
Ms Red

Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

Generally, how often do you speak to your boyfriend/significant other/husband on the phone? (With text in there here and there, I suppose)...

If you don't see each other every day (Long distance, schedules, etc.), how have you improved communication? I believe lack of comm. can lead to taking the other for granted...

my bf and I usually speak about 2x a day, text in the morning/ early afternoon and call at night...he likes to talk on the phone, so he calls me randomly at time to talk about nothing lol i hate it! but i think its cute

We're both in school, pharmacy and nursing so during the week we usually dont see each other. Friday-Sunday we usually spend together. To improve communication, if one of us feels a certain way about something, they say it, right then and there; so emotions dont get built up and just explode. I feel as though thats how majority of arguements starts because persons dont say how they feel when they felt it and then its just a pile of little problems that never got dealt with..
Hi ladies,

Generally, how often do you speak to your boyfriend/significant other/husband on the phone? (With text in there here and there, I suppose)...

If you don't see each other every day (Long distance, schedules, etc.), how have you improved communication? I believe lack of comm. can lead to taking the other for granted...


I agree ....

I speak to my SO daily, and I'll send him a txt/ email sometimes throughout the day. But I won't say we talk a lot throughout the day really. Our calls are pretty quick for the most part.
My long distance SO and I talk several times a day we've spoke 3 times so far today and will probably speak 4-5 more times. Our overall daily convos are satisfying :o)
We talk ALL day long. If he's out and about he calls to check on me and to tell me he's safe. We'll text, send pics, poke each other on Facebook, and call for randomness.
maybe it is not how often you communicate but what you communicate about...

This is the key!!! DH and I used to pride ourselves on our ability to communicate and have no built up issues.

DH is currently deployed but has the ability to call me whenever he wants. We were having issues because he would call and talk about nothing ALL of the time. Now before anyone gets the wrong idea. He really can call anytime he wants.

He would call while I was working, when he should have been working, while I was asleep, while I was trying to get the kids out of the house for school; it was hella frustrating. Not that he was calling but that we weren't saying anything, nothing new, nothing different, nothing important. It finally got to the point that he would complain that I was tense when he called.

I had to explain that the quantity of the calls means nothing if there is no quality. My BF said I was being a jerk but I promise, it was poor communication and it was driving a wedge between us.
This was the issue!! Thank you for expressing in words what I couldn't.

In the beginning, we called constantly all of the time, just for nothing, just to say hello. But the quality was lacking.... Now as we near a year, it's normal for us to talk one the phone once a day... but the conversation is so FULFILLING. What a difference it makes, IMO.

This is the key!!! DH and I used to pride ourselves on our ability to communicate and have no built up issues.

DH is currently deployed but has the ability to call me whenever he wants. We were having issues because he would call and talk about nothing ALL of the time. Now before anyone gets the wrong idea. He really can call anytime he wants.

He would call while I was working, when he should have been working, while I was asleep, while I was trying to get the kids out of the house for school; it was hella frustrating. Not that he was calling but that we weren't saying anything, nothing new, nothing different, nothing important. It finally got to the point that he would complain that I was tense when he called.

I had to explain that the quantity of the calls means nothing if there is no quality. My BF said I was being a jerk but I promise, it was poor communication and it was driving a wedge between us.
This is the key!!! DH and I used to pride ourselves on our ability to communicate and have no built up issues.

DH is currently deployed but has the ability to call me whenever he wants. We were having issues because he would call and talk about nothing ALL of the time. Now before anyone gets the wrong idea. He really can call anytime he wants.

He would call while I was working, when he should have been working, while I was asleep, while I was trying to get the kids out of the house for school; it was hella frustrating. Not that he was calling but that we weren't saying anything, nothing new, nothing different, nothing important. It finally got to the point that he would complain that I was tense when he called.

I had to explain that the quantity of the calls means nothing if there is no quality. My BF said I was being a jerk but I promise, it was poor communication and it was driving a wedge between us.

I can relate to your husband. When I call someone I at times do not have anything meaningful to say. I just want to wallow in the persons company or be able to speak to them. Remember he is in a tough situation, at least you get to speak to him. I had to wait a year for one friend and two years for another. You are truly blessed, not to say you are a complainer.
My hubby calls me like 8x per day. He is always calling or texting me. It has always been this way, I don't mind it. People always said it would stop as the relationship progeessed well it hasn't 10 years and 2 kids later.
my hunny and i talk almost everyday on yahoo. he is deployed right now. sometimes depending on the mission and his day we may not talk. Sometimes we actually talk on the phone or i may call his computer. We talk for HOURS. I love he so.