Corrective Relaxer Help???


New Member
Hello Ladies....I have been doing some reading on corrective relaxers, but I am not too sure what these are for. I am currently going through a phase where my hair is not taking relaxers at all. Therefore my roots are a different texture than the ends. Texurized roots vs relaxed ends....This was not done purposely. I would love to be all relaxed. Would a corrective relaxer benefit me? If so what exactly is it? Thanks any advice would be helpful.

Also do you think I should continue to try to combat my unwilling roots by doing regular relaxers until they give in and then do a corrective relaxer on the length.........I am just so confused
I had some underprocessed hair. I went to the dominicans and this stuff is straight as an arrow now. I noticed she put the relaxer on about 3 inches of hair to redo the parts that were not straight.