Come on, let's talk about whateva

dlewis said:
:lachen: That's a positive way to look at it. Every year I get depressed when it time to pay taxes. Dh always say, "just be thankful we have the money to pay taxes" and I'm looking at him like :perplexed:perplexed

I know how you feel. Uncle Sam ain't my uncle!
Hey everyone,

Right now I have a calm over me like I'm at peace even though here at work my name is trying to be put though the mud I have a peace around me that says "you have no worries. Keep doing you, and I will do the rest" It is almost like a " I'm bored" feeling but at the same time I can exhale. I have my music playing thanks to RR. She posted a while back about a radio station online that you can choose the type of music called Pandora and I have old school gospel playing. Songs like " I can't Complain", God is My All and all.
Hey everyone,

Right now I have a calm over me like I'm at peace even though here at work my name is trying to be put though the mud I have a peace around me that says "you have no worries. Keep doing you, and I will do the rest" It is almost like a " I'm bored" feeling but at the same time I can exhale. I have my music playing thanks to RR. She posted a while back about a radio station online that you can choose the type of music called Pandora and I have old school gospel playing. Songs like " I can't Complain", God is My All and all.

I'm sorry to hear you are going through that but it will be ok, God's got you. I've been through that and in the end you'll be much stronger.

How is school coming?
School is going. I'm enjoying it, it is a challenge but I look forward to going. I'm taking 2 classes. One is Intro to the Legal System. I had a test on Monday and all I can say is thank God it was open book because if I wasn't I could see a "F" easy. I get the test back next monday and I am hoping for a "A" but I will take a "B"

As for my other class - English Comp is mostly writing. I had a 5 paragraph essay to do, got that back and she allowed us to rewrite it for a "A". All of our work lead up to a reasearch paper that will be do in May and I have no idea on what I want to write about.

Any suggestions for my research paper.
It’s been 15 weeks since my last relaxer and I’m getting my hair done on Friday. YAY!!!!!

My husband and I are going out on a date Saturday night. YAY!!!

My husband and I took off from work this Friday to run some errands. I’m looking forward to some alone time with him even if we are running errands.

I slept pretty good last night.

Saw my reflection this morning and thought, “I’m not bad looking.” ;-)

My manager smiled at me today.

Friday is pay day. YAY!!!!

My baby gave me a kiss and a hug this morning.

Got a bad grade of my test in patho, so I’m seriously considering dropping the class. A dropped course will look a lot better than a D or F on my transcript.

I wish I’d gotten better grades in undergrad.

I feel like I’m stuck in my career.

It’s raining here. YAY!!!! We desperately need the rain.
Hey KLB…thanks for that warm welcome :hug2:

With valentines day being tomorrow and seeing all the couples celebrating tugs at my longing for a husband a lil. But I like the song says “So I’ll say thank you Lord, I won’t complain”. :yep:

I know girl....I know. Times like this I daydream about Boo.:love2: Sometimes I dream about him at night time too.:look:

I hate when I write a check to someone and they take FOREVER to cash it!! :wallbash: They must not want their money . . .

Oh, I'm sorry. This is not a pet peeves thread is it? :grin:

I want it.:look:

40,00 checks! Looks like you'll be waiting a while . . .

I bet your property tax money could buy a LOT of hair products :yep:

What happens when you know that person might not be with Jesus? I had a friend die 2 months ago and I keep having these awful dreams about him in hell.

I guess we just move on. Nothing that can be done about it now.:sad:
I wonder too about persons that I've known who didn't appear to love the Lord...

But Lady D, I have great peace in knowing this. We never know what was on their hearts before they took their 'last breath'. Some people 'know' whenit's their time, for the Holy Spirit has been dealing with them to come to the Lord. And I believe that many 'do' receive Jesus before they 'leave'.

:grouphug2: For you....Lady D.
School is going. I'm enjoying it, it is a challenge but I look forward to going. I'm taking 2 classes. One is Intro to the Legal System. I had a test on Monday and all I can say is thank God it was open book because if I wasn't I could see a "F" easy. I get the test back next monday and I am hoping for a "A" but I will take a "B"

As for my other class - English Comp is mostly writing. I had a 5 paragraph essay to do, got that back and she allowed us to rewrite it for a "A". All of our work lead up to a reasearch paper that will be do in May and I have no idea on what I want to write about.

Any suggestions for my research paper.
What you decide for your paper, it will be awesome, for you have the gift of wisdom and the mind of Christ with His heartbeat.... :grouphug2:
My husband and I are going out on a date Saturday night. YAY!!!

My husband and I took off from work this Friday to run some errands. I’m looking forward to some alone time with him even if we are running errands.

I feel like I’m stuck in my career.

Aww that's too sweet! I love to hear about couples looking forward to spending time together.

Your not stuck in your career. You have free will which means you have options.:yep:
Aww that's too sweet! I love to hear about couples looking forward to spending time together.

Your not stuck in your career. You have free will which means you have options.:yep:

Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy. ;-)

You're right...I'm not stuck. I'm just not sure what all my options are yet.

What goes with sage green and chocolate? I'm thinking about redoing my oldest daughter's room this summer and I need another color that goes with sage green and chocolate.
How dumb is this:

As some of your know right now we live in public low income housing because my dh is on disability. We knew that this year we would have to move because of the little raise that I have at work and his little raise on disability they are raising our rent almost double. That is crazy enough but now we have another bigger situation.

My dh should had been a spy in other life. He can see a drug deal for about a mile around. He goes looking out the window, taking license plates down and at the right time letting the police know who is doing what and when. Ok that's not bad right. So the other week my next door neighbor's man was in the house when his PO showed up. They didn't answer the door. DH called the poo poo and tells them that he was in the house hiding. The poo poo then tells old boy's PO this information. The PO comes back the other day and tells old boy that someone reported that he was home. After PO leaves old boy comes next door ringing our door bell asking dh if it was him.

Now I don't know who to be madder at. DH for spying even though I know that he is trying to do his part in cleaning up the neighbor or the PO for being so stupid as to tell the man that someone is telling on him.

Welcome to my world!!!!
Hey, Ladies! I haven't read the entire thread but it's a nice change. Encouraging and edifying each other is what this Christian walk is all about. :yep: But I can't stay. I'm about to cook some lima beans and corn bread. Besides KLB ain't got no half and half for the coffee and I don't see no peppermint tea anywhurr in this piece. So I'm out!
Hey, Ladies! I haven't read the entire thread but it's a nice change. Encouraging and edifying each other is what this Christian walk is all about. :yep: But I can't stay. I'm about to cook some lima beans and corn bread. Besides KLB ain't got no half and half for the coffee and I don't see no peppermint tea anywhurr in this piece. So I'm out!

grumbling to myself....can't please black folks for nuttin.

**note to self** stop by the store and get some half/half and peppermint tea for this ungrateful pickle head.:rolleyes: (using smilie to be sarcastic):yep:
Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy. ;-)

You're right...I'm not stuck. I'm just not sure what all my options are yet.

What goes with sage green and chocolate? I'm thinking about redoing my oldest daughter's room this summer and I need another color that goes with sage green and chocolate.

Maybe a soft yellow or very, very soft pale orange? (Just visualizing).

And have a wonderful, wonderful date with your husband Saturday night. I wish you the best time ever...with many, many more to come and cherish.

Ooooooo, take pictures. And wear those 'shoes' (ummm we all have a pair of shoes that are 'the ones'.)

Blessings angel, you deserve the very best of everything life has to offer. ....:grouphug2:
How dumb is this:

As some of your know right now we live in public low income housing because my dh is on disability. We knew that this year we would have to move because of the little raise that I have at work and his little raise on disability they are raising our rent almost double. That is crazy enough but now we have another bigger situation.

My dh should had been a spy in other life. He can see a drug deal for about a mile around. He goes looking out the window, taking license plates down and at the right time letting the police know who is doing what and when. Ok that's not bad right. So the other week my next door neighbor's man was in the house when his PO showed up. They didn't answer the door. DH called the poo poo and tells them that he was in the house hiding. The poo poo then tells old boy's PO this information. The PO comes back the other day and tells old boy that someone reported that he was home. After PO leaves old boy comes next door ringing our door bell asking dh if it was him.

Now I don't know who to be madder at. DH for spying even though I know that he is trying to do his part in cleaning up the neighbor or the PO for being so stupid as to tell the man that someone is telling on him.

Welcome to my world!!!!

Wow LadyR that's messed up.:nono:
Hey, Ladies! I haven't read the entire thread but it's a nice change. Encouraging and edifying each other is what this Christian walk is all about. :yep: But I can't stay. I'm about to cook some lima beans and corn bread. Besides KLB ain't got no half and half for the coffee and I don't see no peppermint tea anywhurr in this piece. So I'm out!
I took the last Peppermint tea bag... It was nice.........:yep: I knew you'd be looking for it, so I took care of it for you. :lachen:

J/K....I'll send you a whole new box. :yep:
grumbling to myself....can't please black folks for nuttin.

**note to self** stop by the store and get some half/half and peppermint tea for this ungrateful pickle head.:rolleyes: (using smilie to be sarcastic):yep:
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I took the peppermint tea bag.... Yummie...:yep:
Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy. ;-)

You're right...I'm not stuck. I'm just not sure what all my options are yet.

What goes with sage green and chocolate? I'm thinking about redoing my oldest daughter's room this summer and I need another color that goes with sage green and chocolate.

Think outside the box, the Holy spirit will show you your options.:yep:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I took the peppermint tea bag.... Yummie...:yep:

**gasp** Shimmie! It was you?! You took the peppermint tea?!:shocked:
I wasn't going to talk about this today, but I guess klb is making me....:look:

I was at a funeral today for a young woman I know whose 2 year old baby girl died....:nono:

I am really not feeling tommorrow, since it will be 4 years since the passing of my mom...and I feel sad:nono:

Pray for me, ya'll. I've been crying most of the day.....I really miss her:ohwell:

ETA: sorry, klb...for making your thread sad.
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I wasn't going to talk about this today, but I guess klb is making me....:look:

I was at a funeral today for a young woman I know whose 2 year old baby girl died....:nono:

I am really not feeling tommorrow, since it will be 4 years since the passing of my mom...and I feel sad:nono:

Pray for me, ya'll. I've been crying most of the day.....I really miss her:ohwell:

ETA: sorry, klb...for making your thread sad.
Hey Darlin'... Come here.....:bighug: :kiss:

I'm sorry you are sad. If any word could ever mean more to you then I will say, "I love you precious Wavy; you've always been here for me through good times and bad and also the sad.

Your mom is smiling down upon you from Heaven, and she's so very proud. All she can say to the other saints, and the angels...."That's my babygirl". And with a warm glow in her heart and with reverence, she turns to Jesus and says, "I could never have raised her without you...My Lord...." :heart2:

:kiss: Precious Wavy, how blessed we are to have received the gift of your mother and Jesus through you, for when we see you, we see your mom and most surely we see the love and the heart of Jesus, our Lord.

Amen :rosebud:
I wasn't going to talk about this today, but I guess klb is making me....:look:

I was at a funeral today for a young woman I know whose 2 year old baby girl died....:nono:

I am really not feeling tommorrow, since it will be 4 years since the passing of my mom...and I feel sad:nono:

Pray for me, ya'll. I've been crying most of the day.....I really miss her:ohwell:

ETA: sorry, klb...for making your thread sad.

Don't you dare apologize. We're here to talk about our lives and that includes our emotions rather it's mad, glad, sad or scared.

I felt in my spirit something was wrong with my big sis. I gotchu covered in prayer. I luv you and remember those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.:kiss:
**gasp** Shimmie! It was you?! You took the peppermint tea?!:shocked:

Yeah, it was me, I took the peppermint tea. I ate all of the chocolates too...:yep:.

Ummmm, you didn't know you had chocolates did you? I ate them before you saw them....:rolleyes: Yum!

yummpin, yimminie....:yep:
Don't you dare apologize. We're here to talk about our lives and that includes our emotions rather it's mad, glad, sad or scared.

I felt in my spirit something was wrong with my big sis. I gotchu covered in prayer. I luv you and remember those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.:kiss:
:amen: Amen KLB....this is a beautiful thread for it's a heart talk thread...we share whateva. We're so blessed to have this KLB. For this is how we can share and show we care. :huggle:
Your husband has to be careful. People don't take too kindly to being told on to the police. Especially when the police was dumb enough to mention that he got a tip. I know he wants to clean it up but he has to think of his safety as well. I would tell him to lay off it for a minute.

How dumb is this:

As some of your know right now we live in public low income housing because my dh is on disability. We knew that this year we would have to move because of the little raise that I have at work and his little raise on disability they are raising our rent almost double. That is crazy enough but now we have another bigger situation.

My dh should had been a spy in other life. He can see a drug deal for about a mile around. He goes looking out the window, taking license plates down and at the right time letting the police know who is doing what and when. Ok that's not bad right. So the other week my next door neighbor's man was in the house when his PO showed up. They didn't answer the door. DH called the poo poo and tells them that he was in the house hiding. The poo poo then tells old boy's PO this information. The PO comes back the other day and tells old boy that someone reported that he was home. After PO leaves old boy comes next door ringing our door bell asking dh if it was him.

Now I don't know who to be madder at. DH for spying even though I know that he is trying to do his part in cleaning up the neighbor or the PO for being so stupid as to tell the man that someone is telling on him.

Welcome to my world!!!!
Nice&Wavy I just thought about something. As much as we lean on you for spiritual support (Lord knows I do:look:) and as much as you encourage us in love ain't no way in the world we would deny you of comfort.:hug3:
Hey Darlin'... Come here.....:bighug: :kiss:

I'm sorry you are sad. If any word could ever mean more to you then I will say, "I love you precious Wavy; you've always been here for me through good times and bad and also the sad.

Your mom is smiling down upon you from Heaven, and she's so very proud. All she can say to the other saints, and the angels...."That's my babygirl". And with a warm glow in her heart and with reverence, she turns to Jesus and says, "I could never have raised her without you...My Lord...." :heart2:

:kiss: Precious Wavy, how blessed we are to have received the gift of your mother and Jesus through you, for when we see you, we see your mom and most surely we see the love and the heart of Jesus, our Lord.

Amen :rosebud:

:cry::cry:...thank you so much for your love and support, and for especially saying that my mother is a gift...for that she is!

I appreciate you...thanks again.
Nice&Wavy I just thought about something. As much as we lean on you for spiritual support (Lord knows I do:look:) and as much as you encourage us in love ain't no way in the world we would deny you of comfort.:hug3:
I totally agree. Precious Wavy has a 1000-fold return...

AND I have scripture for that....:yep:

Deutteronomy 1:11

The LORD God of your fathers make you a THOUSAND times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!

Amen....precious Wavy.... for you...1000-fold blessings.
Oh he know now and he is staying low. I was just so surprise that they would tell like that putting people lives in danger and then they wonder why no one speaks up.

Your husband has to be careful. People don't take too kindly to being told on to the police. Especially when the police was dumb enough to mention that he got a tip. I know he wants to clean it up but he has to think of his safety as well. I would tell him to lay off it for a minute.