Complaint about Google Ads

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Admin (November 2020 Photo)
Staff member
The google ads offset the cost of the site, otherwise I would not be able to offer the forum to you at the rate you are paying OR possibly even offer this forum to you at all. It takes alot of time, money and resources to offer this forum to you. If many of you do decide to use the ad block feature, it will affect this sites services, cost, features and availability.

To answer the comment about the thread being removed - as posted in the forum rules - duplicate threads are removed. Since I have answered this question in previous thread, which is still up here, I removed the duplicates. Dak started a thread 2 weeks ago called "Google Ads" and I answered her question there. I will leave this thread for a while, as this is the 2nd thread on the subject.

I was able to filter the ad for clothing ad that some people found offensive - so you should not see that particular ad anymore. Any complaints about google ad content, should be directed to me personally, by clicking the contact us link above.
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