Comments from DH/SO/Fam Members about our products, LHCF, regimen, etc.


Well-Known Member
This is actually a spin off from "Why do you do all that stuff to your hair?" It was so hilarious I thought it was be a daily laugh for all of us members.

What comments does your hubby, significant other of family members make about your product stash, haircare regimen, new purchases, etc.?

- My hubby hides and tells my family that I avoid their calls because I'm either doing my hair or on the computer with LHCF.

- He constantly asks, "How much shampoo do you need for yo hair?"

- When I tell him we need to go shopping he replies, "Let me guess, you need a new tub of conditioner."

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Hubby comments:
~How long are you going to be?
~You left some hair in the sink
~You doing your hair again?

Family members:
~Isn't washing your hair every week to much?
~Can't wear my hair in a protective style all the time!
~You don't grease your scalp?
Mom and sis have asked "what's that smell?"
Me: "My Indian powders"
Mom: "Wow, it stinks. Are you trying to hurt us" (she can be very


Mom: "Didn't you just wash your hair a few days ago <insert a my daughter is out of her mind pic here>"

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My cousin just blows her hot *** breath and rolls her eyes when I mention hair..... and yet she never noticed that I big chopped twice in two years and still have hair longer than hers has ever been in her whole life... smh.....
as i said before and i will say again... i just dont say anything because the "others" will just never understand.
Then this trick got the nerve to tell me she will never go natural because it doesnt "appeal" to her....:perplexed

Any wayz i'm ranting but whatever...
My dh is now supportive of my hair and hair boards because he noticed that my hair is growing.

However, I always get : you wash your hair too much it is going to fall out, don't wear your hair wet you will get sick, black women cannot wash there hair two times a week, you should not wet your hair everday with water, I could never wear my hair like yours, and are you ever going to wear braids, a weave or a wig again.

I wonder what people will say about my hair care practices when my hair is BSL by the end of this year or early next year.
DH still thinks I do my hair too much.. He said "I thought you wasn't supposed to manipulate it so much" :lachen:; then I said "I don't even do it that much". he thinks washing it once a week and moisturizing throughout the week is doing "too much". LOL. He also get tired of my lil length checks.
my SO/bestfriend always says so what did you do to your hair today?

my SO always says "stop calling it a damn hair JOURNEY. its not a damn journey"

lol he cracks me up.
my dh told me today i look like "Roots The Next Generation"!
people laugh at me because i like treating myself to buying hair products for my birthday.
Well my hubby says "oh you got braids again? How long these gonna last? I am tired of your little dreds in the shower!"
I had kinky twist that kept coming out every time I washed.
when I went to organize all my products instead of having them everywhere, my SO walks in and says "what the hell, are you opening a beauty supply store?"

i then proceded to cut my eyes and say "whatever, its not even that much"
My dad was like "you have to many d*** hair products, it's a disgrace...."
My mom is like "what are you doing to your hair? You keep on your hair is going to fall out" Your hair can't grow to your waist.."

I'm whatever......"don't worry about my hair worry about yours!" And life moves on.....
when I went to organize all my products instead of having them everywhere, my SO walks in and says "what the hell, are you opening a beauty supply store?"

i then proceded to cut my eyes and say "whatever, its not even that much"

Anything pass shampoo and conditioner is considered too much.......
My mom was like the mom above but now seeing how my hair has thrived, she is now a believer. She loves it when I use my products on her hair cause now it's softer and longer. She's in braids now on her personal C & G challenge cos i have braids too :D

Most of them usually come around when they see your hair growing.
My mom was like the mom above but now seeing how my hair has thrived, she is now a believer. She loves it when I use my products on her hair cause now it's softer and longer. She's in braids now on her personal C & G challenge cos i have braids too :D

Most of them usually come around when they see your hair growing.

u are so right! mom & sis went from asking me ''why do i do so much?'' asking me what they can use on their own hair to achieve what i have.....*devil laugh*....only a matter of time
My DH swears he is going to pop positive on the random drug testing they do at his job when I pull out my ayurvedic powders.

He is now asking me if I can receive channels they way I have my twists on top of my head and one of those tube wraps on my head at night. :perplexed:yep:

I love me some DH but sometimes I just can't stand him. Ya know! :)
ny hubby is quite supportive and was just complimenting me the other day that he's noticed a difference in my hair and length... bless his heart, but here are some of our comedic moments / random comments...

hubby-- "your're on there again????" (meaning me on my hair boards)-- "you gon be on there the rest of the night?":lachen:
***me thinkin... YAH, if you'll stop bothering me:rolleyes::lachen:

hubby: "ain't no way there's that much to talk about with hair"

several weeks ago, I WAS GETTING READY TO DO MY TEA TREATMENT... I MADE THE TEA, LET IT COOL AND GOT READY TO GET MY SCURL BOTTLE OUT FOR APPLICATION... MEANWHILE, MY HONEY IS GETTING IN THE SHOWER.... I START UNSCREWING THE TOP (on the scurl)AND GRAB MY TEA CUP... HE SHOUTS OUT "Noooo, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" AND STARTS SHAKING HIS HEAD:nono: -- like "no baby, don't do it!!!... I'M LIKE, "GETTING READY TO PUT THE TEA IN MY HAIR!" he then says "OH, i thought you were about to put that (scurl) in your tea and drink it" i was like "NO, why would I do that?" he was like " I dont know... i was thinkin you read u should add scurl to your drink... " then in a high pitch voice gon say "girrrrrl, i read if you add scurl to your tea, ur hair will grow even faster" i just had to laugh:lachen::lachen: & share with yall...

i recently purchased a pumice to try and scrub my standup shower, so i was showing my hubby... he's all: "those stains are all from you pouring coffee and tea all in your head..." (that and cassia) good thing he hasn't seen me with the cassia in, he'd surely think i've lost it then... lol
Well, my family only says something when I try to discuss/rant about my hair with them. I feel it's my hobby, and I should be able to talk about it with whomever I want.

Today, my mom was saying, "All I do is wash my hair, and it's past shoulder" and telling me I think about my hair too much, blah blah blah. I think she was trying to hint that I do too much to my hair but all I do is wash and condition too... so um... lol.

Now, I live with my grandmother, and God love her. She has to keep her hair products in her bedroom because I have the bathroom jammed. She gets annoyed when I talk about my hair too.

I know I should stop, but I like being able to share what's on my mind.
My DH only comments on me buying new products. I admit im a product junkie. But now im trying to control it since i found some products that work for me recently.
My dad was like "you have to many d*** hair products, it's a disgrace...."
My mom is like "what are you doing to your hair? You keep on your hair is going to fall out" Your hair can't grow to your waist.."

I'm whatever......"don't worry about my hair worry about yours!" And life moves on.....

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I'm sure this is what my grandmother thinks when she sees me products and offers to "help me get rid of some of them":rolleyes::lachen:

several weeks ago, I WAS GETTING READY TO DO MY TEA TREATMENT... I MADE THE TEA, LET IT COOL AND GOT READY TO GET MY SCURL BOTTLE OUT FOR APPLICATION... MEANWHILE, MY HONEY IS GETTING IN THE SHOWER.... I START UNSCREWING THE TOP (on the scurl)AND GRAB MY TEA CUP... HE SHOUTS OUT "Noooo, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" AND STARTS SHAKING HIS HEAD:nono: -- like "no baby, don't do it!!!... I'M LIKE, "GETTING READY TO PUT THE TEA IN MY HAIR!" he then says "OH, i thought you were about to put that (scurl) in your tea and drink it" i was like "NO, why would I do that?" he was like " I dont know... i was thinkin you read u should add scurl to your drink... " then in a high pitch voice gon say "girrrrrl, i read if you add scurl to your tea, ur hair will grow even faster" i just had to laugh:lachen::lachen: & share with yall...

I was all excited and told my BF that I got my hair to stop shedding by rinsing with tea. He was like "Tea?. What do you mean?" I said that I brewed some tea, you know the tea you drink the the morning, Tetley or whatever, let it cool and poured it over my hair. He said ' What?!!! Why would you do that? Why would you put tea on your hair?" I could hear the panic and disbelief in his voice. I said "uuuhhmmm, to get it to stop shedding and anyway, whatever, we actually drink tea as in ingest it into our bodies so it should be okay to pour on your hair:rolleyes:". Then he paused and said "oooookay...whatever you say."
Then I thought okay, what is considered normal on LHCF and worthy of excitement may cause distress in the outside world so sometimes it's just best to keep it to yourself:lachen:
My boyfriend, everytime he visits...he's in med school in another state a couple hours away drive...says let me guess for a million dollars what site you're on. Sometimes he'll sigh and . say, "more products, eh?"'s not even like I'm ordering more just the same ones when I run out. Instead of explaining I say "I could just stop using them and let my hair fall out and get unhealthy looking." To which he's like "noooo" and that stops it pretty much. I know I'd never do it but it's funny to see him quickly switch gears.
I always hanging out with my guy friends in the neighborhood and a lot of the time I have some sort of treatment in my hair under a shower cap. One day one of the guys was like "I know your hair is really strong." and I was like "Really? Why do you say that?" thinking he was going to say it looked really healthy or shiny or something nice. He said "Because you give your hair full meals and stuff." :lachen:
My SO says these quite often:
"Can you do my hair?"
"....I trust you 'cause you know a lot about hair"

Did I mention he is BSL(but doesn't wear a bra:lachen:) and I'm only SL at the most:rolleyes:??????