*~Praise Report Thread~*

In church yesterday tears would not stop flowing. I saw so many young children ages 4-8 walk up to the altar, pray, and continuously praise God. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
Hi everyone! I've been gone for about a month, because I just started law school at Columbia! I went to the introductory meeting of the Christian Legal Society yesterday, and I just wanted to thank God for His mighty favor! He has brought me to one of the best law schools in the country and surrounded me with a community of others who love Christ.

I did a post-marital baptism ceremony on Sunday with my husband, and I have been feeling so close to the Lord. I am honestly so full of gratitude and love that I had to share!
Hi everyone! I've been gone for about a month, because I just started law school at Columbia! I went to the introductory meeting of the Christian Legal Society yesterday, and I just wanted to thank God for His mighty favor! He has brought me to one of the best law schools in the country and surrounded me with a community of others who love Christ.

I did a post-marital baptism ceremony on Sunday with my husband, and I have been feeling so close to the Lord. I am honestly so full of gratitude and love that I had to share!
Graet report @alex114. Thanks for sharing.
For the past 11 years I've been holding on to bitterness and unforgiveness. I got engaged last week and ever since then I've been feeling that God has been telling me to call someone. I had been praying to Him to mend that broken relationship but doubt lived in the back of my mind. Let me tell you when God tells you to do something and you are obedient He blesses you every time. I went to service earlier tonight and felt the Holy Spirit the entire time. Tell me how when I got home that same person's number popped in my head. I called thinking that I had the wrong number and it was her. The conversation went well. God is able to do any and everything. Never doubt it.
Praising God and giving Him all the glory!! After seriously looking for over a year to leave a job I have come to hate :( , I received an offer for a new job today and I am so excited! I prayed and prayed for my change to come....God is so faithful!!!!
Praise God for even the small things some of us take for granted. My mom felt hunger this afternoon and asked for soup. She attempted to feed herself. She had a visitor today and even prayed with us before her company left. Praise the Lord!
I praise God for baby steps and small beginnings. Early this morning my mom stood up on her own using the strength that God gave her and her walker. She was so frail 2 weeks ago when she came home, we weren't sure she would ever walk again.
I have an extra special praise report to share. Someone from LHCF blessed my mom and me in a very special way very recently. I had put in a prayer request a couple of weeks ago regarding my mom's furnace and @Sashaa08 said a very specific prayer for us that someone would be moved by God to bless us with a new furnace. Well, God heard her prayer and someone came through and truly blessed us. I can't help but praise the Lord and thank my LHCF sisters for your loving support. May God bless each of you abundantly above all that you could ever ask or imagine in Jesus' name, Amen!
I have an extra special praise report to share. Someone from LHCF blessed my mom and me in a very special way very recently. I had put in a prayer request a couple of weeks ago regarding my mom's furnace and @Sashaa08 said a very specific prayer for us that someone would be moved by God to bless us with a new furnace. Well, God heard her prayer and someone came through and truly blessed us. I can't help but praise the Lord and thank my LHCF sisters for your loving support. May God bless each of you abundantly above all that you could ever ask or imagine in Jesus' name, Amen!

This makes me so happy!! Praise the Lord!! Thank you Newgrowth15 for coming back and sharing the praise report.
To anyone outside of this thread, this may sound crazy, but my praise report is that I thank God for almost 52 years with a godly mother. He called her home and I am rejoicing in the knowledge that she knew the Lord, but more importantly, that He knew her. She is now reunited with my dad and my brothers who went on home before her. She has just joined that great cloud of witnesses who are cheering us on.

Even though I will shed some tears and I will miss our conversations, I know that I can rest in the Lord. He gave us His beloved Son and all who believe on the name of the Son of God will be saved.

Please join me in praising God for His tremendous love for us and for allowing each and every one of us to leave a legacy of faith if we so choose to walk with Him on a daily basis.

I have so much more I can praise the Lord for, but I will save some for another day.
I'm reading through my old journals and having a "if it had not been for the Lord on my side where would I be?" moment right now! God is good saints! He brought me over!
To anyone outside of this thread, this may sound crazy, but my praise report is that I thank God for almost 52 years with a godly mother. He called her home and I am rejoicing in the knowledge that she knew the Lord, but more importantly, that He knew her. She is now reunited with my dad and my brothers who went on home before her. She has just joined that great cloud of witnesses who are cheering us on.

Even though I will shed some tears and I will miss our conversations, I know that I can rest in the Lord. He gave us His beloved Son and all who believe on the name of the Son of God will be saved.

Please join me in praising God for His tremendous love for us and for allowing each and every one of us to leave a legacy of faith if we so choose to walk with Him on a daily basis.

I have so much more I can praise the Lord for, but I will save some for another day.

Praise God! He is our comforter, lover of our soul. You have my condolences. Thank God your mother knew Jesus and you're comforted knowing that she is resting in Him!
I want to thank the Lord for still loving me through all of this junk. And letting me know everything is okay between me and him. He isn’t mad at me, and he’s not going to leave me or let things overcome me.

I’m thankful for him constantly keeping me safe. Especially from my own being, because I can be my own worst being.

I’m thankful for Him showing me things I couldn’t understand, and things/truths I had no idea about, and calming for my spirit all of these revelations have been.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
All praises to God for bringing my family through a difficult and rough journey for the past 18 months. After our mom passed and everything was over and done with, it was time to concentrate on getting her house sold. Some of my brothers did not want the property sold, but they could not afford the upkeep.

Long story short, after many obstacles and roadblocks almost every step of the way, the house was finally sold in May and all of my brothers have landed on their feet. I praise God for hearing my prayers and answering them as He saw fit and not as I was trying to direct Him. As a result, there are no inheritance taxes to worry about. And one of the friends of my brothers, who was staying in my mom's house, passed away shortly after he moved out. I can only say this was all God's timing, not my own.

I am truly grateful for the prayers of the people on the forum who have prayed me through this time. If anyone ever has a need, take it to the Prayer Request thread and I will gladly lift up your requests to the Lord.
God is AWESOME!! My grandmother got back on her insurance plan and she’s able to get help at home again!! I was also moved to the next stage for a job that I applied for!!! He is faithful and I am so grateful today!!!
I want to praise the Lord for family. I feel surrounded by them on today, and my heart is warm. I also want to praise God for keeping me, even when I feel I'm in a den of lions who want nothing more than to rip at my flesh (work). God has never forsaken me, and it is my privilege to know that He won't ever. All I have to do is consult Psalm 7 and Psalm 35, and see exactly what will befall my enemies and those who wish me ill. For that, I praise Him in all of His glory.
I was about to be evicted twice this summer (July and August). I lost my job, and going from making a suitable wage to merely nothing has been more than a transition in California. However, his grace and mercy has kept me in my property. He comes on time, and his grace is sufficient-- I'm learning from this.

My cell phone just got disconnected today (this hasn't happened in years), but I am believing God will take care of this too. Thank you, Lord!!

Edited: The phone bill has been paid and is on!
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There are days you just feel more praise-ful than others and don't know why... I had a great time this morning thanking God in advance for victory in all areas of my life, moreso than most mornings. Well, how about I had car trouble throughout the day and the SUV stalled in two safe places for me to call for roadside assistance and hubby. All is well with the car for now until I take it in tomorrow to get looked at. But made it home safe and sound. Father God is Good... ALL the time, no matter the circumstance(s).

Just an extra Praise break for today!
Praise report:

I’ve been struggling with personal and professional growth this year. I’ll be getting a new job next year and I really want to go to a prestigious group back in my home state. However, there are some professional things that I just have not been able to accomplish during this time. At first I was angry and confused over the “why lies”. I assumed that since I wasn’t following the “guaranteed path to success” then I’m destined to fail. But God has been placing specific people in my life and putting me in these situations where I am growing and making connects that may just get me the position that I want without having the perfect resume.

As Christians we often limit blessings to those things that are perfect in our own understanding. But God sometimes works by putting you in situations were you are bringing so little to the table that your accomplishment can only be attributed to him.
Praise report:

I’ve been struggling with personal and professional growth this year. I’ll be getting a new job next year and I really want to go to a prestigious group back in my home state. However, there are some professional things that I just have not been able to accomplish during this time. At first I was angry and confused over the “why lies”. I assumed that since I wasn’t following the “guaranteed path to success” then I’m destined to fail. But God has been placing specific people in my life and putting me in these situations where I am growing and making connects that may just get me the position that I want without having the perfect resume.

As Christians we often limit blessings to those things that are perfect in our own understanding. But God sometimes works by putting you in situations were you are bringing so little to the table that your accomplishment can only be attributed to him.
I accidentally drove into a swell in front of my house. The back half of the car was in the air. By the grace of God I wasnt harmed.