Color Didnt Take?!


New Member
Okay, so I tried to dye my hair this morning to get my auburn-dyed ends to match the rest of my dark brown hair. I used Kiss by Express Semi Permanent Hair Color in Dark Warm Brown. See product here (if you need it, the pw is nexxus) I followed the instructions EXACTLY. Left it on 25 minutes NO heat. Rinsed it out, left Porosity Control Conditioner on for 30 seconds, rinsed it out. Yet when I went to the mirror to apply leave in and start rollersetting.. my ends were still AUBURN!

I watched the color process and.. my hair was DARK when I rinsed it out, but now it's not? WTF? So now I'm wondering what in the word my ex-stylist did to my hair when she put this color in there, because it didnt BUDGE. I mean it didnt even get a little bit darker.

So now, I'm mad because I wasted my money.. and because now I have to pay to go my stylist so that she can HOPEFULLY get my ends dark brown.

Has this ever happened to any of you ladies, and do you know why?
Do you think the porosity control could have removed the color?

I have never had this problem though. So I am puzzled as to why you don't have any color. I noticed you mentioned that you didn't use heat, do the directions forbid you to use heat? I find that using heat helps my semi's to take better.
Yeah, the instructions say to leave it in at room temperature.
I dont think the Porosity Control could have removed the color.. it says it can be used after color applications when additional conditioning may be necessary.
you may wanna try a permie color to even things out.

i know hot oil removes semi perm color.

the pc may have had the same effect. b/c it's semi you may not need the pc...

how much of your ends were you trying to do!? measurementwise
A little less than half of the bottom of my hair.. maybe.. 5 inches? I will shave myself bald before I put permanent color in my hair. I know the color that made it auburn wasnt permanent, so why would I need to use permanent to make it darker? I know semis can darken the hair.. I didnt use any hot oil, I'm just at a loss. I really HATE to keep this color on my ends because if it fades any more it will be strawberry blonde which i dont want, and when it grows out some more it will look super retarded. *sigh*

So your stylist highlighted your hair first? Then she applied the semi-permanent?

Maybe you should try a different brand of semi-permanent. Maybe the bottle you bought was old :confused: I am trying to think of reasons why the color didn't take. Maybe you should find out what your stylist put on your hair to get it that color. Also, maybe try a darker brown and see what happens. A good inexpensive brand that works well is Adore (white bottle) I think I paid 3.99 for my bottle.
No my stylist didnt highlight my hair first. What she put on my hair was a rinse, I dont know what kind.. because I dont go to the lady who did it anymore (SHS). I do remember that she rinsed it twice because the first time it was a really bright red and I wanted it darker. Maybe that's why I cant color it? I dont know.. I'm going to call my stylist tomorrow and see what she says.
candibaby said:
A little less than half of the bottom of my hair.. maybe.. 5 inches? I will shave myself bald before I put permanent color in my hair. I know the color that made it auburn wasnt permanent, so why would I need to use permanent to make it darker? I know semis can darken the hair.. I didnt use any hot oil, I'm just at a loss. I really HATE to keep this color on my ends because if it fades any more it will be strawberry blonde which i dont want, and when it grows out some more it will look super retarded. *sigh*
the hot oil thing was just a reference. i didn't assume you put that in. just that maybe the pc had the same effect. the permie thing was just a suggestion for uniform coloring. permie doesn't have to be harsh. most permie color damage comes when going lighter not darker.

so at one point your hair was all the same color and now the ends are different!? am i assuming correctly?

if your ends are getting lighter they may just be REALLY porous--to the point where they don't hold color and need to be cut off. if that is the case i doubt you can really do anything about it. sorry to say.
candibaby said:
No my stylist didnt highlight my hair first. What she put on my hair was a rinse, I dont know what kind.. because I dont go to the lady who did it anymore (SHS). I do remember that she rinsed it twice because the first time it was a really bright red and I wanted it darker. Maybe that's why I cant color it? I dont know.. I'm going to call my stylist tomorrow and see what she says.

If your hair is naturally dark, there is NO WAY that you can go lighter with a rinse. She had to highlight your hair first or add Plus White to it, which would (I think) make it more like a permanent color. I have had my hair the color of your ends and the only way it was achieved was that my stylist highlighted my hair and applied a rinse or semi to it. When the color was wearing off, it would look the color your hair is now. Either way though, your hair should take the semi, UNLESS it is similar to my mother's hair. My mother has to leave any colors she puts on her hair for longer than specified as the color (permanent or semi) does not take in the regular time suggested. You should definitely find out what your stylist applied to your hair.
Also, if you look at my pic in my album (the first one) My hair was highlighted first and then a semi was applied. Although the highlights were old in the pic, if my hair wasn't highlighted first, the color would not be that prominent.
Huggette said:
the hot oil thing was just a reference. i didn't assume you put that in. just that maybe the pc had the same effect. the permie thing was just a suggestion for uniform coloring. permie doesn't have to be harsh. most permie color damage comes when going lighter not darker.

so at one point your hair was all the same color and now the ends are different!? am i assuming correctly?

if your ends are getting lighter they may just be REALLY porous--to the point where they don't hold color and need to be cut off. if that is the case i doubt you can really do anything about it. sorry to say.
Yeah, my hair was originally dark auburn, but some of the color started washing out, so now it's just a regular auburn color. I had the color done almost a year and a half ago, so the color has grown out to the bottom half of my hair.

My ends arent getting lighter, I'm just scared that the color might fade more and it'll be blonde (it went from 33 to 30, next on the color swatch=27/strawberry blonde).
KAddy said:

If your hair is naturally dark, there is NO WAY that you can go lighter with a rinse. She had to highlight your hair first or add Plus White to it, which would (I think) make it more like a permanent color. I have had my hair the color of your ends and the only way it was achieved was that my stylist highlighted my hair and applied a rinse or semi to it. When the color was wearing off, it would look the color your hair is now. Either way though, your hair should take the semi, UNLESS it is similar to my mother's hair. My mother has to leave any colors she puts on her hair for longer than specified as the color (permanent or semi) does not take in the regular time suggested. You should definitely find out what your stylist applied to your hair.
That's why I quit going to her. Besides her scissor happy-ness, I think she lied to me. Because I know that you cant go lighter with a semi-permanent, and the first color was SUPER BRIGHT RED. It wasnt like a dark burgundy, that stuff was like almost orange. I doubt she would tell me now, even if I asked. Even my current stylist was baffled by the fact that it was supposed to be a rinse and never came out.. especially since the only rinses that are known for not always coming out are black ones. Thank you Kaddy and Huggette for your help :)
candibaby said:
I'm just scared that the color might fade more and it'll be blonde (it went from 33 to 30, next on the color swatch=27/strawberry blonde).
:lachen: i'm sure it won't come to that!! well since it's semi that you wanna use. i'd get something DARKER that what you want. but do it all over (if you want uniformity) if not use it on your ends since it will gradually come out anyway. maybe another brand might help too. for instance i don't think you would get the results you want from jazzing but another brand like colorshines might do it.

good luck. i hope your stylist has some helpful insight for you!!
candibaby said:
That's why I quit going to her. Besides her scissor happy-ness, I think she lied to me. Because I know that you cant go lighter with a semi-permanent, and the first color was SUPER BRIGHT RED. It wasnt like a dark burgundy, that stuff was like almost orange. I doubt she would tell me now, even if I asked. Even my current stylist was baffled by the fact that it was supposed to be a rinse and never came out.. especially since the only rinses that are known for not always coming out are black ones. Thank you Kaddy and Huggette for your help :)
Yeah I think your previous stylist lied to you. I remember seeing a stylist dye her hair and she used Plus White so the color would take. She also used a red and it came out like what you are describing SUPER BRIGHT RED. That's the color she wanted though :ohwell: . Are you going to try another time or just leave it to your current stylist to fix? Maybe you could take your color with you and let her use it so your money won't go to waste too much.
The company finally emailed me back and the website if you want to see the colors is I used Dark Warm Brown.

I think I will ask my stylist to use Darkest Brown, I used basically the whole bottle so there's no taking that with me. I'm going to let her do it, today was too frustrating for me to even THINK about coloring my hair again --unless it's CLEAR.

Thinking about my ex-stylist using Plus White on my hair and lying to me about it makes me want to kick her :censored:. She better watch out, especially since she lives right next door.. I am not afraid to throw a brick through the window of her SUV! I'm kidding..
Okay so my hair finally dried and I flat ironed it a little.. the color did take a LITTLE. The auburns a little darker.. more reddish, it still makes absolutely no sense to me, but when it's all down it looks straight brown. You cant tell it's still auburn unless I pull it up into a ponytail.
I'm a licensed cosmetologist for over 12 years...and I can tell you that NO rinse reacts the way you have described...if your natural hair is dark brown or black..and your stylist gave red/auburn ends..and she didn't put you under the was probably a hightlift tint....that does the same thing as powder lightner/bleach...highlift tint deposits color at the same time it blast opens the describe fading ends that have lead me to that conclusion...the remedy...your ends are really porous...either you can deposit a permanent...brown on your ends or you could try applying pigment straight from the tube onto dry hair for 15 minutes...then applying the mixture on top of that...if you still feel unsure...go to a professional!!...personally colorist love clients like you that do home color jobs...because then we can justify charging you's called corrective color,lol....another solution you can call or probably email Clariol..they are very helpful
Thanks Amazon.. but the color ended up being dark enough for me to deal with so I'm not going to worry about it anymore. You can only see the color when my hair is in a ponytail so it doesnt really matter. I'll eventually be cutting off all my relaxed ends anyway so I guess there wasnt really a reason for me to be stressing over this like I was.