Considering going short


Well-Known Member
This itch to cut my hair short is getting to me, I want to do it soooooo bad. My only problem would be DH. When we first began dating my hair was APL. He went out to sea for a few weeks, came home and I had cut it to NL, he threw a fit :lachen:. I'll never "suprise" him like that again :perplexed

So ladies, how do you think I should go about warming him up to the idea of me getting a short cut? Anybody experienced this with their DH or SO?
maybe you should get a wig similar to the cut you want and try it out to see how he reacts first then if it goes well cut your hair
maybe you should get a wig similar to the cut you want and try it out to see how he reacts first then if it goes well cut your hair
:clap: Gotta love LHCF! Someone always has a great solution. Thanks I think this will be the way to go, that way he won't pitch a fit :lachen:and he'll be able to see what it will look like :)

Talk to him about it and show him pics of cuts similar to the one you want.
I tried this once and he wouldn't even listen :lachen: stubborn self. He never got over the APL to NL thing :lachen:.