CON Shampoo daily?


New Member
I know all about the build-up that CON can cause, but how often can it be used (per week) without causing any damage to the hair? It makes my hair feel so good so I never follow-up with a conditioner... but it is still a shampoo. :ohwell:

What do you all think? It wont replace my condition washes completely, but I'd like to know whether or not it is a viable alternative. :)
Hey, goldensensation, I believe that within the catagory of extremely moisturizing shampoos ( like Breakthru, CON, Elasta Qp Creme Moisturizing, Elucence....) without much cleansing properties are equal to conditioner washes even though they're shampoos. Sometimes I like to clean with Breakthru and skip conditoning since I don't need to afterwards usually. Breakthru is very similar to CON minus the film and buildup.
Anyway, I'd use CON only 2-3 times a week between normal washings and not on consecutive days. HTHS.
After doing conditioner washes for months, I fell in love with VO5 conditioners and promptly forgot all about my beloved CON. However, as I am now re-evaluating my regimen, I have since been reunited with my darling CON and I wonder, "Why'd the heck did I ever stop using this?" :scratchch

I just got distracted with the whole hoopla of conditioner washes. But for me personally, there is absolutely no comparison to washing with CON vs. anything else. That said, I use mine once a week and I alternate with NTM Cream Lather for my 2nd shampoo of the week and I have never had a problem with build up this way. HTH ;)

ETA: I think if you used CON more than 2-3x a week, you might get build-up though.
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There was one time when I washed my hair with CON Shampoo for one week. I liked how easy it was to detangle. But I got tired of doing it. Plus, my hair doesn't like to be washed very often.
Priestess said:
After doing conditioner washes for months, I fell in love with VO5 conditioners and promptly forgot all about my beloved CON. However, as I am now re-evaluating my regimen, I have since been reunited with my darling CON and I wonder, "Why'd the heck did I ever stop using this?" :scratchch

I just got distracted with the whole hoopla of conditioner washes. But for me personally, there is absolutely no comparison to washing with CON vs. anything else. That said, I use mine once a week and I alternate with NTM Cream Lather for my 2nd shampoo of the week and I have never had a problem with build up this way. HTH ;)

ETA: I think if you used CON more than 2-3x a week, you might get build-up though.

Yep more than 2 or three times and things might get gunky....