
New Member
I am seriously considering doing a corrective relaxer. my only question is whether i should use ley or no lye. i have no lye most my life, but my hair has always been very dry. after reading posts, i think it may be due to the no lye relaxer.

so, for those ladies who did a corrective relaxer (or those with knowledge), which type of relaxer did u use, and what were your results?

Thanks in advance
I was always told to do a corrective relaxer with whatever relaxer you used in the first place.

I just don't think mixing a lye relaxer over a no-lye relaxer would end up too hot. Doing a corrective is already risky but then you are adding a totally different type of chemical. Your hair may not react too well with that.

I would only switch up on virgin newgrowth. Not on previously relaxed hair. But that's just me.
My virgin hair was relaxed with Affirm dry hair/Sensitive scalp, and in a few months began drying out. My fired ex-stylist used Affirm lye and tried to pressure me to let her go over the no lye hair with the lye. My mom's stylist and family friend said that using a corrective lye over no lye hair isn't going to do anything, so I refused, because I don't like the idea, because you risk overprocessing. You have no way to quantify the degree of "relaxation" in your previously relaxed hair, if it is basically straight. I say don't do it.

I have just about grown out all of the no lye, or at least enough to where the dryness is manageable. I use a Ion Hardwater chelating shampoo a few times a month, prepoo with oils or conditioner, and use a quality moisturizing deep conditioner for at least 20 min every wash. I moisturize and seal daily or as needed. I have stopped using setting lotion /foam which dried my hair out. I use Elucence MB diluted as a spray on leave in conditioner+ lacio lacio post wash. I am not having a problem with dryness now. I have learned to let my hair tell me what it needs and this is working to keep the dryness away. HTH
DONT DO IT! There is no such thing as a corrective perm. Trust me, I have 1 inch of hair on my head because of a corrective perm. All it does is overprocess your hair. Over a short period of time your hair will break off. Trust me....
Well, I'm no pro at all but for me the Corrective worked well on my hair. I used ORS no lye over ORS lye and it came beautifully. I do not regret it at all. And I was terribly underprocessed for months before I decided to just take it on through to the underprocessd spots. My hair use to look kinds like this ---~~~----~~~~--- straight, underprocessed, straight , underprocessed, straight. A corrective was just what I needed. I got tired of the breakage from the two different textures and just went on and did the corrective :yep:
Well, I'm no pro at all but for me the Corrective worked well on my hair. I used ORS no lye over ORS lye and it came beautifully. I do not regret it at all. And I was terribly underprocessed for months before I decided to just take it on through to the underprocessd spots. My hair use to look kinds like this ---~~~----~~~~--- straight, underprocessed, straight , underprocessed, straight. A corrective was just what I needed. I got tired of the breakage from the two different textures and just went on and did the corrective :yep:

You took the words right out of my mouth. You have to remember that with a corrective, you don't process for the regular time. You kinda pick up where you left off. No in terms of lye or no-lye I have always heard that a corrective with lye helps remove the mineral deposits and such that can make no-lye relaxed hair super dry. If you don't get more replies, pm Sistaslick.
thank u all for the replies. i think i will err on the side of caution, and not do a corrective. i do not want to risk over processing myhair. thank u all for your replies.