Confused about silica


To each his own. :)
I noticed that some people have indicated that they are taking 500 mg, or whatever, of silica. I haven't seen a tablet that has 500 mg of silica in it. For instance, I am taking KAL Silica Plus, that is a 600 mg tablet horsetail extract tablet (which supplies 15 mg of silica) and Colloidal Hydrophilic Silica Gel, which supplies 20 mg of silica.

Are you all finding tablets somewhere that contain 500 mg of all silica?

Thanks! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
CurlyCrly, I just found a 500 mg tab at Puritan Pride. I ordered it this morning. It was really hard to find.

I'll look for the brand name and post it.

curlycrly, silica is THE most confusing of all the supplements. i've asked this same question in the past and still get confused. i also take the Kal Super Silica Plus. i hope jade sees this thread and straightens it up for us. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi CurlyCrly,

I use Natrol's silica. One capsule is equivalent to 400mg, from Springtime Horsetail 8% Extract. So one capsule would equal 32mg and of course two = 64mg. I take 2 caps daily and they are very potent. They give strength to the hair and some serious shine /images/graemlins/smile.gif Remember, the overall mg aren't important because it doesn't express the potency of the silica.

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It is the extraction amount that is very important. This tells you how potent your product is. I believe anywhere from 8%-10% rends the highest potency. I'll check to be sure and edit this post with whatever I find out.</font>

Natrol's Silica: One cap extraction
= 32mg
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Natrol's Silica: One cap extraction
= 32mg

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Darn Amethyst /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I read your post on the NewsWeek thread and LondonDiva's Puritan Pride post and for someone whose major was English and Journalism, you sure know alot about math /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Jadu: The vitaminshoppe sells it.
CurlyCrly I, Like you am just as confused with the whole Silica thing. Even with Amethyst's breakdown my stupid brain still can't get round it.

Damn, I think I'll just take the same brand as Amethyst cause that seems to be giving her an amazing shine. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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LondonDiva said:
CurlyCrly I, Like you am just as confused with the whole Silica thing. Even with Amethyst's breakdown my stupid brain still can't get round it.

Damn, I think I'll just take the same brand as Amethyst cause that seems to be giving her an amazing shine. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Ditto, Londondiva!! I was thinking the same thing too! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Everybody, I'm just a little bit confused. ... /images/graemlins/confused.gif ... Are you saying that it's not as simple as just finding a brand that makes a 500 mg tab and taking it? ... /images/graemlins/confused.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif
Hey Ladies,

I know it can be confusing but let me see if I can explain myself a little bit better. Horsetail is a herb, silica is a mineral found in this herb. Some people confuse horsetail with being silica itself. But as I said, horsetail is not silica. It is a herb, with silica being a mineral found in it. So you are getting 400mg of horsetail and 32mg of silica. All horsetail is not the same. Some companies harvest inferior quality horsetail with only low amounts of nutrients found in the herb. Again, horsetail naturally contain silica. Natrol is one of the better companies that does the extraction themselves. This is how they know their product is at 8% extraction.

And Iris, I want to own my own business. So I better know about business math and everything pertaining to business ownership /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Amethyst, I remember a long time ago Jade recommended the Flora vegetal silica. I thought they had the best extraction procedures. That's the one I have and it only contains 10mg of silica in each pill. I take 2 per day. Any info or suggestions welcome. TIA /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
I remember that thread because I must have asked a million questions about it. As I recall, she said she used the Natrol and the Flora. Since horsetail is one of those herbs where people say it is not recommended to take more than 3 weeks at a time, she switched up with the Flora. One month she would take the Natrol and another the Flora brand. She said the Flora was potent, but not as potent as the Natrols.

Currently, I'm in love with that PP Biotin as far as supplements are concerned. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Please post your results when you begin using them. I'm definately looking forward to all threads concerning it!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Since horsetail is one of those herbs where people say it is not recommended to take more than 3 weeks at a time, she switched up with the Flora. One month she would take the Natrol and another the Flora brand. She said the Flora was potent, but not as potent as the Natrols.

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Amethyst, yes, that's exactly how it went. I remember that. Now to add to the confusion, I didn't know that it wasn;t recommended to take horsetail more than 3wks. What's the difference btwn the Natrol and the Vegetal. Why the switching? Aren't they all horsetail?

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Currently, I'm in love with that PP Biotin as far as supplements are concerned. Please post your results when you begin using them. I'm definately looking forward to all threads concerning it!

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I rec'd my PP Biotin today!!! I can't wait to see how this works. I'll definitely keep you posted! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
/images/graemlins/bouncy.gif /images/graemlins/party2.gif /images/graemlins/band2.gif /images/graemlins/dance7.gif

<font color="blue">Y </font> <font color="red">A </font> <font color="blue"> Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </font>
Sorry. Somehow I missed that question. I don't know exactly why Jade did the switching. I know some companies get their silica from the ocean, and others from the horsetail herb. But here's a link about the Flora brand. It comes from horsetail as the Natrol's. Flora uses an aquaeous extraction. Tomorrow I'm gonna call the Natrol company and ask them a few questions.

Okaaaaaaaaaay ... /images/graemlins/crazy.gif ... now that I'm drowning in an abyss of confusion ... /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif ... am I to understand that the silica product that I linked to above will not do the job if I only take one tab a day in conjunction with the other vitamins on the Bargello regimen? In addition, am I to understand that I'm only to take it for three weeks--and any longer than that will prove to have a toxic effect? ... /images/graemlins/confused.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif

Some people say they have taken horsetail with no problem whatsoever. I can't wait for someone to reply about the difference in the Natrols and Flora either /images/graemlins/crazy.gif Some people only take 1 pill. I take 2 for maximum effect. It has been noted that horsetail in small children have an adverse effect on their nervous system. This didn't apply to adults. I'm gonna search the internet about this herb. It can't be all that bad. Some women here have been taking it for ages with apparently no problems /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Jade can answer this question perfectly. If I rememeber correctly this whole silica issue is rahter confusing but has a pretty logical explaination. Try to track Jade down. I see her around every once in a while (:::waving at you Jade::: I know I owe you an email or two).

I'm sending a PM her way /images/graemlins/smile.gif I remember the Natrol reps telling me they never heard of horsetail being toxic. They said their repeat customers have had no complaints. And it can be taken daily. Just the same, I'm still calling cause I want a little more clarity on the extraction methods that are utilized.

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It has been noted that horsetail in small children have an adverse effect on their nervous system

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That's because it contains small traces of nicotine. I aked Jade about this before and she said the amount is a very small amount.
I discovered this b/c when I was quitting smoking my doctor told me that I should lay off the horsetail b/c of the nicotine.

I have been taking Horsetail grass supplements for much longer than 3 weeks at a time (months at a time) and have suffered no ill effects.

The brand I take is Nature's Way. I usually take 2 capsules and my multi.
I remember on the old forum there was discussion about this too. Because that Natrol had me about concerned. I've always been a non-smoker and it has that faint taste of nicotine in it. I wanted to know what in tarnations was going on /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I've been taking it for along time now with no adverse effects either /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I've read that horsetail has a small amount of nicotine in it. I also read that it should not be used for an extended period of time, but it did not say how long that was.

Justice, the silica you were referring to does not indicate how much is in each pill. It says 500 mg, but that is horsetail. It does not break it down further.

Adrienne, are you taking 2 of the KAL Silica Plus per day? Also, are you taking any other products containing silica?

Thanks for all the responses.
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Justice4alw said:
Thanks for the clarification, CurlyCrly.

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No problem. I noticed that I still don't have an answer to my question. I guess there is no 500 mg of silica. I'm just asking because the Bargello routine says 500 mg of silica, so I'm wondering where she or anyone is getting 500 mg of silica, unless she is taking several pills to obtain it. I'd have to take about 14 of the KAL Silica Plus to get that amount of silica.
My Silica capsules contain 350mg of Silica each. And on the package it says "EXTRA HIGH DOSAGE". So I guess, there are no 500mg capsules - but I will check again. I take 3 each day.
Nay, what brand are you taking? That's a lot of silica...I may have to add thses to my vitamin list. /images/graemlins/cool.gif
currently I'm taking the silica gel which has 420mg of silica per tablespoon. The only other ingredient listed is purified water.