College students UNITE


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, school for most of us starts within the next week or two. For some of us, that means that we still stay home, and for others, it means heading out to some distant place :)lol:) to go do it up by ourselves.

I wanted to create this thread because I remember reading one asking 'what did you do to your hair in college" and for many, the answer was "i ruined it."

maybe we can change that. all college students are welcome of course, but I think it's harder for the ones who won't be living at home and therefore won't be able to, say, deep conditoner for 2 whole hours with the shower cap on or something like that.

I think the challenges in college involve:

-PRIMARILY, not having the money and time to do it
-WANTING to look cute, and the pressure
-Being in a place where hair salons aren't everywhere, especially those that cater to afro-textured hair types
-NOT knowing the right things to do
-Being self-conscious and wondering what others will think of you with the hair obsession, lol.
-Dealing with different climates


Maybe we can start posting suggestions:

- if you don't have the time, invest the money, if you don't have the money, invest the time.

for most of us, that's the second part. Of course, we can't forget about our studies and caring more about what the hair is doing, but hey, we STILL have to look good.

-If anyone knows, how would you suggest we combat the hard water in the dorms??? Someone mentioned that we should buy a water filter, or something of that sort... can someone tell me the brand/name please??

College girls, have you set up a regimen for the upcoming months yet?
Do you have essential products that you will use?

Is anyone going to buy certain hair appliances like dryers, flat irons, and such... because with the cold in some states, you can't exactly airdry, you know? don't want hair popsicles:lol:

Hopefully we can use this thread as reference and a support group for us while we're away from home and broke:)
Great Idea, Carlita. I'm actually the one who asked the what did you do to your hair in college. i was a bit let down by the fact that everyone was saying ruined it because i felt that i would do the exact same thing. but, when i really looked at their answers, as cheesy as it sounds it gave me inspiration to really analyze and give it the proper care it deserves.

i'm from texas, and i'm moving to new york. talk about big climate change. so if anyone has some good tips for winter haircare, feel free to post them.

as for the first month, it's all about the braids, baby. my goal is a few inches past brastrap of healthy, thick hair by graduation. What's yours?
True on the hard water. We have a well at home, so I never even considered that.

I'm also moving to an area that has a bit harsher climate than where I am from. Thankfully, I'm a junior this year, so I'm used to it.

My goal is to be 100% natural by graduation in May of 2008. I am falling in love with my texture and I will chop of what is left of my relaxed ends in April of 2008. As far as length, I'm not concerned about that much. I'm more concerned about health. My nape is really growing and I hope it continues to grow.

Some of my tips--cheaper is sometimes better. I love the Suave line and it fits in my budget, particuarly for the sheer amount you get for the price!
whew glad at least someone wants to join.

we're in the same boat though. I'm moving from Miami to Boston. BIIIIG climate change as well. I've honestly never been in anything lower than 50 degrees, and that was just for a couple of hours, so I don't know what I'm going to do with my hair come winter.

My goal is basically to have healthy hair, that STILL LOOKS CUTE, lol, and by the end of the two semesters, I assume I will be pretty close to waist length. I had a cut, nearly 5 inches at the end of may. I went from a few inches from my waist to 2.5 inches above brastrap.

I'm getting a touchup the day before i leave for school, on the 24th, I assume I will be an inch away.

I REALLY want to find some ULTRA MOISTURIZING products that will be good for the harsh cold and the dry heat inside the buildings.

I was thinking of buying caruso rollers OR one of those bonnet hair dryers and regular rollers so that I could do rollersets. I feel like that's what keeps my hair the healthiest, because the hair retains more moisture that way.
I keep wavering on the subject of more expensive products or cheaper ones.

I've tried a lot of things, but I'm really looking for something that reeealllly moisturizes. I mean, I used Nexxus and I liked it for a while, then after a while, I just didn't feel crazy about it.

I bought NTM recently. The shampoo is a bit more moisturizing than the Nexxus Therappe, and I do like the hair mask, but I feel like I should be in love with it, and I don't know if I am. Maybe i'm too picky :look: but I like it though.

I don't think the NTM silk touch leave-in is a great detangler like most people claim. I feel like it's better on dry hair, but it does nothing for me on wet hair.

My biggest thing is finding good leave-in conditioners. I think that they are so important. I LOVED Nexxus Headress, because it's light and it detangled beautifully.

I wouldn't mind paying extra bucks for some products, but I'd have to be sure that I love them and wouldn't feel that i need to try other things...

Things I want to continue using: Nexxus Headress, Rusk Smoother, Motions oil moisturizer, suave clarifying shampoo, Aubrey Organics GPB conditioner.

These are my staples. I need an ultra moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and yet another leave in :)
I also bought my own hair trimming scissors. I figure that I won't have much time or money to go to a salon and i'm going to need to maintain my ends.

I also thought of getting a bonnet hair dryer for deep conditioners and rollersets.

i've never tried rollerseting by myself though...

I'm on my way back to school to. I'm looking for a cheap conditioner for daily cowashes. I want to try the Salon Care Conditioner from Sally's (1 gallon=$8.49) and stick with the Elasta QP for pooing and my maintenance needs. I really want to try all of the popular brands like, Blended Beauty, Curve, etc, but I CANT AFFORD IT! I'm also moving from Texas, but to Indiana. I don't know whats going to happen come winter time.
I have been obsessing over buying a CHI before I leave but I am afraid I will still not be able to get my hair as straight and silky as my stylist! And it costs so much and I want it to be worth it. I spent my first year of college away from home in California...and now Im going to be in the windy city of Chicago, talk about a BIG change in weather! But this time I am probably going to be able to go to a salon, unlike in Cali when I was on my own. But if I had the CHI it would be so great! I am being cheap I guess but I am just very scared. As far as a regimen, depending on if I get my flat-iron, I may change it up. Last year I wore my hair in a wrap and washed/conditioned weekly. I later did co-washes every 3-5 days when I found this site. I may not change my regimen very much. Ill probably get my next relaxer when I go home in November, or else have someone else do it.
:wave: Hellooooooooo everyone!!! I start school on the 28th, so I'll be heading back to Hard Water Nashville in a couple weeks.

I'm trying to have a set regimen/product list to use during the first semester to see how well my hair responds to it. All of that can be found in my fotki.

During my freshman and sophomore year, I actually had lots of time to spend caring for my hair. This year, I'm still gonna spend time on my hair, but not as much as I have been (i.e., washing everday and manipulating too much everyday, trying various things) :). I need to be consistent. I have 2 more years to go, so I wanna see what all I can accomplish with my hair in 2 years...along with that degree :grin:.

I'm so happy that I'm not dependent on direct heat anymore. If I were to leave without my blow-dryer and curling iron, then I believe I'd be okay since I haven't used those 2 items in a long time. I'll still bring those things for those "just in case/emergency" moments. I bought a new Gold 'N Hot hard bonnet dryer from Sally's that I'll be taking up there with me, as well as my Conair soft bonnet dryer.

When it comes to hard water, I just try to clarify more, but not with just ANY clarifying shampoo. It has to be one that both clarifies and removes mineral deposits that come from using hard water. Right now I'm using Elucence Volume Clarifying Shampoo, and I also have Redken's Cleansing Cream. They both get the job done. I've heard that shower filters only remove chlorine from water, not the mineral deposits. I can suggest that the next time you're in Sally's, get the Hard Water Shampoo by Ion to combat the hard water.
I want to get a fitness regimen going while at school. I mean, we do have to take P.E. I was thinking of taking either yoga or cardio kickboxing. With that, I would HAVE to airdry and wash often.

What I REALLY want to do is wash every 5 to 7 days, rollerset and dry, and wear it down half the time, up the rest of the time, and when I have to bun, I'd add really cute accessories.

At night, I would moisturize and tie my hair down with a silk scarf and go to bed. maybe i'd wrap the hair in one way or another or do the mohawk rollerset thingie.

some days, I would do braidouts. When i'm stretching, i'd flat iron my roots with the ceramic flat iron i bought and carry on with my day.
that would be PERFECT... and it seem easy too, huh?

only thing is, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ROLLERSET:(
TSUprincess04 said:
I bought a new Gold 'N Hot hard bonnet dryer from Sally's that I'll be taking up there with me, as well as my Conair soft bonnet dryer.

When it comes to hard water, I just try to clarify more, but not with just ANY clarifying shampoo. It has to be one that both clarifies and removes mineral deposits that come from using hard water. Right now I'm using Elucence Volume Clarifying Shampoo, and I also have Redken's Cleansing Cream. They both get the job done. I've heard that shower filters only remove chlorine from water, not the mineral deposits. I can suggest that the next time you're in Sally's, get the Hard Water Shampoo by Ion to combat the hard water.

so clarifying removes hard water deposits???? i use Suave Clarifying shampoo... would that be good enough?

I also want to get a soft bonnet hair dryer... but i STILL need rollerseting.

oh by the way, your hair looks so GOOD!!! in your siggy. I love those curls
I can't wait to get back to school, but I'm also scared I'm going to mess up my hair when I get there. I'm going to be in my junior year starting next week. I'm from Chicago (which has a REAL winter) and my school is only like 3 hours away, so there isn't that big of a climate change for me.

The first thing that wrecked shop on my hair was the hard water in the showers. The best thing that has worked for me is using a moisturizing clarifying shampoo. The best I've found is ORS Olive Oil Creamy Aloe shampoo. I use it probably twice a week.

Also, I do most of my hair styling at night. I like to do a lot of rollersetting or wet setting with braids or twist at night, because trust me, no one enjoys getting up to do their hair every morning. Plus, you're not rushing if you do it at night, so you can get it to do what you like or change your mind if you want.

As a college student, you learn the art of multitasking, and hair care can be included in that. I always pre-poo or deep condition while I'm typing a paper, and I'm reading when I rollerset. So yes, you can spend time on your hair and still get your studies in.

Most of you are concerned with the climate change and what winter will do to your hair care regimen. If you're not careful, it will definitely wreck it. Winter and indoor heating sucks all moisture out of your hair, so conditioners, and moisturizers need to be your best friends. Deep conditiong and protective styles are a must. Me and most of my frineds usually get braids or weaves to protect the ends. Most of us do the night styling thing, and if we have to use heat to dry, we sit a few feet in front of the heating unit (while studying of course).

As far as being a broke college student, I spend most of the little money I have on things I know will work instead of new things I hope will work. There is a Sally's, CVS, Walgreens, BSS, and a salon within walking distance of my dorm, and most of them let me buy samples (anywhere from 50 cents to $2) before I indulge in the bigger containers. Because I shop in them so often, I usually get a discount or a coupon for a later purchase. The best investment I've made is on a heating cap and a blowdryer with multiple speeds and attachments. I got a cheap Conair flat iron (that I hardly use anymore), because all ceramic flat irons are the same, IMO. I get most of my conditioners from Sally's or CVS and I've never spend more than $4 on a bottle.

With rollersetting, practice makes perfect. I honestly don't know what I'd do with my hair if I didn't know how to rollerset.
CarLiTa said:
so clarifying removes hard water deposits???? i use Suave Clarifying shampoo... would that be good enough?

I also want to get a soft bonnet hair dryer... but i STILL need rollerseting.

oh by the way, your hair looks so GOOD!!! in your siggy. I love those curls

Thanks! :)

About the Suave, I'm not sure about that removing mineral deposits. Try to look for something that claims to do both (clarify and remove minerals). Oh, I forgot...ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo does both! It clarifies and removes calcium build-up. Try that.
I used to rollerset with the small flexirods, but I was always under the dryer. I would love to try a rollerset with different rollers, but Im scared it will come out horrible.
CarLiTa said:
I want to get a fitness regimen going while at school. I mean, we do have to take P.E. I was thinking of taking either yoga or cardio kickboxing. With that, I would HAVE to airdry and wash often.

What I REALLY want to do is wash every 5 to 7 days, rollerset and dry, and wear it down half the time, up the rest of the time, and when I have to bun, I'd add really cute accessories.

At night, I would moisturize and tie my hair down with a silk scarf and go to bed. maybe i'd wrap the hair in one way or another or do the mohawk rollerset thingie.

some days, I would do braidouts. When i'm stretching, i'd flat iron my roots with the ceramic flat iron i bought and carry on with my day.
that would be PERFECT... and it seem easy too, huh?

only thing is, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ROLLERSET:(

CarLiTa, this sounds good. (It sounds a lot like what I do!)

As far as rollersetting, TSU had it right... practice makes perfect. I just bought some magnetic rollers and just started rollersetting. At first, my rollers looked a mess (but my hair came out okay, because I wrapped it. If you want to keep the curls, you may need to perfect the technique first.) But after awhile, my rollersets came out great. It won't take long to get it right. You can also watch some one else rollerset your hair and try to do what they do. That's what I did.

I'll be going into my SENIOR year next week. ( :yay: ) I've been on LHCF since 2004 and I'm still a PJ **hanging my head in shame** You guys have really got me wanting to try ORS Creamy Aloe Poo; I didn't know that it got rid of mineral deposits OR that it was clarifying. But I have to run out of my EQP scalp stimulating shampoo (which claims to purify the scalp of pollutants, excess scalp debris, and styling product buildup - I love this stuff) and my Pantene clarifying shampoo.

I'm just going to keep doing what got me through the first 3 years of college. Rollersetting every week and bunning when it gets close to touch up time, with the occasional twistout and rod set (love those spiral curls!!)

ASU has seriously hard water, but all I do is spray my hair liberally with distilled water when I get out of the shower (before I put anything else on my wet hair). Some say to rinse with distilled water, but it didn't really work for me. It was too cold, I ended up using more water, and I often missed places.

As far as products, I think I'm sticking with NTM and ORS Replenishing Paks, maybe Keraphix and Apoghee for protien, a light oil sheen spray for when I wear my hair out, and EQP Mango Butter and Glaze for when I wear it up.

CarLiTa said:
I also bought my own hair trimming scissors. I figure that I won't have much time or money to go to a salon and i'm going to need to maintain my ends.

I also thought of getting a bonnet hair dryer for deep conditioners and rollersets.

i've never tried rollerseting by myself though...


You don't! You work with it! Girl I have been in school for 5 years now, dealing with that hard calcium driven water.

You have to find a good clarifying poo that decalcifies too. Do I know of one? Nope! a LOT OF LADIES DO THOUGH *CALLS OUT LADIES*

But for me, I shampoo one a week, the first lather being a clarifying lather and cowash once a week.

I must admit I am not into looking cute lately. But I just ordered some cute phonies that I plan on rocking and I am gonna step my game back up!.

Some nice cheap effective products that I use are:
CON shampoo-green bottle
V05 kiwi lime Squeeze shampoo
Keracare Cream hairdress
Kemi Oyl

And that's about it. I have yet to find a decent cheap conditioner. Don't think I will find an effective cheapie either. Some things you just gotta break down and buy salon (IMO)
Suave professional line has a clarifier that claims to work just like the one form rusk sensories. I love it, it was recommended by a lchf lady I cant remember who though.
thanks for the replies, ladies.

so... work with the hard water. maybe I should pick up that creamy aloe shampoo. In fact, my mom used to use it about a year ago, but I didn't know what it does.

I'm actually really thinking of going to Keracare. Other days, I think of just heading to Motions, but I always change my mind. Other days, I think I should try to find even other things... but I don't have the time or money. Not a lot of things are attracting me. I want something CRAZY moisturizing, but not as greasy as CON, which I do have, by the way, for the emergency dry hair days... If only CON wasn't so greasy:ohwell:

I want a shampoo that will make my hair feel light, yet moisturized.
I want a conditioner that melts my hair like butter.
I want leave-in conditioners that are light, but detangle beautifully and smell great. I have a couple.

I actually know what I want, except for the shampoo and conditioner.

I'm going to try rollersetting sometime in the next few days. I will practice one more time before I leave for school. If it's working out ok, I will buy a soft-bonnet hairdryer and some magnetic rollers, when I get to Boston.
Just wanted to say goodluck to everyone!

Luckily I had found this board before I headed to school. I was also lucky that I didnt have to really change my regimen around too much. Dont stress, everything will work out fine! Stay to the basics :)
Well I am excited that this will be my last and final semester as a the hair will be out of focus for the most part....23 credits will have m,e bizzzzyyyy. Hmm but I do plan to continue to do wash n goes and I will be buying more elucence MB since it seemd to really agree with my hair at school :yep: Being in a hick town at school helps from splurging on hair products since they have nothing but VO5 and Suave:lol: The only thing I suggest is if ur going to school in the middle of no mans land....stock up on your staples :yep:
lucky me, i still live at home while going to school! my regime won't change at all except i'll do a lot more airdrying instead of my usual blowdry/flatiron combo. i really gotta hit the books hard since this is my last year.
Ok I finally got the nerve to buy me a CHI and it was "on sale" (yeah right, only $10) cheaper, but since it came with some free CHI Silk Infusion and some CHI spritz (which I probably wont be using) I decided to just go ahead and take it!. I havent used it yet but Im happy I got one now because it will make my hairstyles last longer preventing me from using a lot of heat. :yay: I will still wash my hair once a week and deep condition. My schedule is perfect this semester because I dont have classes Thursday-Sunday so I will have time to do my hair and give it the amount of attention it needs.
I'm soooo glaaaaad
I go to TSU!!!!!
I'm sooo glaaaad
I go to TSU!!!!!
That I go to TSU!!!
Singin Glory Hallelujah!!! (Wooo!)
I'm sooooo glaaad!

(sorry, I just had to throw that in here :lol:)
o0oShamo0o said:
Ok I finally got the nerve to buy me a CHI and it was "on sale" (yeah right, only $10) cheaper, but since it came with some free CHI Silk Infusion and some CHI spritz (which I probably wont be using) I decided to just go ahead and take it!. I havent used it yet but Im happy I got one now because it will make my hairstyles last longer preventing me from using a lot of heat. :yay: I will still wash my hair once a week and deep condition. My schedule is perfect this semester because I dont have classes Thursday-Sunday so I will have time to do my hair and give it the amount of attention it needs.

I love my chi! Let me know how the silk infusion works. Im always looking for new products :)
jaded_faerie said:
I love my chi! Let me know how the silk infusion works. Im always looking for new products :)

No problem? Have you ever used any other kind of serum with it like Biosilk? I heard it works very well, but when I was reading the label it said something about being flammable so I put it back.:confused: I might try it once the silk infusion is gone.
I want the silk infusion!! lol

the last stylist who did my relaxer used it on my hair before blowdrying. that was the only thing she used, and omg... my hair looked SO GOOD! she didn't even have the blowdryer on hot, it was probably on medium. My hair had so much bounce and shine, i couldn't believe it.

sadly, the 12 oz bottle cost $27!!! even on ebay, people are bidding like crazy!
o0oShamo0o said:
No problem? Have you ever used any other kind of serum with it like Biosilk? I heard it works very well, but when I was reading the label it said something about being flammable so I put it back.:confused: I might try it once the silk infusion is gone.

It's the Sd-40 alchol in it's the flammable. Thats tuff is like rubbing alcohol and is very bad for the hair. My hair thinned something horrible from using this. :mad:

I suggest you use the Chi silk infusion. It has the same ingredients in the same order as Biosilk minus the alcohol.
I'm starting grad school in Chicago soon, so I'm thinking about getting a diffuser for the cold months. I also plan to extend my bandana/head scarf collection. I wore them a lot more often during undergrad because some days you just want to cover it up and head on your way while still being coordinated :yep:

I actually expect to have better access to things since I'm moving from a college town to the middle of a big city. I'm so excited! :weird:
Ayeshia said:
Well I am excited that this will be my last and final semester as a the hair will be out of focus for the most part....23 credits will have m,e bizzzzyyyy. Hmm but I do plan to continue to do wash n goes and I will be buying more elucence MB since it seemd to really agree with my hair at school :yep: Being in a hick town at school helps from splurging on hair products since they have nothing but VO5 and Suave:lol: The only thing I suggest is if ur going to school in the middle of no mans land....stock up on your staples :yep:

I know about this!! I go to a very rural school (the nearest WalMart is about 35 mins away and the nearest dollar store is 10-15 mins away, but there are beauty supply stores. They just happen to carry more weave and spritz than conditioners... :look: )