Congratulations to CaramelHonee...

Are there added pieces for thickness
<font color="purple"> MY GIRL!!!!!
Just LOOK at what I miss when I don't check the boards in a few days!!!

Congratulations, "Honee", your hair is gorgeous, and this honor is well-deserved!
I'm proud of you!
TripleP said:
Are there added pieces for thickness

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Um NO! That's all her gorgeous, thick hair!
TripleP said:
Are there added pieces for thickness

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was that an honest question?
CaramelHonee said:
LaSandi said:
CH: Congrats on the honor of being the feature of the month. Your hair looks awesome. I am really proud of the way you set out to take care of your hair and make it grow as the results are fabulous. Even if I do have eye issues
AND someone please tell CH they can see the "little brown" in her hair
Congrats again Kid!

CH's Mommie
P.S. I am going over to her house to borrow some of that oil mix she makes for her hair.

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Thanks Mom and yes, u can get some of that oil concoction - i have tons of it. BTW, can someone PLEASE tell me that they see brown in my hair

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I just saw your mom's hair in her profile. You both have WONDERFUL hair!!!!

You both must turn heads when you walk together! Wow, like mother like daughter! You grow girls!!
TripleP said:
Are there added pieces for thickness

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No. CH was blessed with a gorgeous head of thick hair.
TripleP said:
Are there added pieces for thickness

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LMAO, u r definately going to the hot place. Please everyone, forgive Trip, that is a joke we share (usually amongst ourselves tho
). She didn't mean anything by it.
BTW, thanks to all my warriors who 'had my back'
kitty18 said:

How do I view your mom's pictures?

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Just click on her name (which is LaSandi) and there's a link to her pictures.

Oops, almost forgot to say
THANK YOU EVERYBODY for making me smile today
CH, your hair looks great. I will probably copy your regiment since I use Keracare products and GPB. I wish you much success.
Congrats CH!! Your hair was always beautiful, but now it's stunning
Now you know I have to ask, what's your regimine?
CaramelHonee said:
kitty18 said:

How do I view your mom's pictures?

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Just click on her name (which is LaSandi) and there's a link to her pictures.

Oops, almost forgot to say
THANK YOU EVERYBODY for making me smile today

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I didn't know she was your mom!! I remember looking at her pic a while back and being in awe. I see great hair runs in your family
the difference from your previous avatar is so striking! keep up the wonderful work, your hair is beautiful!
Thank you everyone

Rayne - here's my regimen. This is done either once or twice per week. I don't always do the pretreatment 2xs a week tho, once is sometimes enuf. Depends on how much time i have or how i feel.

Once a week (or when I remember), I give myself a 30 minute pre-shampoo treatment using Olive Oil, Honey and Suave Coconut Conditioner. I wash my hair 1-2x per week using Keracare Hydrating Shampoo. I also do a light protein treatment once a week using Aubrey Organics GPB (no heat-30 mins), I follow that up with Keracare Humecto mixed with Hollywood Beauty Olive Cholesterol (no heat-30 mins) - I may alternate with my new love St. Ives Fortifying Reconstructor
. As a leave-in, I use Aroscio Intervying and either Salerm 21 or Keracare Leave-in with a quarter size amount of Jojoba Oil. I seal my ends with Keracare Silken Seal right before rollersetting. I clarify once a month using Keracare First Lather Shampoo. Every 5-6 weeks, my hair is in need of some serious protein so out comes the Aphogee Treatment followed by their Balancing Moisturizer.

Any more questions, feel free to ask. I feel like someone in the know now
CH!! MY GOODNESS! Your hair looks gorgeous! I had to take a double take! It looks great! After reading your regimine I realized its quite simple. I really need to stop playing and get on that program!

(I am going to PM you in a sec...)
Edited to Add:

When (if) you use the keracare silken seal, PLEASE only use a tiny amount, trust me, it goes a LONGGG way
CH - I saw in a different thread the pic of where you started from in 2001, you have made mucho progress!!!!!

I know you wear your hair in a bun 99.9% of the time now, but what protective styling/daily styling were you doing when your hair was the short, above the neck length.? Any tips on how you progressed from the short do to the gorgeous length now would be grand!

You grow girl - you have given me a ton of inspiration to take car of the wild mane myself!
MelloYello said:
CH - I saw in a different thread the pic of where you started from in 2001, you have made mucho progress!!!!!

I know you wear your hair in a bun 99.9% of the time now, but what protective styling/daily styling were you doing when your hair was the short, above the neck length.? Any tips on how you progressed from the short do to the gorgeous length now would be grand!

You grow girl - you have given me a ton of inspiration to take car of the wild mane myself!

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Thank you. My cheeks r hurting b/c im cheesing so much. Ppl walk by my desk and wonder wth is so funny ... LOL

During 2001-early 2003, when my hair was the short length i wore it just like that. I got my wash and sets once every 2 weeks and used whatever they put in my hair. I did not believe in deep conditioning b/c i wanted to get out of there fast and i didn't want anyone to take my favorite dryer. Yes, i'm crazy like that.
I'd get my roots blown out and id wrap it with the pins and b out. I couldn't put it in a ponytail (choclateprincess knows what im talking about
). i did perm it myself about 3 times in 2002 and that was easy b/c of the length but i mainly relied on the salons. The regimen that i follow now has been working for me for a while now (since fall 2003) so i'm sticking to it.
The only tip i can actually offer is: Keeping it simple is the way to go. No need to spend $10 on a conditioner when a $5 one does the same job, if not better, ya know.