Considering saying GoodBye to LHCF.....

Oh Sam...Don't go. I learn so much from you. Heck, you thought he that it was okay to make my own stuff!!!
Oh Sam...Don't go. I learn so much from you. Heck, you thought he that it was okay to make my own stuff!!!


Hey mama!!!!
I want that PhD. I gotta Gotta Cut stuff out.

I dunno - I am thinking after all these pleas of lurkin.

I dunno.... I will see by Jan 1
Say it isn't so, don't go. :nono: You've helped so many with their hair, including ME and your posts are always funny and straight forward. :lachen:

But, I understand being in grad school, time is limited. Well, there's still a few weeks left.

Thanks for everything. :bighug:
If you have to go, I understand but just go for a while and just peak back in from time to time when you get a breather. I am glad you let us know what you are up to and ultimately I want you to be successful in getting your PhD and that is going to take serious focus and dedication. Just poke your head in here and throw us a reciepe or something every now and then and then dip back out :lol: Your thread will still be going for weeks after you post and you can jump back into it when you get ready... :up:
Awww, I'm sad to see you go Sam but I understand why. You have helped so many ladies here and are such a wealth of information. I was just thinking the other day how much I see ladies mentioning your techniques in various threads. I'll look forward to viewing your blog.

Hope we can keep in touch and I wish you all the best. Luv ya sweets!:kiss:

God bless.
Awww, I'm sad to see you go Sam but I understand why. You have helped so many ladies here and are such a wealth of information. I was just thinking the other day how much I see ladies mentioning your techniques in various threads. I'll look forward to viewing your blog.

Hope we can keep in touch and I wish you all the best. Luv ya sweets!:kiss:

God bless.

I Love you too!! you know - you look like my mommie :kiss:
Sad to hear (but understand)...I hope one day you will come back. You are a inspiration to me. Good luck in your endeavors! :)
Hey SamanthaJ....
I'm back to say, getting your PhD. is an awesome task, and I can see why you would have to put LHCF to the side.
If you do go, please stop by and say:hiya2: and post once in a while.
That sucks,but i do get why you're considering it.
Its easy to get distracted sometimes:sad:

I'll miss you:yep:!!!!
I just wanted to wish you well along with everyone else! However, I hope that your leaving is only temporary. :look: God bless.
Hey SamanthaJ....
I'm back to say, getting your PhD. is an awesome task, and I can see why you would have to put LHCF to the side.
If you do go, please stop by and say:hiya2: and post once in a while.

I am in the MA program (History)now. I want to go to USC, and boy the competition is TOUGH....

So I have to focus.

:kiss: I am still thinking about staying, but lurkin....
I don't read this forum like I used to, either, but it helps me to relax after work. If I lurk at work, it's because I need to do something to make the day go by faster, when it's slow--most likely I won't turn my computer on at home. It's amazing how much I get done just by leaving my computer off.

Sometimes I may not view LHCF for three days while at home, depending on what I have to do. So I understand. School is very important.:yep:
I don't read this forum like I used to, either, but it helps me to relax after work. If I lurk at work, it's because I need to do something to make the day go by faster, when it's slow--most likely I won't turn my computer on at home. It's amazing how much I get done just by leaving my computer off.

Sometimes I may not view LHCF for three days while at home, depending on what I have to do. So I understand. School is very important.:yep:

thanks for understanding!
Oh my goodness that will be so sad. I might not tell you but I look up to you. I love your journey and your hair. You have great tips too! You will be missed! Congrats on all you have done and will do in the future.:grin:
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I completely understand. The reason my posts are so scarce is because of grad school. (I graduate in May. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!)

I want to thank you because you took the time to answer a question of mine even though I'm fairly new and don't get to post often.

I wish you much luck!
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Yours were the first posts I read when I was a lurker. I really enjoy the tone and personality of your posts :) I agree that this place can take up way too much time especially those pursuing conquests in academia...I will probably follow your lead and stay off here next semester!
where have i been? sj dont leave me! i remeber you when i was a noob on bhm!!! you got my moisture balance right w/ the steam! like boyz II men say: "please don't go away from meeeee!"

at least pop in and say hi when you get bored!
I was reading your posts when I was a lurker, now I'm here and you are leaving. I know its so hard to concentrate on school when there's hair!. All the best to you, and many many thanks for the knowledge.