Come on in and see Mama Coily's progress

Crackers Phinn

Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
My mom came to live with me 2 years ago this April. She has really bad arthritis and can't do much with her hands so I took over her hair care.

When she got here her hair was all kinds of broken and crispy. Lengthwise, I'd say her hair started between 3 and 5 inches long, the breakage was random. She wouldn't let me take pics of her starting point because she thought all the hairboard stuff was nonsense.

She transitioned for about 16 months and then decided she wanted to relax again last July for her 70th birthday.

Anywho, here she is after her touch up on Saturday. Growing up, I never saw her hair get long enough to brush her shoulders. Usually it was at the top of her neck.



Regimen - wash and condition once a week - Mom's hair loves whatever products I put in it. I put leave in and coconut oil on it and let it dry in a bun with the ends tucked under the pibbs. Every other day I'll put in some more leave in and put it back in a bun. She only wears her hair down on the way back from getting her touch ups and for special occaisions I'll rollerset it for her, but she's in buns 90% of the time.
aw, you are a sweet daughter :) i bet momma is proud of you!!

you have done a wonderful job. momma's hair loves keeping it simple ;)
:clap: for JCoily! You are a wonderful daughter chica! :kiss:
Mommy Coily's hair is looking better than those that have been on longer hair journeys.
God bless you and your mom.
What a blessing you are to your mom :yep:!

Her hair looks so beautiful- love her silky gray color!!! Congrats to the both of you, Coily!
That was great how you helped your mom like that! You're such a wonderful daughter. Her hair looks beautiful!
Gorgeous! I love when to 'hear' when a daughter/child loves and cares for her mother/parent!
Thanks for sharing
Oh wow! Your mom's hair is simply awesome. :yep: Very lovely hair. You have done a fantastic job with it. It looks very healthy and well cared for.
Mama's hair looks soooooooo heathy. You have done a wonderful job.
My nana will envy your mom because she's 93 and HAIR CRAZY. She just convinced me to order Nu-Gro for her.:lol: I need to stop showing her this site and youtube videos. Her aint coming back.
aww, that is too sweet. Your mom is blessed to have a daughter like you. I see so many folks that let mamma walk around with Miss Celie plaits. I just think, you could at least do some french braids or twists or heck buy her a wig. Older ladies like to look good too.
Your mother's hair is beautiful! God bless you for helping your mom out like this. What a wonderful daughter!!!
Wow! Look what you've done! And you say 3-5 inches before? I'm amazed! So... what does Mama Coily think of the hair boards now?

Great job! Keep up the great work!:yep:
Awesome progress! I've tried to help my mom out (I've bought all sorts of products for her because she wanted me to help her grow her hair out) but she can't leave the brushes, brown gel, and tight, high buns alone. Her hair is very broken off on the edges and her length has broken off to barely shoulder length now.