Product Review: Pure Glycerine *concentrate*

I am finding this thread very interesting. Some of us have been talking about using glycerin/water sprays (instead of s-curl) for a while now. Now it's like nobody ever mentioned it on here before. I guess that's the reality of hair forums. It depends on who is doing the posting.
Glad you all are becoming interested in this because it is a good alternative to the store bought products that do the same thing.

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You are right! I think Leejure consistently posts about using glycerin/water sprays in her hair as well as others. But it is hard to keep track of who says what on such a large board.

Hey Peachtree

In addition to adding it to my spray bottle, I also a tiny drop of it with some conditoner as my leave-in. Turned out very nice!!! Hair is nice, shiny and soft!!

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I took the tips from other ladies here and I made a homemade spray with glycerine, distilled water and bit of conditioner that works as well as S-Curl and looks similar, too. Thank goodness it works, because I was very sad to say goodbye to S-Curl. But it had to go.
Does anyone have a pic of this Pure Glycerin???

Is it clear of all harmful ingredients???

Where can I get it from???
Poohbear said:
Does anyone have a pic of this Pure Glycerin???

Is it clear of all harmful ingredients???

Where can I get it from???

Sorry I don't have a pic, but it is just pure glycerin concentrate. There is nothing else in it. I got mine at the BSS. But I have also seen glycerin in drug stores in the first aid section.
DahomeyAhosi said:
BUMP. Because curl activators contain parabens I'm thinking about replacing them with pure glycerin.

Get out of my head, I was just thinking about this and possibly substituting a glycerin/castor oil/water moisturizer instead. I've been using s-curl religiously since 1997, but I may have to part w/it. I've been OD'ing w/ the s-curl and I'm noticing that my boobies are getting bigger even though I haven't gained weight, so I'm thinking it must be the hormones :lol:
:lol: i strtd 2 use glycerin bout 2wks ago n my hair luvs it!!! i mix it wit rosewater n alil castor oil it maks my hair real-sof n :grin: givs my natural hair gr8 shine :)
BLESSED1 said:
Get out of my head, I was just thinking about this and possibly substituting a glycerin/castor oil/water moisturizer instead. I've been using s-curl religiously since 1997, but I may have to part w/it. I've been OD'ing w/ the s-curl and I'm noticing that my boobies are getting bigger even though I haven't gained weight, so I'm thinking it must be the hormones :lol:

THat is scary! I certainly hope it's not the parabens. I really don't even know what parabens are except for them being possible carcinogens. I'll be picking up my glycerine next week.
I'm saying, I got a decision to make you know? I either got to keep on with my beloved hair product that could be making me t!ttylicious, or switch to a natural product and reduce my exposure to a possible carcinogen. Still deciding.....syke I'm going to give up the s-curl as soon as I find some glycerin :lol:
wow! I was searching this thread to learn about glycerin - but the thought of gaining larger breasts w/o having to gain weight is pretty tempting lol! That bottle of scurl is starting to look real good lmao!
Oh no girl, cuz if this stuff really does cause cancer I can't enjoy my boobs while I'm on my deathbed know what I mean! Honestly, I think they only look bigger cause I'm starting to feel the effects of gravity, prob. because I'll be 26 in a couple of months but anyhoo....:sekret:

I couldn't find glycerin at any of my local stores so I ordered from the vitamin shop. I mixed it w/ castor oil and water and sprayed it on my hair for the first time this morning. My hair is still soft, and I don't have any stickiness like I did w/ the s-curl so this is a keeper!
Iuse the pure vegetable glycerine from the health food store and mix it with water and homemade black castor oil. So far I am extremely pleased. Bonjour
I saw this pure glycerine concentrate at my local BSS the other day. I might have to give it a try if this new growth gets off da chain.
DahomeyAhosi said:
Yes Blessed another benefit this definitely has over curl activator is that it is not sticky.

Yeah I noticed, my fingers don't stick together after I do my hair anymore lol.

I don't know why none of the backwoods stores in my area don't carry glycerine, they look at me like I'm making a bomb in my basement when I ask them if they carry it. I ordered mine from the vitamin shop but I go through products quickly, didn't see myself spending $12 total w/shipping for a little bottle....found this website and ordered a gallon of glycerin for $30 including the S & H, now I know that's gonna last me several months!
Joining in on the Glycerine Kick :whip: could not fight of the pj addiction.... if it is a replacement for my beloved S-curl :cry: then Hey I am all for it!!!!