Could it be the glycerine


New Member
Last night before I went to bed I applied S-Curl to my hair and then put a shower cap on to keep in the moisture. Well, I woke up this morning and my scalp felt like it was on fire! I have been scratching ever since. Could it be the glycerine? If so, is there anything that I could add to the S-Curl to alleviate the itching? Is there anything that works just as well as the S-Curl? HELP!! :eek:
Wow, sorry to hear that happened to you!! I haven't experienced problems with glycerin before, but from what I understand it will draw moisture from the air to the hair...maybe try it without the shower cap next time? That's my only thought on that one!!
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My hair doesn't like glycerin. It makes my scalp itch like crazy and it give me a terrible build up.
I use glycerin sparingly, because I read that it attracts moisture when there's moisture in the air. Since it's winter, I use only a little because I'm afraid it will eat my hair up.

It doesn't make my scalp itch, though. But it can' be overly sticky if you use too much. Maybe it's because you left it on overnight?
Personally I don't apply S-Curl on my scalp because I don't want to aggravate any scalp issue that I have. I don't know if it is a glycerin but I would avoid putting it on my scalp.