Conditioners? -- You Name it

Which do you prefer for conditioners

  • PRE-POO Moisturizing Cond.

    Votes: 14 18.7%
  • PRE-POO Cheapie Cond.

    Votes: 13 17.3%
  • CO-WASH Moisturizing Cond.

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • CO-WASH Cheapie Cond.

    Votes: 13 17.3%
  • I use either, it doesn't matter

    Votes: 18 24.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
When I joined I found out quickly that the majority of you do a prepoo and a cowash quite often. After doing research on exactly what these were, I didn't want to badger everyone too much, I saw most sites recommended for a prepoo you should you a moisturizing poo and for a cowash it should be relatively inexpensive...I'm just trying to get a consensus on what everyone uses. Don't forget to vote

1. PRE-POO...
Your Brand-

2. CO-WASH...
Your Brand-
I voted for either, it doesn't matter. I most use suave or dove for co washes. For pre poo, I mostly use oils like coconut or amla.
1. PRE-POO...
Lately I've been prepooing with a conditioner cocktail that includes LeKair cholestoral, aussie 3 minute miracle, Jason Sea Kelp, Ion reconstructor, mixed with amla and olive oil. I'm trying to use up a bunch of condtioners that I don't want, so combining them together seems like the fastest way to use them up.:)

2. CO-WASH...
never tried before
1. Prepoo-for my prepoos I usually use a cheap cholesteral like lutrasilk or silk elements and mix it with honey and evoo.

2. Cowashes-I use cheap conditioners like Suave or VO5 I love Suave tropical coconut and citrus smoothie. From VO5 strawberries and cream. I dont add anything to these conditioners just use them straight.
1. PRE-POO...
Moisturizing/Cheapie-Moisturizing or light protein
Your Brand-Lustrasilk Shea Butter or Olive Oil cholesteral mixed with other random conditioners and oilve oil. I use a pre-poo as a DT.

2. CO-WASH...
Your Brand-V05 Tea Therapy, Silky Experiences, Kiwi & Lime. I follow the washing step with a moisturizing conditioner for the conditioning step.
I picked con moisturising but I do pree poos often as well but the con wash is the stunner.

Con wash -I mix 3-4 moisturising cons choleseral, Motions Cpr, Silicon mix etc, what ever is on hand, with glycerine and castor. Add to DRY hair then under the dryer 1 hr or over night.:eek: Shocking moisture.

Pree poo - Coconut milk and oils on dry hair. Then wash.
NappyParadise said:
What is the Purpose of a Pre-Poo? I might need to start doing that, LOL!!!!
When I prepoo my hair is typically more moisturized after the final rinse of the shampoo. I also notice less hairs in the sink and on my hands. Its a very noticeable difference too.
Okay! so this is something that you do before you Shampoo? or can you do this before your Conditioner wash? Or is it just a Personal preference?

Thank you so much! By the way ONAHairQuest your hair is just Gawgesss!!! I am so Jealous LOL!!!!!
Thanks lady. :)

I apply Lekair Cholesterol Plus on dry hair and do it for AT LEAST an hour. Before my major (with shampoo) washings twice weekly. Im not a cowasher at all.
I don't really co wash. I have only done it once in recent memory. I do like to pre-poo however.

Pre-poo- aubrey organics conditioners, oils (olive, coconut; I have alma but I have only pre-pooed my sister with it. Her hair came out awesome though), ors mayo, any cholesterol conditioner.
I don't pre-poo...tried it a couple of times and it's not for me.

For my cowashes I use suave conditioner(milk and honey) and I mix it with my peppermint essential oil.
OnAHairQuest said:
Thanks lady. :)

I apply Lekair Cholesterol Plus on dry hair and do it for AT LEAST an hour. Before my major (with shampoo) washings twice weekly. Im not a cowasher at all.

I'm just learning actually how to do a prepoo..I would just apply conditioner. Last week I did conditioner and olive oil and left it on for a few hours and my hair was so soft.
I don't pre-poo... I also don't deep condition my hair.

I co-wash with Aussie Moist right now.... I used to use V05 Tea Tree Therapy...they are both awesome conditioners!!!
Pre-poo: Suave milk and honey mixed with a little honey and coconut oil

Co-wash: Suave milk and honey or Suave coconut.
I pre-poo with LeKair Cholesterol Plus, a Lustrasilk Cholesterol or one of my million other conditioners I have on hand.

I don't co-wash.
For pre-poo -- I usually use an oil like Ojon Revitalizing Treatment or coconut oil or a mix of oils that includes castor oil, EVOO, jojoba oil and rosemary oil.

For co-washes -- Terax Crema
I will use amla or EVOO mixed with CPR, Affirm 5n1, Jason Henna Lites, AO GPB

I will use Garnier Length and Strenth, VO5 Tea Tree, Tresemme Remoisture, HE Hello Hydration, AO Honeysuckle Rose
I pre-poo twice a month: once with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose as a moisturing treatment & once a month with Aubrey Organics GPB as a protein treatment

I mix them with Organic Virgin Coconut Oil & Organic Honey. I have just tried it with Jamaican Black Castor Oil in place of the VCO and that was good too.

I co-wash with diluted Aubrey Organics White Camelia Conditioner. I dilute it as I wear my hair in cornrows
1. Prepoo-for my prepoos I usually use a cheap cholesteral like lutrasilk or silk elements and mix it with honey and evoo.

2. Cowashes-I use cheap conditioners like Suave or VO5 I love Suave tropical coconut and citrus smoothie. From VO5 strawberries and cream. I dont add anything to these conditioners just use them straight.

This is what I do :yep:
Pre-poo: Suave or White Rain Tropical Coconut, with Hot 6 Oil, Proclaim Natural 7 Oil or Proclaim Aloe Hot Oil.

Co-wash: I'm just getting into these. I've done them successfully using Suave or White Rain Tropical Coconut, Nexxus Humectress and Sallys Generic Nexxus Humectress. I'll be trying Suave Humectant Conditioner tomorrow. I also have Tresemme Remoisturize on my list too.

Wednesday, I did an unsuccessful co-wash with L'Oreal Vive Pro Smooth Intense. It was like glue in my hair.
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I rotate--not really consistent with what I use for pre-poos and co-washes,but here's my list of conditioners that I use for either...v05 strawberries and cream, v05 tea therapy, suave green apple, suave clarifying conditioner...