Color success!


New Member
So I got bored enough tonight to dye my hair with the Clairol Natural Instincts in Rosewood which according to the box is a dark auburn brown. My first fear was that it wouldn't take because of my past experience in temporary color where my hair wouldn't take anything but permanent so I decided to leave the color on for 15 minutes instead of 10 like the instructions said to. My second fear was that the color when mixed is a deep purple. I was like "I hope that my hair doesn't come out purple. If it does, can I die?" LOL I washed the color out and followed with Aussie 3 Minute Miracle (a freakin' godsend reconstructor) and left that on for about 5 minutes with a cap while I washed the rest of me. I followed it with the enclosed aloe vera conditioner from the dye and then used a bit of the St. Ives Vanilla and Edelweiss conditioner mixed with water for scent. My hair is so soft and good smelling that I was actually able to comb without those horrible tangles. I did lose a bit of hair during the rinse out and while rubbing the dye through but nothing to die over.

I'd like to thank Jade21, sassygirl and Tracy for reccomending the wonderful conditioners plus the Hi-Pro-Pac which I used last night. I'm very happy with the non-purple color. It's a dark brown shade which is reddish in the light but since it's in a wet wrap (and strangely slightly puffy) now I'll wait until it's dry to really judge it.
Congrats on your success!
I am sure you look beautiful!
Congrats jazzy... what color is your natural hair?
p.s. I love your lemons joke, everytime i c your name i have to re-read it just for laughs.
Congrats on the hair colour success! I was debating whether to use Natural Insticts and I am glad that you got such good results. I may actually give it a try this summer. What colour is your natural hair colour?
You tried all the "big guns" without success. I'm glad you found some products that work for you! I'm going to dig up my 3-Minute Miracle and try it again. (I've only used it on fully relaxed hair.)
My natural hair color is black (or super duper dark brown in some spots). I'm surprised that it took so well. I was surprised more since I was able to do it myself (I used to go the sylists for dyeing). I'll definitely keep using this brand of dye since I consider it safer than permanent color but I may try another shade when this one washes out.

Sassy, I'm very happy that the products that worked for me are cheapies. Anything less than $5 (except for the dye which was $7 and change) is a good thing.
<font color="purple">I'm so happy that you tried that shade, sweetie. I'm going to mix Nutmeg, a dark brown shade, with Cinnaberry to give my natural hair color a boost. Way to go!!!
Jazzy, You should try and post a pic so we can see your color!!!

My cousin who dyed her hair w/ FERIA got mad when I told her I was interested in Natural Instincts. She was like No!!! It will make your hair too dry!!!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't permanent dye pose a bigger threat than demi-permanent dye?
Permanent dye IS much worse. And Feria is one of the MOST drying...

You do you. Let your friend do her...

Good Luck.
Kamilla, I agree with Tracy. When I had perm dye, my hair literally used to snap from the dryness. That's why I'm scared to do it now.

I don't have a digital camera nor a working scanner so I'll have to wait until i get to a Kinko's or something.
See, I also agree w/ you ladies that permanent is way worse. I am supposed to be getting med. small braids in on Sunday, but in August I will get a touch-up and try some color!!

?- Can I use Natural Instincts on the same day as my relaxer or should I wait a week? Someone help me out!!
According to the dye directions it says to wait one week and one shampoo after a relaxer. Personally I would wait two with a few deep conditioners thrown in for good measure.