Combine Boundless Tresses and Gro Aut?


New Member
Is it possible to use both lines at the same time? Will this make the products not work or work twice as good? What do you think? Thoughts ladies....Im currently using Boundless Tresses but I just ordered the Gro Aut Sample kit. Should I continue using boundless tresses or leave them alone until i finish my Sample Kit?
I combined MN with some Indian growth oils and nothing happened. Don't know if it accelerated my growth more than what I would have received using one or the other.

I would say it's ok, except someone made a post today that BT was causing some burning sensations during the first couple of applications...idk...and another replied they experienced that during the first couple of week, so may want to consider what reaction you could experience using both?
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I would'nt use both:nono: Stick with one and then after a few months try the other one if you want to. I love BT and I'm getting good growth from it( had to throw that in there:grin:) but back to you missy, decide which one you want to use and stick with that product for a couple of months and then switch. I would not use both of them together because if you have a bad reaction you would not know which one is the culprit and besides you want to know which one is contributing to your growth.HTH

ETA: I have been Bt'ing for a year and have never had any burning sensations but some ladies have reported burning on their scalp. I think that is because their scalp is sensitive to the sulfer and BT contains sulfer. I was reading a thread the other day about Gro Aut Oil and someone mentioned their hair was shedding, while others love Gro Aut and they're not having any bad reactions. So you see, what works for some does not work for others.
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