to have every need taken care of.
I'm blessed to have a merciful Savior that has kept me from harm and even bad choices & has given me hope and a future.
I've put on the garment of praise, for the spirit of heaviness. Praise the Lord!!!!
My blessings are too many to count. God is doing something new in me and for the first time in a really long time I am open to receiving what He has in store for me. Last Tuesday God showed me to me and what I saw wasn't pretty. I made some changes that day and I have been making changes every day since then. He is so good that on Sunday He gave me confirmation that I was heading in the right direction.
I am blessed to be ...

a child of God
a daughter of a praying mother
in a loving family
alive to accomplish the work God has for me
protected by the Lord
unconditionally loved by the Lord
.... the list is endless
Yes,we are all indeed blessed by the Most High God!

health&Hair, I just love that your children are seeking Truth, to know the Lord for themselves... wonderful

TraciChanel, you're most welcome :love2:

Shimmie... um, name them.. one by one... :lol:

mrselle, I am so glad to hear you received direction from Our Father this weekend..what a blessing..

Crucible.. AMEIN!!

Sarophina... congratulations on your accomplishment and coming graduation...blessed indeed!

loolalooh...oooo chile... BLESSED beyond measure!
I started to type this long list of blessings but could not stop.

Matt 6:33 "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well'

True Word of the Living God.

Blessings, peace, joy, love to all of you. amen
Great thread!

I am blessed to be a child of God
I am blessed to have the family I have
I am blessed to be in good health
I am blessed to have more than my needs met
I am blessed to be free to worship God
I have a job!
I'm blessed! (everywhere I go)
I'm favored!
God has mercy over my family and I every single day!
God gives me the strength!
Jesus loves me and shed his blood for me!
I am taking steps to get out of debt (with the help of Jesus)!
I have faith!
My family and I are healthy!
I know the devil is a liar!! and Jesus has the final say (now that's a blessing!)

There is so much more I could put down here...
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This is something that I turned into a game with my kids when times seem tough:)

Here is mine!

  1. Life
  2. My Past
  3. My Family
  4. Children
  5. Relationships
  6. Jesus
  7. For my friendship with him
  8. For everything he is
  9. For His discipline of me
  10. His compassion
  11. Providing for me
  12. Food
  13. Roof over my head
  14. Clothes on our back
  15. For taking GOOD care of us in a bad economy

I will say thanks to @Laela for a great thread

I am grateful for Christ coming and dying for me
Three awesome children that are saved and striving to be live for God for themselves
Having a job, a home, and transportation
Two wonderful parents that love and support me and my kids
Being able to seek God first in all things
A Pastor that is not ashamed to preach the gospel of Christ
A desire to crucify my flesh daily and live a life pleasing to God
My neck hurts, but I know that He saved me from sickness and disease so I have the power to make this pain go away

I was able to open my eyes this morning. There are some people that didn't make it, but I am still alive.

I have a job! They drive me batty at work, but I have a job!

Today is my wedding anniversary and I am grateful to have a companion that loves me.
I am blessed today because he woke me up in sound mind, ALL my faculties are working according to HIS order...I can't take anything for granted he has blessed me in abundance...



Forgiveness (although, I didn't think I had it, but someone said I did so I'm running with that and keeping in to the forefront, whether I like to or not). I have the conscience.

Perfection? Nope, but I'm blessed to have both of them. If I didn't, I would be as beneficial to the living as the dead. I'm very thankful.
1. I am about to graduate in the summer
2. I successfully enrolled in my university classes (a feat for some, super budget cuts!)
3. I am healthy
4. I have been working for 15 months
5. I am growing in the Lord
6. I have a great family that supports me and cheers me on each step of the way
3jsmom... you're more than welcome... :love2:

BostonMaria - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I rejoice with you in the Gift of your blessing that is your marriage. Blessed is the fruit of your womb and I wish you many more years of Peace and Love in the Lord.
My list has no end :) Sometimes it's easy to get bugged down by what we don't have but when we sit and think of what we do have, we realise we have everything that we need for 'today'.

God is merciful and faithful. We don't even know half of what He protects us from each day.

Sorry ... my heart is overflowing today :-p

(p.s. Hi Laela! :wave:)
That there are people who know how to pray for your situation because G-d sent them at that specific time and what they said was right on the money! ...even when they didn't have the details. I am so thankful!